Tilt functions

o default_rfc_params
Fill op with sensible default parameters for RFC analysis
o rfc_analysis
Produce a set of RFC parameterized events given approximate event boundaries and a smoothed F0 contour.
o tilt_analysis
Fill op with sensible default parameters for RFC analysis
o fill_rise_fall_values
Fill op with sensible default parameters for RFC analysis
o rfc_synthesis
Generate an F0 contour given a list RFC events.
o tilt_synthesis
Generate an F0 contour given a list Tilt events.
o tilt_to_rfc
Convert a single set of local tilt parameters to local RFC parameters.
o rfc_to_tilt
Convert a single set of local RFC parameters to local tilt parameters.
o tilt_to_rfc
For each tilt events in ev_tilt, produce a set of RFC parameters.
o rfc_to_tilt
For each tilt events in ev_rfc, produce a set of Tiltparameters.

Functions for: <itemizedlist> <listitem><para>Generating RFC and Tilt parameters from F0 contours</para></listitem> <listitem><para>Converting RFC to Tilt parameters and vice-versa</para></listitem> <listitem><para>Synthesizing F0 contours from RFC and Tilt events</para></listitem> </itemizedlist>

Alphabetic index Hierarchy of classes

This page is part of the Edinburgh Speech Tools Library documentation
Copyright University of Edinburgh 1997
Contact: speech_tools@cstr.ed.ac.uk