Probate Inventory of Alexander Cockburn (1694-1753)

Inventary of the Goods Gear Merchandize and others which Pertained and belonged to the deceased Alexander Cockburn latly Merchant in Banff; who Dyed in the moneth of [blank] one thousand seven hundred and fifty three years -- Given up by Helen Cockburn Sister and Executrix Dative Decerned to the said Deceased Alexander Cockburn, Conform to a Decreet of Executery pronounced thereanent upon the tenth Day of january one thousand seven hundred and fifty four years Under Protestation that the said Executrix Eik as comes to her knowledge, And that She be not further Lyable but according to her intromissions, And that she have Retention in her own hand ass of the Inventary underwriten, of the said Defuncts funeral Expences, Servants fees and other preferable and Privileges Debts, and of the Expences of Inventarying appreciating and rouping the said Defuncts Effects, and of the Expences of Expeding this present Confirmation and the Expence Paid or due to Physicians and Surgeons for attending the Defunct in the time of his Sickness whereof he dyed and of Medicines furnished by them to him at that time, And Generally of all and Sundry other Charges Sums of money and Expences which the said Executrix haith Debursed or Shall Deburse, in reference [to?] or going about the said office of [Execu]tory Any manner of way

In the first under the protestations above written, the said Helen Cockburn Executrix foresaid Gives in grants and Confesses, that there did pertain and belong to the said Deceased Alexander Cockburn her Brother, the time of his Decease afore said, the furniter and Domicells of his dwelling house and other Effects particularly mentioned In ane Inventary and roupe account of the Same herewith produced, Consisting of six pages, Subcribed upon every Page by William Ogilvie Merchant in Banff and John Gordon writter there And which household furniture and other Effects were sold by publick roupe by the said William Ogilvie and John Gordon In vertue of a warrant from the Commissary of Aberdeen, the total amount whereof is fourty Pounds eight Shillings five pence one farthing Sterling money Conform to the said roupe account

At Aberdeen the fifteenth Day of January in the year one thousand seven hundred and fifty four, In presence of Patrick Duff of Premnay Esqr Commissary of Aberdeen

The Commissary foresaid Confirms the before named Helen Cockburn, Executrix Dative Qua nearest of kin to the before named Alexander Cockburn her Brother Deceased, And received James Saunders Surgeon in Banff Cautioner for her, That the goods Gear and Effects aforesaid, shall be forth Comming to all Parties having Interest as accords of the Law, Conform to a Bond of Cautionry Containing a Clause of Releif, upon a Paper apairt, Subcribed by the said James Saunders and Helen Cockburn and bearing Date and Banff the thirty first Day of December last past

Ten pound Scots Court

Patt: Duff

Roup of the Houshold furniture and other Effects which belonged to the deceast Alexander Cockburn Merchant in Banff Rouped and sold At Banff this Fourth day of May JaivijC and fifty three years by William Ogilvie Merchant in Banff and John Gordon Writer there In virtue of a Warrand from the Commissary of Aberdeen direct to them of date the Twenty seventh day of March JaivijC and fifty three Granted in Consequence of an Application made to hem by Helen Cockburn Sister German to the said Defunct, Publick Intimation being made of the said Roup through the Town of Banff As Directed by the said warrand The Articles of Roup are as follows Vizt The Highest bidder is to be preferred And every person puchassing is to pay ready money for the goods purchassed before Carrying off the same Without the Exposers being put to the necessity of granting a Receipt therefore, And all Disputes Areseing among the purchassers and offerors are to be Determined by them

[Subtotals in the following table and the signatures on each page are omitted.]

