In file ../include/sigpr/EST_filter.h:

void lpc_filter_fast

(EST_Track &lpc, EST_Wave & res,
  EST_Wave &sig)

Synthesize a signal from a track of linear prediction coefficients.


Synthesize a signal from a track of linear prediction coefficients. This function takes a set of LP frames and a residual and produces a synthesized signal.

This is functionally equivalent to lpc_filter_1 except it resduces the residual by 0.5 before filtering. Importantly it is about three times faster than lpc_filter_1 but in doing so uses direct C buffers rather than the neat C++ access function. This function should be regarded as temporary and will be deleted after we restructure the low level classes to give better access.

sig - the waveform to be synthesized
lpc - a track of time positioned LP coefficients
res - the input residual waveform

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This page is part of the Edinburgh Speech Tools Library documentation
Copyright University of Edinburgh 1997