Descendants of William Sanders, Minister of Bellie, and his Brother John Sanders, Minister of Nairn
- John SANDERS, b. 1598, m1. unknown (d.s.p.), m2. HENDERSON (a widow, d.s.p.), m3. Anna DUNBAR. Educated at the
University of St. Andrews (M.A., 1611). Minister of
Nairn, Nairnshire, by 1616 and until at least
1 Oct 1637. [ref. 59]
- William SANDERS, b. ca. 1630, m. Margaret FALCONER, d. 13 May 1670, bur. under the pulpit at
Birnie, Morayshire. Educated at
King's College, Aberdeen (M.A., 1650). Schoolmaster of Forres, Morayshire, 1650-3. Tutor at Struthers in Kinloss,
Morayshire. Licensed as a minister in 1659 and installed as minister of Birnie on 12 Nov 1663. Held a mortgage on land at
Balnageith (in Forres) until 1666. [ref. 59]
- William SANDERS. A writer in Elgin, Morayshire. Served heir to his father on 14 Jan 1687. [ref. 59]
- John SANDERS. [ref. 59]
- Margaret SANDERS, m. John LAING. John was a merchant in Elgin. [ref. 59]
- Katherine SANDERS, d. young. [ref. 59]
- Anna SANDERS. [ref. 59]
- Elspet SANDERS, d. young. [ref. 59]
- Beatrix SANDERS, m. by 1660 Robert DOUGLAS. Robert was a burgess of Elgin, d. 1685. In 1659, Beatrix or Robert had
sasine over land in Elgin following a contract of wadset with Thomas WARRAND and Jean DOUGLAS. The testament dative and
inventory of Beatrix or Robert were filed in Moray Commissary Court on 24 Apr 1710. [ref. 59,61]
- Anne DOUGLASS. [ref. 61]
- James SANDERS. [ref. 59]
- William SANDERS, m1. by 1627 Margaret DUFF, m2. by 1633 Violet HENDERSONE, d. Sep 1672
supposedly aged 108 (but probably only a little over 90). By 1607,
minister of Bellie (or Fochabers), Banffshire. On 24
Apr 1627 he was censured by the presbytery "for making ane pennie brydell within Strathbogie to his dochter in law, at
quilk were present excommunicate papists to the grieff of all honest Christians." In 1643 he was appointed minister of
Glass, Banffshire, and Skeiralloway (or Alvie),
Inverness-shire, in addition to Bellie. He said he would have intimated the subscribing of the Covenant, but was
prevented from doing so because his pulpit was surrounded by armed men who refused access for preaching until the Marquess
had arrived. He petitioned Parliament that "having a mean benefice which he had received little for eight years," he
might be relieved payment of 300 merks laid on him by the public. This petition was granted on 18 Jul 1649 and he was
recommended by the Assembly to the commissioners for plantation. He was demitted on 26 Mar 1663. [ref. 3a,3c,59]
- Robert SANDERS, m. by 1672 Janet GRANT. Until 1670 Robert held a mortgage on property at
Clunymore, in the parish of
Mortlach, Banffshire. In 1670, he was in Auchindachy,
in the parish of Keith, Banffshire. In 1684 he was in
Cullen, Banffshire. In 1687 he was in
Banff, Banffshire. [ref. 3a,3c]
burgess of Cullen, admitted burgess of Banff. A bailie of Cullen in 1663, 1664, 1670, 1671, and 1678. [ref. 1,3a,3b,3c,3d,27]
- Janet SAUNDERS, m. John GORDON (bailie of Banff). [ref. 1]
- William Fyfe GORDON, d. bef. 1668. [ref. 1]
- Marjory GORDON, d. bef. 1668. [ref. 1]
- Jannet GORDON, chr. 23 Mar 1666 at Banff. [ref. 2a1]
- John GORDON, chr. 28 Sep 1667 at Banff. [ref. 2a1]
- Robert GORDON, chr. 23 Jan 1669 at Banff. [ref. 2a1]
- Mary GORDON, chr. 25 Apr 1670 at Banff. [ref. 2a1]
- Jean GORDON, chr. 1 May 1673 at Banff. [ref. 2a1]
- Anna GORDON, chr. 8 Aug 1674 at Banff. [ref. 2a2]
- Margaret GORDON, chr. 14 Feb 1676 at Banff. [ref. 2a2]
- Elizabeth GORDON, chr. 27 Dec 1677 at Banff. [ref. 2a2]
- Helen GORDON, chr. 6 Feb 1679 at Banff. [ref. 2a2]
- John GORDON, chr. 16 Jul 1681 at Banff. [ref. 2a2]
- George GORDON, chr. 8 Jan 1683 at Banff. [ref. 2a2]
- Robert SAUNDERS or ALEXANDER, m. 20 Oct 1671 Jean STUART,
d. 2 Apr 1720 at Banff. Burgess of Banff by 1670. Dean of guild of Banff in 1672 and 1677. In 1675, a merchant in Banff.
Admitted heir of his maternal grandfather, 18 Apr 1676. A bailie of Banff before 1679 and in 1680, 1681, 1683, 1684, 1686,
1689, 1690, and 1696. On 18 Nov 1701, granted "the Lands of Cluny and others" to his son Robert, on condition (perhaps
among other conditions) that Robert junior pay 2000 merks (just over £111 sterling) to his brother David as his
"portion natural" upon Robert senior's death. (Cluny or Clunie is in the parish of Marnoch, formerly Aberchirder.)
Provost of Banff, 1705-1708. In 1719, a witness at the baptism of his grandson David (son of his son David). In 1754
(posth.) "late of Clunie". [ref. 1,2a,3a,3b,3d,6c]
- Valter ALEXANDER, chr. 3 Oct 1672 at Banff, d. by 1701. [ref. 2a1,6c]
- John SANDERS, chr. 10 Jan 1674 at Banff, d. by 1701. [ref. 2a,2a1,6c]
- Janet SANDERS, chr. 28 Jan 1675 at Banff, m. 1 Aug 1696 at Banff, Alexander WILSON of Littlefield (in the parish of
Marnoch or Aberchirder). Alexander died by 1707, when his will was proved. [ref. 2a,2a1,3a,61]
- Jean WILSONE, chr. 15 Feb 1698 at Banff. [ref. 2a1]
- Robert SAUNDERS, chr. 3 Feb 1677 at Banff, m. Jean INNES (daughter of Robert INNES, writer in
Edinburgh). In 1710 and 1712, a writer in Edinburgh. In 1746, a writer in Edinburgh, 26 years overdue in paying 2000 merks
to his brother David in exchange for land granted to him by their father. (Is this the Robert Saunders of Clunie mentioned
in a sasine dated 22 Jul 1752?) [ref. 1,2a,2a1,3a,3d,6c]
- Robert SANDERS. In 1710, represented his late grandfather as procurator in a land
transaction. [ref. 3d]
- George SANDERS, chr. 5 Oct 1710. [ref. 2a,2a1]
- George SAUNDERS, chr. 12 Mar 1679 at Banff. [ref. 2a,2a1]
- Patrick SAUNDERS, chr. 16 Feb 1680 at Banff. [ref. 2a,2a1]
- Alexander SAUNDERS, chr. 25 Mar 1681 at Banff. [ref. 2a,2a1]
- Marjorie SAUNDERS, chr. 15 Feb 1683 at Banff, probably d. 1725. [ref. 2a,2a1]
- William SANDERS, chr. 21 Jun 1684 at Banff. [ref. 2a,2a1]
- John SANDERS, chr. 28 Jan 1686 at Banff. [ref. 2a,2a1]
- David SAUNDERS, chr. 31 Jan 1689 at Banff, m. Anna
COCKBURN, d. 11 Oct 1719 at Banff. An apothecary in Banff. Burgess of Banff by 1710.
See transcript
of documents relating to David's will. [ref. 1,2a,2a1,3d]
- James Kenneth SAUNDERS, b. 27 Oct 1717, chr. 28 Oct 1717 at Banff, m. 21 Aug 1742 at Banff,
Bathia LESLIE, d. 28 Nov 1778 at Banff. A surgeon and physician in Banff. Author of "An Account
of the Effects of Electricity in Different Diseases," Medical Commentaries of Edinburgh,
vol. 3. Made his will (see transcript) on 27 Mar 1773,
"being at the present very weak in Body but of sound memory and Judgement." In the 1790s, the article on Banff in The
Statistical Account of Scotland reported that "The late Dr Saunders of this place, a gentleman of enterprising spirit,
established, several years ago, a brick and tile work on his farm, about two miles from the town. It is still carried on
with success, (and on a very extensive plan), by his son. [Which son?] The work possesses great advantages from its local
situation, having the command of a small harbour for the importation of coals, and for exporting part of the produce of the
manufacture. Mr Saunders generally employs eight or nine men, besides an overseer." [ref. 1,2a,2a1,6b,18,45]
William SAUNDERS (1743-1817) -- see below.
- David SAUNDERS, chr. 15 Jun 1745 at Banff. [ref. 1,2a,2a1]
- Patrick SAUNDERS, chr. 16 Sep 1747 at Banff. [ref. 1,2a,2a1]
- James SAUNDERS, chr. 17 Jul 1749 at Banff, d. there 16 Mar 1768. [ref. 1,2a,2a1]
- John SAUNDERS, chr. 8 Sep 1750 at Banff. Admitted honorary burgess of Banff, 12 Apr 1770, "after
the procession of laying the foundation of the new Harbour" (quoted from an unidentified source in the Saunders
Pedigree [ref. 1]). In 1773, a merchant in Banff, wrote and witnessed his father's will. Is this
John Saunders? [ref. 1,2a,2a1,6b]
- George SAUNDERS, b. and chr. 30 Dec 1751 at Banff, d. 29 Aug 1782 at Spithead. In 1773, a Navy midshipman in H.M.
Cutter Alarm, witnessed his father's will. In 1782, a Navy lieutenant in H.M.S. Royal George,
drowned when she famously foundered at anchor. [ref. 1,2a,2a1,6b]
- Anne SAUNDERS, chr. 20 Mar 1753 at Banff, bur. there 13 Feb 1761. [ref. 1,2a,2a1]
- Robert SAUNDERS (1754-1825) -- see below.