An Oval Oak Table-610
Six Chairs Black Beach-9-
Six Do-710
Three firr Chairs-21
One Do--9
Another Do--5
An Arm Chair Covered with Green Stuff--7
A Small Ovall firr Table-22
A Small Square Table-29
Two Carpet footstools-9-
A Tree press and Drawer-9-
An Oak Cup board-5-
A Burreau wainscot11-
A Looking glass-7-
A Bed & bedstead wt Green hangings216-
A Check reel--8
A Bellows--6
An old Grate and 4 fire irons-210
A large tea kettle-27
A Smaller Do-13
Three old Prints--6
A Kitchine fir table-4-
An old folding Table--
A fir Arm Chair-1½
A fir Stooll--
Another Do--
A Box Bed and press-129
A Hand Barrow--8
A Kitchine hack--
A Spining little wheell-18
Another Do-3½
A Kettle Pot-111
A larger Pot-36
A Smaller Do--9
An old Brander and girdle--
A large Pan-31
A small one--
Two Cogs 3 caps 1 Ladle & 2 trunchers--5
Two Water Buckets-1
A Malt sheell--3
An Earthen Pig-11
An Anker--5
An Earthen Pig-17
A Crook-1½
A large fir press-17-
A box bed-68
A large Oval Oak table-12-
A large Sea Chest-7-
A Small fir Chest--
Another Do Larger-36
A Carewt 9 Glasses-3-
A Small fir Chest--7
A Small Box-14
A Box wt some old lead-21
One New Hatt-37
another Do-47
A Box wt a parcell of Books-7-
A Small Crane--6
A larger Do-38
Four dry ware casks-14
An old Cask--
A Yarnwills-1
Another Do--
A Bedstead-28
An old Gantries--
A Mustard dish & Bullett--9
Two hand Reels and 1 Elvirse--3
A Bubber--7
A hash Gullie--6
A Mickle wheell--4
A little frying pan-21
A Kitt--3
A Camp Oven-4-
A Say Sive--
An old Baking case & Bakeboord-1-
A Saculate pot-3-
Half a dozen Broth plates-43
Half a dozen Do-26
Another Do-23
Another Do-311
A Broth Ashet-111½
Another Do-15
A flat Ashet--10½
Another Do-1
Another larger Do-2-
Another larger Do-2-
Another Do-46
A Big Brass pan-7-
A Womans Saddle-62
A Small tea Pot--4
Two Do--8
A Pewter Tanker-2½
A Chopin Stoup-21
A Mutchkin stoup--10
A Pair of Brass Candlesticks-26
One Do-1
A Spitt and Raxes-2-
A Quiet Cap mounted wt Silver-3-
One pair Blankets No 1-87
Do No 2-11-
Do No 3-3-
Do No 4-37
Do No 5-4-
Do No 6-8-
Do No 7-73
Do No 8-32
Do No 9-49
Do No 10-71
Do No 11-79
Do No 12-2-
Do No 13-22
Two pieces of Green Stuff at 1sh pr Yard Being 17 yards-17-
A Bed Cover-4-
A Feather Bed110-
A Bolster and 2 pillows-86
Another Bolster and 1 pillow-56
Another Feather Bed-18-
A Bolster & two pillows-4-
A Chaff Bed-42
A Box wt wafers--5
Another Box wt some vial glasses--7
A Dram Bottle--6
A Camp Oven-6-
A Baulk wt Brass shells-5-
Half a firkin Soap-72
A Sett of Brass weights-22
Three dozen of wine Glasses at 2sh and 7d pr dozen-79
Another Baulk and Shells-16
Another Do--8
A Salt Peck--6
Another Do--6
A Half Hogshead-19
Another Do--
Another Do--7
An Ale Anker--8
Another Do--
5 Table knives 9 Forks & 3 Breakfast knives-18
One Canaster-1-
Another Do-1-
Another larger Do-1
Another Do-12
A Pair of Linen Sheets-68
Another Do-76
Another Do-84
Another Do-84
Another Do-59
Another Do-61
Another Do-62
Another Do-67
Another Do-52
Another Do-41
Another Do-4-
Another Do-56
Another Do-56
Another Do-18
A pair of pillow bears-1-
Another Do-1½
Another Do-1½
Another Do-13
Another Do--10
A pair of pillow bears-1½
Another Do-1½
Another Do-1½
A Doz: of Napery & a washing cloath-102
Another Courser Do-86
Another finer Do-51
Another Do-26
Half a Doz: washing napkins-1½
A Doz: of old Table napkins-3-
A Doz: of Table napkins-34
Five washing Cloaths-210
Six Servets-210½
a Table Cloath-33
Another Do-13
Another Do-111
Another Do-311
Another Do-4-
Another Do-31
Another Do-29
Another Do-2
Another Do-110
Another Do-19
Another Do-16
Another Do-110
Another Do-19
A Delf Bowll--2
Another Do--2
Another Do--½
A Chamber Pot--6
A Choppin Mugg--4
Another Mugg--
Another Do--
Another larger Do--
A Bason--4
Another larger Do--
Another Do--
Three plates-14
A Pewter Server-1½
A Horn Spoon--5
Three Goosin Irons-19
A Lanthorn--2
An Old Grater--1
Two Doz: of Mutchkin Bottles at 1/2½ per Dozen-25
three flask Bottles--5
Five Pint Bottles-16
A Pot-1
A Dozen of Cords-13
Another Do-13
Another Do-13
Five Cords--8
A parcell of Black Beads--4
A large Tea Canaster-21
One Do Smaller--4
A Bottle Rack-15
A Baulk and Broads-24
A Bun fatt-11
An old Sadle & Bridle and 3 Spurs-6-
A parcell of weights-34
A Box with a parcell of Wine stone-26
A Small parcell of Cochineal-5-
A parcell of Ginger-1-
A box wt some small Glasses-1-
A Glass Decanter--2
A Shop Chest-4-
Two Casks of Snuff at 4½ pr pd Being 100wt1176
A Tub-15
Four dales-16
A parcell of Thopes-78
Four Doz: Chopin Bolles and an half at 1/7½ per dozen-7
Totall Amount of the Roupp£408

What is Contained on this and the five preceeding pages is the Roup Accott of the household furniture and other effects Belonging to the deceast Alexr Cockburn Mercht in Banff and which amounts to the Sum of Forty pounds eight shillings five pence and one fourth of a peny Sterling and were Rouped and sold by that by the Before designed William Ogilvie & John Gordon in virtue of the Commissarys warrand Before menioned in Testimony therof the saids William Ogilvie and John Gordon have subscribed this and the five preceeding pages

John Gordon
Willm Ogilvie

content last revised 11 Nov 2011