The AntiChess program is divided into three major sections:
- stdeq.equ -- global equates
- ref.clu -- startup_up, referee_t: Manages the play of the game
- generic_player.clu -- generic_player_t: Provides a generic interface for human and machine players
- Human_Player.clu -- human_player_t: Provides an interface to a human player
- machine_player.clu -- machine_player: Provides an interface to (and implements) a machine player
- stack.clu -- stack_t: A general-purpose stack abstraction
- string_man.clu -- Various string helper functions
- XGod.equ -- XGod_t equates
- XGod.clu -- XGod_t: The master X interface
- Xboard.clu -- Xboard_t: Handles the display of the AntiChess board itself
- Xbuttons.clu -- Xbuttons_t: Handles the buttons on the right of the screen
- Xcommand.clu -- Xcommand_t: Handles the command area at the bottom of the screen
- Xstatus.clu -- Xstatus_t: Handles the status windows at the top of the screen
- Xprocs.clu -- XInputBox: Handles the user-input dialog boxes
- Xtimer.clu -- Xtimer_t: Timer helper cluster
- three_d_color.clu -- three_d_color_t: Cluster to draw the funky 3-D effects.
- color_array.clu -- color_array_t: An array-like data object, indexed by color_t instead of by integers
- board.clu -- board_t: Represents an AntiChess board and the rules that accompany it
- move.clu -- move_t: Represents a move from one place on an AntiChess board to another
- place.clu -- place_t: Represents a place on an AntiChess board
- piece.clu -- piece_t: Represents a piece on an AntiChess board
- color.clu -- color_t: Represents a piece color