- Alexander SAUNDERS, chr. 23 Jun 1756 at Banff, m. 1 Jul 1792 at Banff, Elizabeth MORRISON, d. 22 Jan 1801 at
Banff. (Who were Major and Mrs. BARTLET, who witnessed the baptisms of Alexander's children?) [ref. 1,2a,2a1]
- Robert SAUNDERS, b. 2 Jun 1795, chr. 12 Jun 1795 at Banff, d. 3 Sep 1811 in Jamaica. (Robert's entry is out of
sequence in the baptism register. Was he really born and baptized elsewhere?) [ref. 1,2a,2a1]
- Bathia Cherry SAUNDERS, b. 11 Jul 1797, chr. 20 Jul 1797 at Banff. (Bathia's entry is out of sequence in the baptism
register. Was she really born and baptized elsewhere?) In 1812, erected a monument in Banff churchyard in memory of her
paternal grandfather, her father, and her brother Robert. [ref. 1,2a,2a1]
- William SAUNDERS, b. 5 Jun 1799, chr. 16 Jun 1799 at Banff. [ref. 2a,2a1]
- David Saunders, chr. 12 Nov 1719 at Banff. Probably died young as ref. 1 refers to his brother James Kenneth as
an only son. [ref. 2a,2a1]
- James SANDERS, chr. 28 May 1690 at Banff. [ref. 2a,2a1]
The following may be related to the above (some are probably additional children of Walter SAUNDERS):
- Walter SANDERS, m. Anna BARCLAY. [ref. 2b]
- Walter SANDERS, chr. 4 Oct 1670 at Cullen, m. Elspet THIRD. [ref. 2b]
- John SANDERS, chr. 19 Jul 1705 at Cullen. [ref. 2b]
- Elspet SAUNDERS, m. 20 Nov 1671 at Cullen, William WEIMS or WERNIS. [ref. 2b]
- Anna WERNIS, chr. 5 Jan 1673 at Cullen. [ref. 2b]
- Patrick SAUNDERS, m1. by 1676, m2. 19 Aug 1679 at Banff, Margaret GALLOWAY (chr. May 1661 at Banff, daughter of
William GALLOWAY). In 1680, a bailie of Cullen, witnessed the baptism of Patrick SAUNDERS, son of Robert SAUNDERS,
subsequently provost of Banff and perhaps this Patrick's brother. [ref. 2a,2a1,2b]
- A son, chr. 14 Nov 1676 at Cullen. [ref. 2b]
- Ann SAUNDERS, chr. 6 Sep 1680 at Cullen. [ref. 2b]
- Robert SANDERS, chr. 30 Sep 1687 at Cullen. [ref. 2b]
- Marie SANDERS, chr. 1 Nov 1689 at Cullen. [ref. 2b]
- Janet SANDERS, chr. 31 Dec 1690 at Cullen. [ref. 2b]
- Patrick SANDERS, chr. 27 Feb 1692 at Cullen. [ref. 2b]
- John SANDERS, chr. 17 Nov 1695 at Cullen. [ref. 2b]
- Jean SANDERS, chr. Nov 1697 at Cullen. [ref. 2b]
- James ALEXANDER. [ref. 2a1]
- Elspet AELXANDER, chr. 26 Feb 1654 at Banff. [ref. 2a1]
- George ALEXANDER, chr. 1 Jul 1668 at Banff. [ref. 2a1]
- Alexander ALEXANDER, chr. 17 Dec 1669 at Banff. [ref. 2a1]
- James ALEXANDER, chr. 29 Sep 1672 at Banff. [ref. 2a1]
- John ALEXANDER. [ref. 2a1]
- Isabell ALEXANDER, chr. Oct 1652 at Banff. [ref. 2a1]
- Jeane ALEXANDER, chr. 12 Feb 1654 at Banff. [ref. 2a1]
- Christian ALEXANDER, chr. 18 May 1657 at Banff. [ref. 2a1]
- Isoble ALEXANDER, chr. 28 Jul 1671 at Banff. [ref. 2a1]
- Janet ALEXANDER, m. 14 Mar 1692 at Banff, John ANDERSON. [ref. 2a1]
Descendants of William Saunders
See also a chart of these descendants.
William Saunders, M.D., F.R.S. (1743-1817). (Courtesy of the Royal Society.) |
William SAUNDERS, London physician and medical writer, b. 9 Jul 1743, chr. 10 Jul 1743 at Banff, m1. 5 Jan 1769 at St.
Margaret Lothbury, London, by license from the Bishop of London, Margaret PETRIE (d. 25 Jan 1777 aged 33, second daughter
of William PETRIE, perhaps chr. 2 Feb 1744 at Carter Lane Presbyterian Chapel, Blackfriars, London), m2. 15 Sep 1781
Charity "Cherry" WARD, d. 29 May 1817 at Enfield, Middlesex, bur. 5 Jun 1817 at St.
Andrew, Enfield. At his first marriage in 1769, of St. Mildred Bread Street, London; Margaret was of St. Margaret
Lothbury; the marriage was announced in the Gentleman's Magazine of Jan 1769. Holden's London and Country
Directory for 1811 lists him as Wm. Saunders, M.D., of 36 Russel Square; as Physician Extraordinary, Medical Department,
Prince of Wales's Household; and among the membership of the Royal College of Physicians. (See the transcript of
William's will, other biographical material, and
above for his ancestry and other relatives.) [ref. 1,2a,2a1,2i,2j,2k,2n,28,55]
- James SAUNDERS, b. 11 Sep 1770, d. Jan 1777. [ref. 1]
- Mary SAUNDERS, b. 3 Nov 1773, m. 12 Sep 1817 at St. Andrew, Enfield, her stepmother's nephew
George Henry WARD, d. 6 Mar 1838 at Northwood, Cowes, Isle of Wight. At her marriage
in 1817, of Enfield; George was of Bloomsbury, Middlesex; the witnesses were Robert SAUNDERS (her
father's brother) and Harriet E. SAUNDERS (perhaps Robert's daughter?). [ref. 1,2n]
- George SAUNDERS, b. 25 Sep 1782, chr. 22 Oct 1782 at St. Andrew Undershaft, London, m. 7 Jan 1808 at Calcutta, Anne
RUSSELL (b. 26 Sep 1788, chr. 15 Oct 1788 at St. May the Virgin, Dover, Kent, d. Oct 1849; daughter of Thomas RUSSELL,
merchant, of Dover, and Elizabeth BOYTON), d. 9 Aug 1836 at Ham, France. Appointed to the Bengal Civil Service, 1801;
served from 14 Jul 1802 to Apr 1836. Admitted to
Fort William College, Calcutta, Jul 1803. Appointed
sheriff of Calcutta, 1813. Appointed mint master at Calcutta, ca. 1816. In 1823, collector of customs and town
duties at Agra; installed a line of customs posts that would eventually become the
Inland Customs Line (see Roy Moxham,
The Great Hedge
of India, p. 66). Senior member of the Board of Trade, 3 Dec 1830. At home on absentee allowance, Jun 1835.
Retired on the Annuity Fund, 1 May 1836. Had no children. [ref. 1,2i,2t,2u,16f,66a,66b,67,68,69]
- Cherry Bathea SAUNDERS, chr. 4 Aug 1784 at St. Andrew Undershaft. (Not in the Saunders
Pedigree [ref. 1], so perh. d. young.) [ref. 2i]
- William SAUNDERS, b. 13 May 1789 at London, m. 16 Sep 1823 at Bromley, Kent, Eliza Louisa BOYD (daughter of Walter
BOYD of Plaistow Lodge, Bromley, and sister of the wife of William's brother John), d. 12 Aug 1839 at Dorset Square,
London, d. reg. Q3 1839 at Marylebone R.D. Appointed gentleman cadet in the Royal Artillery, 3 Aug 1803; second
lieutenant, 13 Sep 1805; first lieutenant, 1 Jun 1806. Served in the Peninsular War. In Jun 1811, wounded in the British
attack on Fort San Christoval, Spain. Appointed adjutant, 1 Apr 1815; second captain, 7 Nov 1820. At his children's
baptisms in 1827, 1829, 1830, and 1833, a captain in the Royal (Horse) Artillery, of the Artillery Barracks, Woolwich.
Appointed brevet major in the army, 10 Jan 1837. For more information on Isabella's father, see S.R. Cope, Walter Boyd:
A Merchant Banker in the Age of Napoleon (1983); note that this book's focus is Boyd's business affairs, not his
family. [ref. 1,2m,4a,13,62,63,64,65,73]
- William Boyd SAUNDERS, later William Boyd SAUNDERS-KNOX-GORE, b. 22 Jul 1827 at Woolwich, Kent, chr. 24 Aug 1827 at
St. Mary Magdalen, Woolwich, m. 27 Mar 1854 at Ardnaree, County Sligo, Matilda KNOX-GORE (b. ca. 1833 at Belleek Manor,
Ballina, Co. Mayo, d. reg. Q1 1912 at Ballina R.D.; eldest daughter of Sir Francis Arthur KNOX-GORE, Bt., of Belleek
Manor), d. reg. Q1 1902 at Newton
Abbot R.D. In 1851, a lieutenant in the Royal Horse Artillery, living in barracks at Newcastle.
In 1871, a lieutenant colonel in the Royal Horse Artillery, living in the Royal Artillery barracks at Woolwich.
In 1881, Matilda was living (without William) at Ardmore, Torquay, Devon, with her children William, Georgina, Alice,
Mabel, Arthur, and Sybil, a visitor, and eight servants. Retired from the Royal Artillery, 13 Jul 1881, as a colonel and
honorary major-general. In 1891, William was a retired major general in the Royal Artillery, living at Ardmore, Torquay,
with his wife Matilda, their children Alice, Mabel, Arthur, and Sybil, their grandson William (son of their son William),
a butler, two housemaids, a cook, a nurse, a kitchenmaid, a lady's maid, and a page. High sheriff of Co. Mayo in 1895.
By 1899, Justice of the Peace for Devon and Deputy Lieutenant for Mayo. In 1901, a retired major general in the Royal
Artillery, living at Ardmore, Torquay, with his wife Matilda; their children William, Georgina, Alice, Mabel, Arthur, and
Sybil; their son William's wife Maria; Matilda's nieces Sarah and Maude KNOX; a butler, a footman, a cook, two housemaids,
a kitchenmaid, a lady's maid, and a coachman. (Belleek Manor is now the Belleek Castle Hotel.) [ref. 1,2m,4a,4e,11b,11d,11e,11f,11g,33,37,54]
- William Arthur Gore SAUNDERS, later William Arthur Gore SAUNDERS-KNOX-GORE, b. 5 Dec 1854 at Belleek Manor, m.
