

  Project Name:

    Bionic Robot: Jellyfish

  Co Instructor:

    Prof. Yi Hong

    Fan Dixia

  Pricipal Investigator:

    Xiao Fei, Yang He, Gu Kai, Jin Yaqing

  Funding Sources:

    "Shanghai Undergraduate Scientific and Technological Innovation Project" (SUSTIP)


    About one year ago, I saw two amazing TED conference videos. One is about an ultralight in-door mechanical bird built by an automation company(Go see video on TED conference Website, "A robot that flies like a bird"), and the other is "Strandbeests" created by Dutch sculptor Theo Jansen(Go see video on TED conference Website, "My creations, a new form of life"). I clearly remember what the first speaker described about the flying difference between bird and plane. Bird are very agile, and they do not fly with rotating components, only by flapping their wings. After Team had finished the final model that was powerful ultralight and also it had very good aerodynamic qualities that can allow the "bird" to fly by its own and only by flapping its wings, they conducted some research on it. It showed that its aerodynamic efficiency has risen up from 30 per cent to 80 per cent because of the alteration of the passive torsion to active torsion.

    To be honest, I was so shocked. And also I thought that in nature, the acquatic animals never moves will rotating propeller, and some of them are more agile and faster who can achieve super maneuverability and high effiency, etc., which way overperform the current start-of-art technologies on marine vehicles. So In order to have a better understanding of hydrodynamics and also find out a new way of efficient and effective propulsion, with the experience of my hexapod robot "SunShine", We decided to design this new jellyfish robot.

Knowledge Related:
  • Marine Hydrodynamics;
  • Maneuvering and Control of Underwater Vehicles;
  • Windows Software Development;
  • Circuit Design; Embedded Development;
  • Inventor 3-D Design;
  • Robotics;

Download Jellyfish 3D Movement



Contact me

Please feel free to contact me: fandixia0703@sjtu.edu.cn