
Underwater Christmas Tree

  Project Name:

    Test and simulation system design solutions for marine subsea system

  Principal Investigator:

    Associate Prof. Yao Baoheng

  Research Assistant:

    Fan Dixia, Shi Jiarui, Yang Yongqian

  Funding Sources:

    "Shanghai JiaoTong University PRP fund" (SJTU PRP)


    Through the study of the equipment, environment, etc of the typical marine subsea system, we want to find the key point of the underwater oil production system, and give a solution for the safe production procedure of such systems(using simulation method).

Knowledge Related:
  • Windows Software Development;
  • Deep Sea Oil and Gas Resource Development Process

DownLoad Demo Files

Related small model:

    This project was done by me in the almost beginning of my college life. And at that time, I was learning about the embedded technology, and to be specific, the singlechip technology. So, out of interest, I, together with other two students, built up a very simple but interesting model that could tell about the linking situation of the pipe and then shut down the sysytem. Here is the 3-D and actual model.

    And the following left pictures shows that we were testing the Flow sensor. And the right pictures is the GUI of our system.


Contact me

Please feel free to contact me: fandixia0703@sjtu.edu.cn