3 Aug 1887 at St. Stephen, Kensington, Middlesex, m. reg. Q3 1887 at Kensington R.D., Maria Becher PRINCE (eldest
daughter of John Simpson PRINCE; b. ca. 1856 in the Cape Colony, d. 26 Jun 1930, d. reg. Q2 1930 at Bath R.D.), d.
22 Apr 1925. Educated at Wellington College and
the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. In
1881, a lieutenant in the Royal Horse Artillery, living with his mother. At his marriage in 1887, a captain in the army;
he and Maria were both of 20 Queens Gate Gardens, Kensington. By 1891, a major. Retired from the army, 3 Jun 1891. By
1899, late a major in the Royal Artillery. High sheriff of County Mayo in 1900. In Mar 1901, a retired major in the Royal
Artillery, living in his parents' household with his wife Maria. Appointed lieutenant colonel, commanding the militia
Donegal Artillery (Prince of Wales's), 1 Apr 1901. Honorary colonel by 1908. Transferred to the Special Reserve, 14 Jun
1908. Transferred to the General Reserve, 3 Jul 1909. Removed from the General Reserve having reached the age limit, 15
Dec 1909. Justice of the peace for Co. Mayo and Co. Sligo and deputy lieutenant for Co. Mayo. [ref. 1,2s,4a,11e,11g,16c,33,71b,71j,71l,71o,71p]
- (only child) William Arthur Cecil SAUNDERS, later William Arthur Cecil SAUNDERS-KNOX-GORE, b. 26 May 1888 at
Bangalore, Madras, chr. 21 Jun 1888 at Bangalore,
m1. 24 Jul 1919 at St. Margaret, Westminster, m1. reg. Q3 1919 at St. George Hanover Square R.D., Monica
LAWRENCE (younger daughter of R.J. LAWRENCE of the Inner Temple; m2. PHIPPS-HORNBY), div. Jul 1938 (decree nisi, Jan 1938;
co-respondent John PHIPPS-HORNBY), m2. reg. Q3 1938 at Westminster R.D., Maud Ethel "Julia" LAKE (daughter of Harry
Herbert LAKE, b. 7 Sep 1892, m1. 28 Sep 1912 at Dalhousie, Bengal, Lieutenant Colonel Stanley de Vere Alexander JULIUS [d.
reg. Q3 1930 at St. George Hanover Square R.D.],
d. 27 Mar 1978 in Gloucestershire, d. reg. Q1 1978 at Cheltenham R.D.), d. 21 Apr 1975
in Spain, bur. 22 Apr 1975 at Fuengirola, Spain. In 1891, living
with his father's parents. Educated at Harrow School and
the Royal Military College, Sandhurst.
By 1908, a second lieutenant in the army. Appointed lieutenant in the
King's Royal Rifle Corps (60th Rifles), 23 Dec 1908;
adjutant, 4 Sep 1914; temporary supernumerary captain, 15 Nov 1914; captain, 3 Feb 1915; brigade major seconded to
headquarters, 4 Dec 1915; temporary major while specially employed, 18 Aug 1916; brevet major, 3 Jun 1917; general staff
officer, 1st grade, and temporary lieutenant colonel, 7 Aug 1917; general staff officer, 2nd class, and temporary major,
19 Nov 1918 to 8 Jun 1919; brevet lieutenant colonel, 7 Feb 1919; major, 19 Dec 1924; colonel, 1 Jan 1931, with seniority
from 1 Jan 1923. Awarded the
Distinguished Service Order by Dec 1915 and the
French Croix de Guerre by Aug 1917. At his marriage in Jul 1919, a brevet lieutenant colonel in the 60th Rifles.
Listed in the 1920 telephone directory at Slaybrooke, Hythe, Kent (telephone Hythe 170). At his son's
birth in 1923, a brevet lieutenant colonel in the 60th Rifles, of Outlook, Hythe.
Director of Small Arms in the War Office, 1931-1934. Listed in the 1934-1939 telephone directories at Outlook, Cliff Road,
Hythe (telephone Hythe 67098). In ca. 1935, of Belleek Manor; residences 36 Rutland Gate, London
S.W.7, and Outlook, Hythe; member of the Naval and Military Club, Royal Automobile Club, and Royal Cinque Ports
Yacht Club. At his divorce in 1938, of Outlook, Hythe. In 1940, a colonel, sold Belleek Manor to the BECKETT family of
Ballina. Listed in the 1940 telephone directory at 67 Park Mansions, London SW1 (telephone COLndale 6693).
At the engagement of her daughter Diana de Vere JULIUS in 1943, Julia was of Pontoon Lodge, Co. Mayo.
At his son's death in 1944 and his daughter's marriage in 1945, a colonel, of Newport
House, Countess Wear, Exeter, Devon; Monica was of 61 Cadogan Square, London S.W.1. Listed in the 1946 telephone directory
at Newport House, Countess Wear (telephone Topsham 8363). At his death in 1975, of 3 Windsor
Terrace, Dún Laoghaire, Ireland. [ref. 2v,2w,4a,11f,16c,19a,30l,30m,30n,30o,30p,30q,30r,30u,33,37,71m,71r,71t,71u,71v,71y,71aa,71ab,71ac,71ad,71ae,71ag,71ah,71ai,71aj]
- Augusta Thomasina "Za" SAUNDERS-KNOX-GORE, b. 3 Sep 1920, b. reg. Q4 1920 at Elham R.D., m. 1 Dec 1945 at St. Luke,
Chelsea, m. reg. Q4 1945 at Chelsea R.D., Thomas Arthur Leggett SCOTT (b. reg. Q3 1920 at Hampstead R.D., d. reg. Q4 1962
at St. Albans R.D.; youngest son of C. Paley SCOTT, K.C., of 19
Rotherwick Road, London N.W.). At his daughter's birth in 1953, Thomas was a doctor. See Thomas's
obituary in the British Medical Journal, 3 Nov
1962. [ref. 4a,16c,30n,30r,30s]
- William P. SCOTT or SCOTT-KNOX-GORE, b. reg. Q4 1946 at Hammersmith R.D., m1. reg. Q3 1970 at St. Albans R.D., Lindsay
PENNELL (b. 10 Sep 1950, d. reg. Jul 1984 at St. Albans R.D.), m2. reg. Apr 1986 at St. Albans R.D., Merle
FINCH. [ref. 4a]
- Jemma Frances SCOTT or SCOTT-KNOX-GORE, b. reg. Q2 1973 at Luton R.D. A contact lens technician in the movie
industry (see credits at IMDb). [ref. 4a]
- (perhaps) Lauren Frances L. SCOTT-KNOX-GORE or RUSCOE, b. reg. May 2000 at Dacorum R.D. [ref. 4a]
- Thomas William SCOTT-KNOX-GORE, b. reg. Q3 1975 at St. Albans R.D. [ref. 4a]
- Bridgitte Joanne SCOTT-KNOX-GORE, b. reg. Q4 1976 at St. Albans R.D. [ref. 4a]
- Charles L. SCOTT or SCOTT-KNOX-GORE, b. reg. Q2 1949 at St. Albans R.D., m1. Q2 1974 at Whitby R.D., Joanne E. TINLEY,
m2. reg. Feb 2003 at North Yorkshire R.D., Alison M. LITTLE. [ref. 4a]
- Nicholas Paley SCOTT-KNOX-GORE, b. reg. Q1 1980 at Claro R.D. [ref. 4a]
- Louisa Bordas SCOTT-KNOX-GORE, b. reg. Q1 1982 at Claro R.D. [ref. 4a]
- Alice Tinley SCOTT-KNOX-GORE, b. reg. Q1 1990 at Claro R.D. [ref. 4a]
- Jane Paley SCOTT or SCOTT-KNOX-GORE, b. 7 Jul 1953 at 35 Beaconsfield Road, St. Albans, b. reg. Q3 1953 at St. Albans
R.D., m. reg. Q3 1977 at Thirsk R.D., Bernard W. TURNER. [ref. 4a,30s]
- Emily Jane TURNER, b. reg. Q1 1980 at Northampton R.D. [ref. 4a]
- Samuel Edward P. TURNER, b. reg. Q1 1982 at Northampton R.D. [ref. 4a]
- (only son) William Lawrence SAUNDERS-KNOX-GORE, b. 14 Jun 1923, b. reg. Q2 1923 at Elham R.D., d. 12 Sep 1944 in
Italy. At his death in 1944, a flight lieutenant (pilot) in the 13th Squadron of the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve,
D.F.C.; killed in night operations over Italy. Memorial at Staglieno Cemetery, Genoa, Italy. [ref. 4a,7a,16c,30n,30p]
- Georgina Sarah Eliza Frances SAUNDERS, later Georgina Sarah Eliza Frances SAUNDERS-KNOX-GORE, b. 12 Jun 1857 at
Belleek, d. reg. Q2 1940 at Bath R.D. In 1881, living with her mother. In 1901, living with her parents. In ca. 1935, of
25 Brock Street, Bath. Listed in the 1937-1940 telephone directories at 25 Brock Street, Bath (telephone Bath
3745). [ref. 1,4a,11e,11g,16c,19a]
- Charles George Boyd "Charlie" SAUNDERS, b. 5 Nov 1859 at Belleek, d. 29 Apr 1880 in India. In 1871, a boarding scholar
at the Grammar School, High Street, Honiton, Devon. A second lieutenant in the 10th Hussars. [ref. 1,11d,16c]
- Cecil Henry SAUNDERS, later Cecil Henry SAUNDERS-KNOX-GORE, b. 8 Feb 1862 at Belleek, k. in action 24 Jan 1900 at the
Battle of Spion Kop, South Africa. In 1881, a cadet at the
Royal Military College, Sandhurst. By 1891, a lieutenant. Commissioned captain in the 6th (Inniskilling) Dragoons,
23 May 1891. Transferred to the 2nd Dragoon Guards (Queen's Bays), 17 Aug 1892. In 1893, a captain in the 2nd Dragoon
Guards, stationed at Sialkote, Bengal. Retired from the army, 28 Aug 1895. Ordered bankrupt, 31 Jul 1896; adjudicated,
13 Aug 1896; rescinded, 21 Jul 1899, all debts having been paid in full. In 1899, a member of the Naval and Military Club,
94 Piccadilly, London. At his death in 1900, a captain in
Thornycroft's Mounted Infantry. [ref. 1,11e,30k,36,54,71c,71d,71f,71h]
- Alured Edmond Gore SAUNDERS, b. 27 Dec 1863 at Belleek, d. 15 Apr 1864 at Dublin. [ref. 1]
- Alice Maude or Maude Alice SAUNDERS, later Alice Maude SAUNDERS-KNOX-GORE, b. 23 Jul 1865 at Belleek, m. 27 Apr 1905,
m. reg. Q2 1905 at Ballina R.D.,
Richard Jones SANKEY (only son of John SANKEY of Merrion Square, Dublin). In 1881, living with her mother. In 1891 and
1901, living with her parents. In ca. 1935, Richard was of Fort Frederic, Co. Cavan, a deputy lieutenant of Co. Cavan, and
a captain late of the 5th Dragoon Guards. [ref. 1,4e,11e,11f,11g,16c]
- Laura Elizabeth Mabel SAUNDERS, later Laura Elizabeth Mabel SAUNDERS-KNOX-GORE, b. 7 Oct 1868 at
Belleek, b. reg. 1868 at Ballina R.D., m. reg. Q4 1912 at Dublin South R.D., Edward FRASER. In 1881, living with her
mother. In 1891 and 1901, living with her parents. In ca. 1935, of The Glebe, Straffan, Co. Kildare. [ref. 1,4e,11e,11f,11g,16c]
- Arthur Harold Ward SAUNDERS, later Arthur Harold Ward SAUNDERS-KNOX-GORE, b. 5 Dec 1870 at Bray, County Wicklow, d.
