Pitchmarking Functions

o pitchmark
Find pitchmarks in Larynograph (lx) signal.
o pitchmark
Find pitchmarks in Larynograph (lx) signal.
o neg_zero_cross_pick
Find times where waveform cross zero axis in negative direction.
o pm_fill
Produce a set of sensible pitchmarks.
o pm_min_check
Remove pitchmarks which are too close together.

Pitchmarking involves finding some pre-defined pitch related instant for every pitch period in the speech. At present, only functions for analysing laryngograph waveforms are available - the much harder problem of doing this on actual speech has not been attempted.

Alphabetic index Hierarchy of classes

This page is part of the Edinburgh Speech Tools Library documentation
Copyright University of Edinburgh 1997
Contact: speech_tools@cstr.ed.ac.uk