reg. Q3 1930 at Hastings R.D. In 1881, living with his mother. In Apr 1891, living with his parents. Commissioned
lieutenant in the Royal Artillery, 18 May 1891. In 1893, a lieutenant in the militia Duke of Connaught's Own Sligo
Artillery, stationed at Sligo. Commissioned captain in the Duke of Connaught's Own Sligo Artillery, 4 Nov 1893. Appointed
instructor of artillery in the Duke of Connaught's Own Sligo Artillery, 18 Jan 1897. Transferred to the 3rd and 4th
Battalions, King's Own (Royal Lancaster
Regiment), 30 Dec 1899. In 1901, a captain in the 4th Battalion, Royal Lancaster Regiment, living with his
parents. Transferred to the Special Reserve, 5 Jul 1908. By 1909, an honorary major. Transferred to the Supplementary
List, 1 Apr 1909. Transferred to the 3rd Battalion,
Loyal North Lancashire Regiment,
5 Mar 1910; commissioned major, 29 Oct 1914. Relinquished commission on account of ill health, 2 May 1916. Temporary
major while employed as a recruiting officer, 27 May 1916 to 20 Dec 1916. Temporary major for duty as equipment officer,
3rd class, with the Royal Flying Corps, 13 Jun
1917 to 9 Aug 1919. [ref. 1,4a,4e,11e,11f,11g,16c,54,71e,71g,71i,71k,71n,71q,71s,71w,71x,71z,71ab,71af]
- Reginald (or Rupert) Edward Walter Gore SAUNDERS, b. 1 Oct 1873 at Rathmines, Dublin, d. there 11 Apr 1874. [ref. 1,4e]
- Sybil Katherine Octavia SAUNDERS, later Sybil Katherine Octavia SAUNDERS-KNOX-GORE, b. 7 Feb 1875 at Rathmines,
Dublin, d. reg. Q1 1968 at Bath R.D. In 1881, living with her mother. In 1891 and 1901, living with her parents. In ca.
1935, of 19 Kensington [Place?], Bath. At her death in 1968, of Bathford, Somerset; left an estate valued (before duty) at
£53,783. [ref. 1,4a,4e,11e,11f,11g,16c,30t]
- Eliza Mary Ann SAUNDERS, b. 13 Jan 1829 at Woolwich, chr. 15 Feb 1829 at St. Mary Magdalen, Woolwich, d. 21 Mar 1837
at Limerick. [ref. 1,2m]
- Frances Isabella Maria SAUNDERS, b. 13 Aug 1830 at Woolwich, chr. 8 Sep 1830 at St. Mary Magdalen, Woolwich, m.
7 Oct 1856 at Upton church, Torquay, m. reg. Q4 1856 at Newton Abbot R.D., Fitzwilliam John TAYLOR (b. 25 Dec 1817 at
Ham Common, Surrey, m2. reg. Q3 1865 at Newton Abbot R.D., Alice Lisle FORTESCUE [b. ca. 1841 at Plymouth, Devon], d.
reg. Q3 1896 at Newton Abbot R.D.), d. 28 Mar 1863 at Torquay, d. reg. Q1 1863 at Newton Abbot R.D. In 1861, living at the
Rectory, East Ogwell, Devon, with her husband Fitwilliam (the rector of East and West Ogwell), their children Arthur and Maude, her
husband's cousin Vesey HINE, and four servants. In 1871, Fitwilliam was the
rector of East and West Ogwell and Haccombe, Devon, living at the Rectory, East Ogwell, with his second wife Alice, his
children by his first marriage Arthur, Maude, and Charlotte, three children by his second marriage, a governess, a
gardener, a nurse, a cook, a housemaid, a parlormaid, and a nursery maid. In 1881, Fitzwilliam was the rector of East and
West Ogwell, living at the Rectory, East Ogwell, with his second wife Alice and their five children. In 1891, Fitzwilliam
was a clerk in holy orders, living at the Rectory, East Ogwell, with his second wife Alice, his daughter Charlotte, four
children by his second marriage, and four general servants. [ref. 1,2m,4a,11c,11d,11e,11f,16e]
- Arthur William TAYLOR, b. 15 Jul 1857 at Torquay, b. reg. Q3 1857 at Newton Abbot R.D. In 1861, living with his
parents. In 1871, living with his father and stepmother. Entered Marlborough College, Jan 1873; left Mids[ummer?] 1874.
Matriculated at Exeter College, Oxford University, 25 Jan 1879. In 1881, a student at Oxford University, visiting the
DE SALIS family at High Road, Portnal Park, Egham, Surrey. Awarded B.A. degree, 1883. On 29 May 1896, retired, arrived
at Southampton on the ship Darmstadt from New York, with his sister Charlotte. By 1905, a tea planter at
Makelliya (Maskeliya?), Ceylon. [ref. 1,4a,11c,11d,11e,17a,17d,72a]
- Henry Reynell TAYLOR, b. 3 Nov 1858 at Ogwell, b. reg. Q4 1858 at Newton Abbot R.D., d. 2 Mar 1859 at Ellacombe,
Torquay, d. reg. Q1 1859 at Newton Abbot R.D. [ref. 1,4a]
- Maude Eliza TAYLOR, b. 12 May 1860 at East Ogwell, b. reg. Q2 1860 at Newton Abbot R.D., m. 28 Apr 1885, m. reg. Q2
1885 at Newton Abbot R.D., Henry William CAREW (b. 31 May 1845 at Clifton, Gloucestershire, b. reg. Q2 1845 at Clifton
R.D., d. 14 Dec 1901, d. reg. Q4 1901 at Newton Abbot R.D.), d. 22 Feb 1929, d. reg. Q1 1929 at Totnes R.D. In 1861,
living with her
parents. In 1871, living with her father and stepmother. In 1881, visiting the HARTE family at Salisbury Street, Blandford
Forum, Dorset, with her sister Charlotte. In 1891, living at Rattery, Devon, with her husband Henry (a clerk in holy
orders), their children Peter and Margaret, a child's maid, a cook, and two other servants. In 1901, boarding in a lodging
house at 9 Powderham Terrace, Teignmouth, Devon, with her husband Henry (a clergyman) and their children Margaret and
Jasper. Before 1914, of Airlea, South Brent, Devon. At her son's death in 1914, of Wier Down, Avonwick, Devon. [ref. 1,4a,7a,11c,11d,11e,11f,11g,16b,16d]
- Peter Fitzwilliam CAREW, b. 3 Jun 1887 at Rattery, b. reg. Q2 1887 at Totnes R.D., m. 10 Apr 1919, m. reg. Q2 1919 at
Newton Abbot R.D., Joyce Margaret FORTESCUE (b. 13 Mar 1892, d. 19 Aug 1974), d. 31 Mar 1955. In 1891, living with his
parents. In 1901, a boarding scholar in a small private school at 28 High Street, Marlborough, Wiltshire. In 1914, a
lieutenant in the Suffolk Regiment and captain in the East African Rifles. Subsequently a major in the Suffolk Regiment, a
a lieutenant colonel and brevet colonel in the 5th Battalion, Devonshire Regiment, and a justice of the peace for
Devon. [ref. 4a,11f,11g,16b,16d]
- Nicolas Jasper-Grenville CAREW, b. 12 Apr 1920, b. reg. Q2 1920 at Bury St. Edmunds R.D., k. 7 Nov 1943. At his death
in 1943, a lieutenant in the Royal Artillery. [ref. 4a,16b]
- John Mohun CAREW, b. 8 Jul 1921, b. reg. Q3 1921 at Bury St. Edmunds R.D., m. 1 Dec 1950 Barbara Joan STEWART ROBERTS,
d. reg. Q3 1980 at Bracknell R.D. A lieutenant in the Indian Army and captain in the Devonshire Regiment. Fought with the
3rd Gurkha Rifles in Burma, 1943-1944. Awarded the Military Cross. Fought in the Malayan Campaign, 1948-1949. [ref. 4a,16b]
- Nicolas John Stewart CAREW, b. 10 Aug 1952, b. reg. Q3 1952 at Aldershot R.D. [ref. 4a,16b]
- Margaret CAREW, b. 11 Dec 1889 at Rattery, b. reg. Q1 1890 at Totnes R.D., d. 3 Nov 1918. In 1891 and 1901, living
with her parents. Served in the Voluntary Aid
Detachment. [ref. 11f,11g,16b,16d]
- Jasper CAREW, b. 29 Jun 1894 at Rattery, b. reg. Q3 1894 at Totnes R.D., k. 14 Oct 1914. In 1901, living with his
parents. At his death in 1914, a lieutenant in the Prince of Wales' Own West Yorkshire Regiment. Memorial at Y Farm
Military Cemetery, Bois-Grenier, France. [ref. 4a,7a,11g,16b,16d]
- Charlotte Laura TAYLOR, b. 21 Oct 1861 at East Ogwell, b. reg. Q4 1861 at Newton Abbot R.D., d. reg. Q3 1949 at
Newton Abbot R.D. In 1871, living with her father and stepmother. In 1881, visiting the HARTE family at Blandford
Forum with her sister Maude. In 1891, living with her father and stepmother. On 29 May 1896, no occupation, arrived at
Southampton on the ship Darmstadt from New York, with her brother Arthur. In 1901, living with her stepmother at
Foxley, Lonsdale Road, Newton Abbot, Devon, with two stepsisters, a stepbrother, a cook, and a housemaid. [ref. 1,4a,11d,11e,11f,11g,72a]
- Georgina Susannah SAUNDERS, b. 26 Mar 1833 at Woolwich, chr. 23 Apr 1833 at at St. Mary Magdalen, Woolwich, d. 8 Jan
1836 at Dublin. [ref. 1,2m]
- Henry Dundas SAUNDERS, b. 4 Oct 1834 at Charlton, Kent, d. 7 Dec 1835 at Dublin. [ref. 1]
- George Robert SAUNDERS, Captain, Rifle Brigade and 5th Lancers, b. 24 Nov 1836 at Limerick, m. 19 Aug 1862 at Torquay,
Laura Mary JOHNSTONE (d. Jul 1879 at Torquay, daughter of Capt. JOHNSTONE), d. 28 May 1868 at London. In 1871, Laura was
living in the household of her mother and stepfather at Homehurst, Lower Warbery Road, Tormoham, Devon. [ref. 1,11d]
- Robert SAUNDERS, Bengal Civil Service, b. 4 Mar 1792 at London, chr. 5 Apr 1792 at St. Botolph
Bishopsgate, London, m. 24 Jun 1824 at St. John's Cathedral, Calcutta, Eliza Wallace BARNETT
or BARNET, d. 31 Dec 1856 in Henrietta Street, Cavendish Square, London. Occupation in 1855 and 1856 was "esquire".
Made his will (see transcript) the day before his death, leaving £8,000
to his son Hugh, £10,000 in trust to each of his daughters Marianne and Julia, and the remainder to Hugh. The will
mentions an investment in indigo factories in Bengal. [ref. 1,2h,4c,6a,9]
- (stepdaughter) Eliza Rebecca CHASE, b. ca. 1819 at Calcutta, m1. reg. Q2 1845 at Marylebone R.D., Rev. Edward Thomas
CLARKE (b. ca. 1802 at Madras, d. by 1871), m2. reg. Q3 1871 at Tunbridge R.D., John Elliott BINGHAM (Captain, Royal Navy,
d. by 1881), d. reg. Q2 1901 at Tunbridge R.D. In 1851, living at Brighton with her husband Edward (a clergyman without
care of souls), visitors Rebecca CHASE (a fundholder, b. ca. 1797 at Madras, relationship unknown) and Lucy V. CHASE (a
scholar at home, b. ca. 1837 at London, relationship also unknown), a housemaid, and a cook. In 1861, visiting the same
Rebecca CHASE (still a fundholder) at 37 Beaumont Street, Marylebone, with her husband Edward (a clergyman).
In 1871, living on dividends, lodging at 57 Cambridge Terrace, Paddington, with two other
ladies: Annette TYLDEN (b. ca. 1832 at St. Helen's, Canada) and widow Anne M. BINGHAM, presumably a relative of Eliza's
then-future second husband. In 1881, living on income from houses and dividends, lodging at 4 York Road, Tonbridge, Kent.
(Another lodger at this house in 1881 was Susannah SAUNDERS, b. ca. 1806 at Whitby, Yorkshire. She appears to be from an
another SAUNDERS family, unconnected with this one.) Note that Annette TYLDEN lived a few doors away in 1881, and
was being visited by Eliza's stepbrother's daughter Ellen Bertha SAUNDERS. In 1901, living on her own means at Hurstwood
Lodge, Bishops Down, Tunbridge Wells, with an elderly widowed visitor, a lady's maid, a cook, a parlormaid, and a
housemaid. [ref. 4a,9,11b,11c,11d,11e,11g]
- Marianne Charity SAUNDERS, b. 15 May 1825 at Calcutta, m. 4 Jun 1850 at London, George David POLLOCK, (b. ca. 1818 at
Calcutta, d. by 1901, second son of Field Marshal Sir George POLLOCK, Bt., of the Khyber Pass). In 1851, living at 27
Grosvenor Street, Westminster, with her husband George (a surgeon), their son Barclay, a footman, two house servants, a
cook, and a nurse. In 1861, a fundholder,
living at Early Wood, Winkfield, Berkshire, with her children Barclay, Rose, Hugh, and Evelyn, a cook, a nurse, and
two house servants; George was a surgeon (F.R.C.S.Eng.), living at 27 Grosvenor Street, Westminster, with a butler, a
cook, and a housemaid.
In 1871, living at 36 Grosvenor Street, Westminster, with her husband George (a surgeon, F.R.C.S.E, and landowner employing
six men and a boy), their children Barclay, Rose, Lilian, and Cicely, a governess, a butler, a cook, a nurse, two
housemaids, and a kitchenmaid. In 1881, living at 36 Lower Grosvenor Street, London, with her husband George (a surgeon,
F.R.C.S.E.), their daughters Lilian and Cecily, a governess, a butler, a footman, a nurse, a cook, two lady's maids, a
housemaid, and a kitchenmaid. In 1891, George was a fellow of the
Royal College of Surgeons, living at 36 Grosvenor Street with his son Hugh (but not his wife Marianne), a butler, and a
housemaid. By 1899, George was Surgeon in Ordinary to the Prince of Wales and Consulting Physician to St. George's
Hospital. He had an estate at Eaily Wood, Bagshot,
as well as the house at 36 Grosvenor Street. In 1901, living at 35 Chester Square, London, with her daughter Lilian, a
visitor, a housekeeper, a nurse, a housemaid, a lady's maid, a kitchenmaid, and a footman. [ref. 1,11b,11c,11d,11e,11f,11g,33]
- Barclay POLLOCK, b. 29 Mar 1851 at St. George Hanover Square, London, d. 18 Nov 1882 at Sineapore, Bengal. In 1851,
living with his parents. In 1861, a scholar, living with his mother. In 1871, a Cambridge undergraduate, living with his
parents. [ref. 1,11b,11c,11d]
- Constance POLLOCK, b. 13 Nov 1852 at London, d. 3 Oct 1853 at London. [ref. 1]
- Malcolm POLLOCK, b. 9 Jul 1854 at London, d. 23 Jun 1858 at Brighton. [ref. 1]
- Rose POLLOCK, b. 8 Jun 1856 at London, d. 20 Mar 1875 at Grosvenor Street. In 1861, living with her mother. In 1871,
living with her parents. [ref. 1,11c]
- Hugh POLLOCK, b. 15 Jan 1859 at St. George Hanover Square, London, m. 8 Jun 1898 at Purton, Wiltshire,
Alice WYKEHAM-MARTIN (b. 2 Jul 1868 at Purton), d. 1945. In 1861, living with his mother. In 1871, a
boarding scholar in a private school at 32-33 Liverpool Street, Dover, Kent. In 1881, an undergraduate at Trinity College,
Cambridge. In 1891, a barrister, living with his father. By 1899, M.A. and a barrister. In 1901, a barrister, living at 86
Belgrave Road, London, with his wife Alice, their son Hugh, a nurse, a parlormaid, a cook, and a housemaid. By 1911,
assistant registrar of the Land Registry, address 52 St. George's Square, London S.W. In 1971, Alice published her
autobiography, entitled Portrait of my Victorian Youth (ref. 10). [ref. 1,10,11c,11d,11e,11f,11g,33,35]
- Hugh Wykeham David POLLOCK, b. ca. Jun 1900 in Belgrave Road, London, m. 1934 Barbara RECKITT (d. 1993,
daughter of Philip Bealby RECKITT, O.B.E., Bt.) d. 1972. In 1901, living with his parents. [ref. 10,11g,16a,35]
- Bridget Wykeham POLLOCK, b. 1935, m. 1960 Michael John MARSHALL (son of Arthur Gregory George MARSHALL, O.B.E., D.L.),
div. 1977. [ref. 16a]
- Belinda Louise MARSHALL, b. 1960, m. 1988 Adrian Richard HILL. [ref. 16a]
- Robert David MARSHALL, b. 1962, m. 1992 Julia Kathleen HAMILTON-RUSSELL (younger daughter of Timothy Patrick
- Bethany Finn MARSHALL, b. 1996. [ref. 16a]
- James Gregory MARSHALL, b. 1964. [ref. 16a]
- Cressida Micael MARSHALL, b. 1967. [ref. 16a]
- Ann Catherine POLLOCK, b. 1938. [ref. 16a]
- Jane POLLOCK, b. 1945. [ref. 16a]
- Frances Alison POLLOCK, b. 1903 in Belgrave Road, m., wid. 1951, fl. 1971. [ref. 10,35]
- Evelyn POLLOCK, b. 28 Jan 1861 at London, m. 1890 Mary TARRANT (d. 1936, daughter of Henry Jefferd TARRANT,
barrister), d. 1951. In 1861, living with his mother. In 1881, a lieutenant in the Royal Artillery, living in the barracks
at Sheerness Garrison, Minster in Sheppey, Kent. By 1899, a captain in the Royal Artillery. Subsequently a colonel in the
Royal Artillery. [ref. 1,5d,11c,11e,16a,33]
- Ronald Evelyn POLLOCK, b. 1891 in India, m1. 1921 Margery FITZE (d. 1959, daughter of Samuel
FITZE), m2. 1969 Pamela PRIDEAUX (d. 1989, only daughter of Francis Winckworth Anstice PRIDEAUX, m1. Percy John Hodsoll
STENT), d. 1974. In 1901, a boarding pupil in a private school at Blatchington Place, East Blatchington, Sussex.
Knighted for his services as Lord Chief Justice of the Indian Supreme Court. [ref. 5d,10,11g,16a,33]
- Ann Margery POLLOCK, b. 1924, m1. 1958 Clive Robert BASCHE, div. 1979, m2. 1981 Richard Holman PARSONS (Lieutenant
Commander, Royal Navy). Served in the W.R.N.S. [ref. 5d,16a]
- Clare Nicola BASCHE, b. 1959, m. 1983 Jonathan Gordon DREW. [ref. 5d,16a]
- James Newcombe DREW, b. 1983. [ref. 5d,16a]
- Robert Edmund DREW, b. 1986. [ref. 5d,16a]
- Christopher Gordon DREW, b. 1987. [ref. 5d,16a]
- Timothy James BASCHE, b. 1961, m. 1988 Melanie Jane LAWSON, div. 1997. [ref. 5d,16a]
- Charlotte Louise BASCHE, b. 1990. [ref. 5d,16a]
- Sophie BASCHE, b. 1993. [ref. 5d,16a]
- George Henry POLLOCK, b. ca. 1893 at Pembroke, Wales. In 1901, at school with Rev. David CLARKE at the Rectory,
Puttenham, Surrey, with his brother Geoffrey, sister Gwyneth, and three other pupils. [ref. 11g]
- Geoffrey J. POLLOCK, b. ca. 1895 in India. In 1901, at school with Rev. CLARKE at the Rectory, Puttenham, with his
brother George and sister Gwyneth. [ref. 11g]
- Gwyneth POLLOCK, b. ca. 1896 at Edinburgh, Scotland, d. by 2000. In 1901, at school with Rev. CLARKE at the Rectory,
Puttenham, with her brothers George and Geoffrey. [ref. 5d,11g]
- Philip POLLOCK, d. by 2000. [ref. 5d]
- Jean POLLOCK, b. 1914, m1. 1940 Gerard Joseph McCANN (Major, Royal Marines, k. 1943 in Sicily), m2. 1951 Paul Slocombe
GOMEZ (b. 1911, d. 1972, Group Captain in Royal Air Force, son of a country doctor). [ref. 5d,16a]
- Peta Jean Madeleine McCANN, b. 1941, d. 1996. [ref. 5d,16a]
- Nicholas David GOMEZ, b. 1952, m. 1976 Felicidad MEDIAVILLA. Educated at Sherborne school. [ref. 5d,16a]
- Karen Alexandra GOMEZ, b. 1978. [ref. 5d,16a]
- Gillian GOMEZ, b. 1982. [ref. 5d,16a]
- Another child. [ref. 10]
- Lilian POLLOCK, b. 27 Jul 1863 at London, d. Jun 1957. In 1871 and 1881, living with her parents. [ref. 1,10,11d,11e]
- Cecily POLLOCK, b. 28 Jun 1865 at London. In 1871 and 1881, living with her parents. [ref. 1,11d,11e]
- George Ward SAUNDERS, b. 7 Jun 1826 at Calcutta, d. 17 Feb 1827 at Calcutta. [ref. 1]
- Hugh Ward SAUNDERS, b. 28 Jan 1828 at Calcutta, m. 16 Jan 1855 at St. John, Paddington, m. reg. Q1
1855 at Kensington R.D., Ellen Anne BANNERMAN, d. 19 Feb 1877 at 112 Lansdown
Place, Brighton, d. reg. Q1 1877 at Steyning R.D. Educated at Charterhouse School and Oxford University (Exeter College,
matriculated 30 Apr 1846).
At his marriage in 1855, of Marylebone, occupation "esquire". At his daughter's baptism in 1856, an officer in the East
India Company service, of 9 Henrietta Street, Cavendish Square, Marylebone. In 1871, late a lieutenant in the 7th Bengal
Light Cavalry, living at 112 Lansdowne Place, Hove, Sussex, with his wife Ellen, their children Edward, Katharine, James,
Ferdinand, Claude, Allan, and Ellen, his mother-in-law, a lady's maid, two nurses, a parlourmaid, a housemaid, and a cook.
Subsequently claimed to be a captain in the 7th Bengal Light Cavalry. Will proved 29 Mar 1877 at the Principal Registry
by his widow Ellen, who was his sole executrix; Hugh's effects were under £100. [ref. 1,2f,4a,4c,5a,6e,11d,17a]
- Eleanor SAUNDERS, b. 23 Mar 1856 at 9 Henrietta Street, chr. 30 Apr 1856 at All Souls, Marylebone, d. 21 May 1857 at
46 Weymouth Street, d. reg. Q2 1857 at Marylebone R.D. [ref. 1,2f,4a]
- Robert Bannerman SAUNDERS, b. 4 May 1857 in Weymouth Street, b. reg. Q2 1857 at Marylebone R.D., d. there 14 May 1857,
d. reg. Q2 1857 at Marylebone R.D. [ref. 1,4a]
- Hugh Ettrick SAUNDERS, b. 24 Jun 1858 at North Hall, Preston Candover, Hampshire, b. reg. Q3 1858 at
Basingstoke R.D., m. 26 Feb 1878 at St. Peter, Brighton, Sussex, m. reg. Q1 1878 at Brighton R.D., Catherine Alice "Kate"
SILVERTHORNE (b. ca. 1859 at Brighton, daughter of Isaac SILVERTHORNE), d. 24 Jan 1903, d. reg. Q1 1903 at Andover R.D.
In 1871, a boarding pupil in a private school at 9-10 Compton Terrace, Brighton. In 1881, a job master (i.e., livery
stable operator) living at 30 Russell Square, Brighton, with his wife Catherine, their son Cecil, a cook, and a nurse.
The Silverthorne family was in the livery stable business in Brighton between 1832 and 1881 at least. Silverthornes lived
at 37 Russell Square in 1832, 1833, 1846, 1848, 1850, 1865, and 1869. In 1881, 37 Russell Square was uninhabited but Isaac
Silverthorne (a livery stable job master, presumably Catherine's father) was living at 27 Russell Square. Most directories
of this period describe 30 Russell Square as a lodging house. In 1891, a brewer's agent, living at Havelock House, Park
Road, Peterborough, Northamptonshire, with his wife Catherine, their son Hugh, Catherine's visiting sister Maude, a cook,
and a housemaid. In 1901, a hotel manager, living in the household of Catherine's parents at 56 Cambridge Street,
Paddington, London, with his wife Kate (a pub manager) and their son Cecil. At his death in 1903, of the White Hart hotel,
Andover, Hampshire; his widow Catherine was granted administration of his estate at London on 20 Feb 1903; his effects
were valued at £5. [ref. 1,2c,4a,6e,11d,11e,11f,11g,22]
- Hugh Cecil Ward SAUNDERS, b. 31 Mar 1880 at Brighton, b. reg. Q2 1880 at Brighton R.D., m. reg. Q2 1919 at
Pancras R.D., Edith CHALMERS, d. reg. Q3 1961 at Battersea R.D. In 1881, living with his parents. In 1891, a scholar,
living with his parents. In 1901, a clerk, living with his parents and his maternal grandparents. [ref. 1,4a,11e,11f,11g]
- Beatrice Louisa SAUNDERS, b. 8 May 1861 at Charlton, b. reg. Q3 1861 at Lewisham R.D., d. 6 Mar 1878 at Ladbroke
Terrace, d. reg. Q1 1878 at Kensington R.D. In 1871, a boarding pupil in a small private school at 3 Church Road,
Tunbridge Wells, Kent. [ref. 1,4a,11d]
- Edward George SAUNDERS, b. 12 Jul 1862 at Chobham House, Chobham, Surrey, b. reg. Q3 1862 at Chertsey R.D., chr.
9 Aug 1862 at St. Lawrence, Chobham, m1. reg. Q1 1887 at Fulham R.D., Sarah Collett GRAHAME (b. ca. 1862 in London, m2.
reg. Q2 1898 at Chelsea R.D., William Edward ALLEN), div. 1896, m2. reg. Q4 1897 at Westminster R.D., Ellen Mary W. HARE
(b. ca. 1872 in London). In 1871, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1881, articled to a solicitor, lodging at 3
Horbury Crescent, Kensington. In 1891, a solicitor, living at North Water House, Church Road, Barnes, Surrey, with his
wife Sarah (an actress), her mother, a gardener, a cook, a maid, a parlormaid, and three female visitors. In 1901, a
theater proprietor, living at 30 Kensington Square, Kensington, with his second wife Ellen (an actress), their daughter
Winifred, a parlormaid, a cook, and a nurse; his first wife Sarah was living at 12 Sussex Place, Marylebone, with her
second husband William (a printer and publisher), their 3-month-old son, her mother, a butler, a housemaid, and a cook.
In 1911, a gentleman of private means, living at 21 Elgin Mansions, London, with his daughter Winifred and a
housekeeper. [ref. 1,2g,4a,11d,11e,11f,11g,11h,56]
- Winifred Maud Ellen Beatrice SAUNDERS, b. ca. 1898 at St. Martin in the Fields, London, b. reg. Q1 1898 at Westminster
R.D. In 1901, living with her parents. In 1911, living with her father. [ref. 4a,11g,11h]
- Katharine SAUNDERS, b. 6 Nov 1863 at Chobham, b. reg. Q4 1863 at Chertsey R.D., chr.
24 Jun 1864 at St. Lawrence, Chobham, m. 12 Dec 1885 at St. Mary Abbott, Kensington, m. reg. Q4 1885 at Kensington R.D.,
William ORFORD, d. 16 Oct 1947, d. reg. Q4 1947 at Cheltenham R.D., bur. at Charlton
Kings. In 1871, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1881, a lodger at 3 Horbury Crescent, Kensington. [ref. 1,2g,4a,5a,7b,11d,11e,30j]
- James Dashwood SAUNDERS, b. 10 Feb 1865 at Chobham, b. reg. Q1 1865 at Chertsey R.D., chr.
24 Jun 1865 at St. Lawrence, Chobham, m. Maria Georgina WISHART, d. 29 Dec 1926 at the General Hospital, Singapore, bur.
at Bidadari Cemetery, Singapore. In 1871, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1881, at boarding school at Carrington
Lodge, 4 Carrington Villas, Marshgate Road, Richmond, Surrey. In 1904, a partner in Saunders & Company, residence 37
Cavenagh Road, Singapore. (The other partners were James Guthrie MacTAGGART, of Change Alley, and Arthur Edwin MULHOLLAND,
of Niven Road.) In 1916, a partner in Saunders & Macphail, residence 1 Cairnhill Road, Singapore. (The other partner
was Lachlan Rose MacPHAIL, of Stevens Road. Chay Boon SOO, of 17 Alexandra Place, was their clerk.) At his death in 1926,
of 121 Amber Mansions, Orchard Road, Singapore. His widow Maria was granted probate of his will at Singapore (sealed at
London 5 Jul 1927); his effects in England were valued at £420 10s. A banker, broker, and sportsman in Singapore.
See obituary. [ref. 1,2g,4a,6e,11d,11e,31,32,74a]
- Ferdinand "Fred" Ward SAUNDERS, b. 27 Mar 1866 at Chobham, b. reg. Q2 1866 at Chertsey R.D., chr. 23 Apr 1866 at St.
Lawrence, Chobham, m. reg. Q2 1917 at Kingston R.D., Fortune GRAHAM (m2. reg. Q1 1923 at South Shields R.D., Alexander A.
WATT), d. 25 Jan 1918 in France, bur. at the New British Cemetery, Tincourt, France. In 1871, a scholar, living with his
parents. In 1881, a boarding pupil at Montpelier House School, Wrottesley House, Montpelier Row, Lewisham, Kent. At his
death in 1918, a second lieutenant in the Royal Flying Corps (35th Squadron) and the Welsh Regiment, of 7 New Parks
Crescent, Scarborough, Yorkshire. His widow Fortune was granted administration of his estate at York on 24 Aug 1918; his
effects were valued at £155 15s. 11d. [ref. 1,2g,4a,6e,7a,11d,11e,23]
- Eunice F.W. SAUNDERS, later Eunice F.W.S. WATT, b. reg. Q3 1918 at Scarborough R.D., m1. reg. Q4 1939 at Leeds R.D.,
Ronald I. HEY, m2. reg. Q3 1947 at Lancaster R.D., John W. EWART. [ref. 4a]
- Adrian HEY, b. reg. Q4 1944 at Leeds R.D. [ref. 4a]
- Claude Douglas SAUNDERS, b. 25 Nov 1867 at Chobham, b. reg. Q1 1868 at Chertsey R.D., chr. 24 Jun 1868 at St.
Lawrence, Chobham, m1. 25 Nov 1894 at Albany, Western
Australia, Mabel Grace CLARINGBOLD (b. ca. 1875 at Kenley, Surrey, b. reg. Q3 1875 at Croydon R.D., daughter of John
CLARINGBOLD [in 1881, stationmaster of the Kenley railway station, d. by 1891] and Emma [in 1891, a subpostmistress]),
div. 1901 on the grounds of infidelity and adultery (see
newspaper report), m2. Kathleen (or Katrina) Jacoba
STEINBERG (referred to as "colored" by Claude's nephew in ref. 9). In 1871, a scholar, living with his parents. In
1881, at boarding school at Carrington Lodge. At his marriage in 1894, a captain, late of the "R.F.B. and B.L.H. India".
In 1895, an assistant mining registrar at
Coolgardie, Western
Australia; testified in a court
case involving camels, which were used for
transport in the Coolgardie goldfield; he had acted as agent for a camel importer involved in the case. Left Australia,
Dec 1899, "with one of the contingents for South Africa" (i.e. presumably to fight in the Boer War). In 1901, a captain in
the South African Constabulary; injured in the head and shoulders on 11 Aug 1901 by a fall from his horse at Bessie's
Pan. As part of the Anglicization policy following the Boer War, Claude was given the farm Tweefontein (which he renamed
Douglasdale) in the Winburg district of South Africa; he "was given generous advances and provided with teams of horses
for ploughing [but] although he had a good season and excellent market opportunities and was allowed to occupy more than
one farm, he exhausted his capital and in March 1903 applied for government employment." (ref. 15)
At his son's baptism in 1905, on the headquarters staff,
Potchefstroom, South Africa. At his son's baptism in 1906, a
farmer, of King Edward Street, Potchefstroom. [ref. 1,2g,2r,4a,9,11d,11e,11f,15,30f,50,74b,74c,74d,74e]
- Hugh Ward Douglas SAUNDERS, b. 22 May 1905, chr. privately 21 Oct 1905 at St. Mary, Potchefstroom, bur. 30 Oct 1905 at
St. Mary, Potchefstroom. At his death in 1905, of Potchefstroom. [ref. 2r]
- Hugh Douglas Knox-Gore SAUNDERS, b. 19 Sep 1906, chr. 25 Nov 1906 at St. Mary, Potchefstroom, m1. Louisa Petronella
Delina HORN, div. 1940, m2. Augusta Lilian VIEL, div. 1942, m3. Gloria Minnie LÖTTER (b. 14 Mar 1928, m2. Robert
James LYNN), d. 1957. Served in North Africa in World War II as a sergeant major in the 1st
Transvaal Scottish
Regiment. [ref. 2r,5h,8a,50]
- Claude Knox-Gore SAUNDERS (by m1.). [ref. 5h,5i]
- Janine SAUNDERS. [ref. 5i]
- Ward Knox-Gore SAUNDERS (by m3.), b. 1948. [ref. 5h,5i]
- Darryl Knox-Gore SAUNDERS (by m3.), m. Katharine Nora McCOMBE, div. 1980. [ref. 5h,5i,50]
- Stella SAUNDERS. [ref. 5h]
- Bertha SAUNDERS. [ref. 5h]
- Eileen Gwendoline Sylvia SAUNDERS, m. Louis GODFREY. [ref. 5h]
- Allan Lindsey SAUNDERS, Major, M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.R.C.P. (Lond.), b. 14 Sep 1869 at Connaught Square,
Paddington, Middlesex, chr. 14 Jan 1870 at St. John, Paddington, m1. reg. Q3 1897 at Kings Lynn R.D., Katie Winifred
ROLFE (b. ca. 1873 at Kings Lynn, Norfolk, d. 17 Feb 1934 after an operation, d. reg. Q1 1934 at Hampstead R.D., bur. at
Hampstead Cemetery), m2. 7 Mar 1935, m. reg. Q1 1935 at Hampstead R.D., Doris Westall STUCKEY (only child of Arthur
Aspland STUCKEY), d. 26 Oct 1939, d. reg. Q4 1939 at Hampstead R.D., bur. at Hampstead Cemetery. In 1871, living with
his parents. In 1881, at boarding school at Carrington Lodge. In 1891, a medical student, lodging at 19 Artesian Road,
Paddington. In 1901, a physician and surgeon, living at The Limes, Water Lane, Grimston, Norfolk, with his wife Katie,
their son Hugh, a housemaid, a cook, and Katie's brother Horace H. ROLFE (a medical student, b. ca. 1882 at Kings Lynn).
At his son's baptism in 1906, a physician, of 112 Maida Vale, London. In 1911, a physician and surgeon, living at 112
Maida Vale, London, with his wife Katie, their sons Hercules and Guy, a governess, a cook, and a parlormaid. In 1923 and
1934, of 112 Maida Vale, London W.9. At his second marriage in 1935, a doctor, of 155 Cholmly Gardens, London, N.W.6;
Doris was of 374 Finchley Road, London N.W.3. At his death in 1939, of 153 Cholm(on)l(e)y Gardens. Limited administration
of his will was granted at London on 21 Dec 1939 to Mireille, wife of Allan's son Hugh, as Hugh's attorney; Allan's
effects were valued at £2159 11s. 4d. [ref. 1,2o,2p,4a,6e,11d,11e,11f,11g,11h,30a,30b,30c,30e]
- Hugh Ward Bannerman SAUNDERS, D.S.O., b. 13 Sep 1898 at Grimston, b. reg. Q3 1898 at Freebridge Lynn R.D., m1. ca. 1923, Eilean Campbell TERRY (eldest dau. of Charles H. TERRY, of The Chestnuts, Pangbourne, Berkshire), m2. by 1936 Mireille Christine (b. ca. 1904, d. reg. Q2 1943 at Surrey South Western R.D.), m3. reg. Q3 1945 at Lichfield R.D., Daisy GLYNN (m1. reg. Q3 1935 at Chelsea R.D., Arthur V. NEGUS, who d. reg. Q2 1943 at Marylebone R.D.), d. reg. Q2 1972 at St. Marylebone R.D. In 1901, living with his parents. In 1911, a boarding pupil at Exeter School, Exeter, Devon. A gentleman cadet at the Royal Military College, commissioned 19 Jul 1916 as a second lieutenant in the Gordon Highlanders. In 1919, a British military officer, sailed
from Hong Kong to Victoria, British Columbia, on the ship Empress of Russia, in transit to Aberdeen. At his engagement in 1923, a captain in the Gordon Highlanders. In May 1936, Mireille sailed from Gibraltar to Plymouth on the ship Maloja; her permanent residence was in Scotland, but her immediate proposed address was Ferndon Hill, Haslemere, Surrey. On 21 Dec 1939, Mireille was granted limited administration of Hugh's father's will as Hugh's attorney (perhaps Hugh was away fighting World War II). At his son's engagement in 1961, a lieutenant-colonel, of 9 Southwick Place, London W.2. [ref. 4a,6e,9,11g,11h,30c,30d,71a,72a,72b]
- David George Bannerman SAUNDERS (eldest son, mother Mireille), m. reg. Q2 1962 at Kensington R.D., Susan Argyll "Sue"
ROBERTSON (eldest daughter of Brigadier I.A. ROBERTSON of Brackla House, Nairn, Scotland). At his engagement in 1961, an
officer in the Gordon Highlanders. [ref. 4a,9,30d]
- Mark Hugh Bannerman SAUNDERS, b. 13 Dec 1964, m. Rebecca Joan. [ref. 16b]
- Finn David Bannerman SAUNDERS, b. 26 Oct 2000. [ref. 16b]
- Anna Jennifer SAUNDERS, b. 15 Nov 2001. [ref. 16b]
- Hector David Bannerman SAUNDERS, b. 1 Dec 1966, m. Holly NICHOLSON. [ref. 16b]
- Carol SAUNDERS. [ref. 9]
- Jeremy Hugh Bannerman SAUNDERS, b. reg. Q3 1946 at Kensington R.D., m. reg. Q3 1970 at Hampstead R.D., Margaret R.G. IRISH. In ca. 1960, a physician in Scotland. [ref. 4a,9]
- Piers Bannerman SAUNDERS, b. reg. Q1 1971 at Southampton R.D., m. reg. Jul 1995 at North Walsham R.D., Camilla J. SYMES. [ref. 4a]
- Henry Bannerman SAUNDERS, b. reg. Apr 1998 at Bury St. Edmunds R.D. [ref. 4a]
- Oliver Bannerman SAUNDERS, b. reg. Mar 2000 at Bury St. Edmunds R.D. [ref. 4a]
- Isaac John Bannerman SAUNDERS, b. reg. Apr 2003 at Cambridge R.D. [ref. 4a,5k]
- Hugh Michael Bannerman SAUNDERS, b. reg. Aug 2005 at Cambridge R.D. [ref. 4a,5k]
- Leo Bannerman SAUNDERS, b. Q1 2010 at Cambridge. [ref. 5k]
- Julian Bannerman SAUNDERS, b. reg. Q3 1973 at Portsmouth R.D. Julian has a website about his ancestors and their house Hanch Hall, in Longdon, Staffordshire. [ref. 4a,5k]
- Camilla Sybelle SAUNDERS, b. Q3 1976 at Dundee, m. 2004 at Felmersham, m. reg. Nov 2004 at Bedford R.D., Simon E.G. MANNING. [ref. 4a,5k]
- George Charlie MANNING, b. reg. Jul 2005 at Bedford R.D. [ref. 4a,5k]
- Isabelle Olivia MANNING, b. Q3 2007 at Bedford. [ref. 5k]
- Benjamin William MANNING, b. Q2 2010 at Bedford. [ref. 5k]
- Robin Jeremy Bannerman SAUNDERS, b. Q2 1980 at Dundee. [ref. 5k]
- Sophia Annabelle SAUNDERS, b. Q3 2011 at Guildford. [ref. 5k]
- Hercules Rolfe SAUNDERS, b. ca. 1903 at Hampton Court, Middlesex, b. reg. Q2 1903 at Kingston R.D. In 1911, living
with his parents. [ref. 4a,11h]
- Guy Havelock SAUNDERS, b. ca. 1906 at London, b. reg. Q2 1906 at Marylebone R.D., chr. 22 Apr 1906 at St.
Augustine Kilburn, Paddington, d. reg. Q2 1921 at Marylebone R.D. In 1911, living with his parents. [ref. 2p,4a,9,11h]
- Ellen Bertha SAUNDERS, b. 10 Feb 1871 at 112 Lansdowne Place, Brighton, b. reg. Q1 1871 at Steyning R.D., m1. reg. Q2
1897 at Paddington R.D., Ernest Walter SILVERTHORNE (b. ca. 1871 at Brighton, b. reg. Q2 1871 at Brighton R.D., presumably
a relative of Ellen's brother Hugh's wife Kate SILVERTHORNE), div. 1900, m2. reg. Q3 1901 at Kingston R.D., either
William Henry BALL or William Henry A. MAY. In 1871, living with her parents. In 1881, a visitor in the house of Annette
TYLDEN (b. ca. 1832 in Canada, living on yearly dividends) at 34 York Road, Tonbridge, a few doors down from her father's
stepsister Eliza R. (Chase) Bingham. Note that Eliza and Annette lived together in 1871. In 1891, boarding at 3 Greenside,
Richmond, Surrey, with her mother. In 1901, Ernest was a theatrical manager, boarding at 19 King Street, Covent Garden,
London. In 1906, a witness (under her maiden name) at the baptism of her brother Claude's son in
Potchefstroom. [ref. 1,2r,4a,11d,11e,11f,11g,56]
- Lionel Wallace SAUNDERS, b. 3 May 1872 at Lansdowne Place, Brighton, b. reg. Q2 1872 at Steyning R.D., m. reg. Q3 1890
at Kensington R.D., Florence Leeson RIETIKER (b. ca. 1863 in London, d. 29 Oct 1949), d. by 1949. In 1881, living with
his mother at 15 Ladbroke Terrace, Kensington. At his son's baptism in Sep 1891, an actor, of 65 Wood Lane, Hammersmith.
In 1901, a dramatic and musical agent, living at Redleaf, Hansler Grove, East Molesey, Surrey, with his wife Florence,
their children Lionel and Margaret, his mother, and two servants. In 1911, a dramatic agent, living at Northsyde, Arnison
Road, East Molesey, with his wife Florence, their daughter Margaret, and a servant. At her death in 1949, Florence was of
41A Seltham Avenue, East Molesey. [ref. 1,2q,4a,11e,11g,11h,30g]
- Lionel Hugh Wallace "Leo" SAUNDERS, b. 23 Jun 1891 in London, b. reg. Q3 1891 at Fulham R.D., chr. 6 Sep 1891 at St.
Thomas, Hammersmith, m. reg. Q4 1935 at Elham R.D., Johanna M. STENHOUSE (b. ca. 1889, m1. reg. Q3 1913 at Elham R.D.,
Pierre H.H. BERNARD, d. reg. Q2 1956 at Christchurch R.D.), d. reg. Q3 1977 at Hastings and Rother R.D. In 1901, living
with his parents. [ref. 2q,4a,11g,30g]
- Margaret Kathleen W. "Peggy" SAUNDERS, b. ca. Aug 1900 at East Molesey, b. reg. Q4 1900 at Kingston R.D. In 1901 and
1911, living with her parents. [ref. 2q,4a,11g,11h,30g]
- Julia Eliza SAUNDERS, b. 6 Aug 1829 at Calcutta, m. 29 May 1849 at Cowes, Russell HOWELL (b. ca. 1825 at Dover, Kent,
second son of David HOWELL of Ethy, Cornwall), d. by 1901. In 1851, living at Ethy House, St. Winnow, Cornwall, in the
household of her husband's brother Francis HOWELL (the squire, b. ca. 1822 at Luxulyan, Cornwall), with her husband
Russell (the vicar of St. Veep, Cornwall), their daughter Frances, her husband's aunt, three visitors, and 16 servants (of
whom five were "visitors", presumably belonging to the house guests). In 1861, living at Poltair Mansion, Madron,
Cornwall, with her husband Russell (a landed proprietor and fundholder), their children Eliza, David, Bernard, and Mary,
visitor Jabez WATSON, a groom, a cook, a house- and parlormaid, a nurse, and a nursemaid. An 1890 directory lists
Russell's address as Firmont, Ash Hill Road, Torquay, Devon. In 1891, living at Firmont, Torquay, with her husband Russell
(living on his own means), their daughters Leila and Winifred, and three servants. In 1901, Russell was living on his own
means at Firmont, Torquay, with his children Frances, Leila, and Wilfred, a housekeeper, a cook, and a
house-parlormaid. [ref. 1,11b,11c,11f,11g,41]
- Frances HOWELL, b. 26 Feb 1850 at Cambridge Square, Paddington, London. In 1851, living with her parents. In 1891,
visiting Harriett BAZELEY, an elderly spinster with other younger visitors, at 5 Marine Parade, Dover. In 1901, living
with her father. [ref. 1,11b,11f,11g]
- Eliza "Leila" HOWELL, b. 4 Oct 1854 at Henrietta Street, Marylebone, London. In 1861, a scholar, living with her
parents. In 1901, living with her father. [ref. 1,11c,11g]
- David HOWELL, b. 20 May 1856 at St. Veep, Cornwall, m. 29 Nov 1882 at London, Helen Mary Maxima SEGAR (b.
ca. 1859 in Lancashire, daughter of W.F. SEGAR of Westfield House, Preston). In 1861, living with his parents. In 1881,
Helen was a boarder at a convent in
Kensington Square, Kensington. In 1891, living on his own means at Trerython, Tywardreath, Cornwall, with his wife Helen,
daughter Francis, a Roman Catholic chaplain, a footman, two housemaids, a cook, a nurse, and a kitchenmaid. In 1901, a
justice of the peace, living on his own means at Rosehill, Madron, Cornwall, with a butler, a cook, a kitchenmaid, and a
housemaid (all of them Irish). [ref. 1,11c,11e,11f,11g]
- Francis Mary HOWELL, b. ca. 1883 in New Zealand. In 1891, living with her parents. [ref. 11f]
- Bernard Stanislaus Mary HOWELL, b. 13 Nov 1857 at The Grove, Clapham, Surrey. In 1861, living with his parents. In
1881, a theology student at Longfield, West Teignmouth, Devon. In 1891, a Roman Catholic priest, resident member of the
Bishop Eton Institution, Wavertree, Lancashire. In 1901, a Roman Catholic priest, visiting the Oratory, Edgbaston,
Worcestershire. [ref. 1,11c,11e,11f,11g]
- Mary Harriett Theresa HOWELL, b. 5 Oct 1860 at Poltair, Madron, d. 14 Apr 1877 at Boulogne-sur-Mer. In 1861, living
with her parents. [ref. 1,11c]
- Edmund Joseph HOWELL, b. 7 Nov 1862 at Boulogne-sur-Mer (twin with Gerard). In 1881, at school at Fort Augustus Abbey
monastery school, Boleskine and Abertarff, Invernessshire. [ref. 1,11e]
- Gerard Joseph HOWELL, b. 7 Nov 1862 at Boulogne-sur-Mer (twin with Edmund). In 1881, at school at Fort Augustus
Abbey. [ref. 1,11e]
- Wilfrid Philip Mary HOWELL, b. 13 May 1864 at Outreaux, France, m. reg. Q2 1901 at Newton Abbot R.D., Adelaide Camilla
E. CARY. In 1881, at school at Fort Augustus Abbey. In 1901, a civil engineer, living with his father. [ref. 1,4a,11e,11g]
- Daughters. [ref. 9]
- Austin Joseph Xavier HOWELL, b. 28 Jun 1866 at Boulogne-sur-Mer. In 1881, at school at Fort Augustus Abbey. [ref. 1,11e]
- Monica Julia Mary HOWELL, b. 17 Oct 1867 at Boulogne-sur-Mer, d. Jan 1887. [ref. 1,10]
- Winefride Mary Josephine HOWELL, b. 10 Dec 1868 at Boulogne-sur-Mer, d. reg. Q3 1898 at Newton Abbot R.D. [ref. 1,4a]
- Robert Alphonsus Mary HOWELL, b. 24 Feb 1870 at Bregenz, Austria, d. there 31 Aug 1870. [ref. 1,10]
- Lucy Mary Josephine HOWELL, b. 23 Mar 1874 at Mentone, France, d. 8 May 1874 at Turin. [ref. 1]
- John James SAUNDERS, b. 30 Mar 1794, chr. 26 Apr 1794 at St. Botolph Bishopsgate, London,
m. 17 Jan 1828 Isabella Susanna BOYD (d. 22 Feb 1868 at Blackheath, daughter of Walter BOYD of Plaistow Lodge, Bromley,
and sister of the wife of John's brother William), d. 17 May 1876 at St. Leonard's. In 1871, a retired merchant, living at
23 Magdalen Road, Hastings, with his daughter Mary, grandchildren Frances and Edward (children of his son Henry), a
visitor, a cook, and two housemaids. [ref. 1,2h,11d]
- Isabella Harriet SAUNDERS, b. 31 Dec 1828 at Plaistow Lodge, m. 3 May 1860 at Old Charlton, John Hooke TAUNTON (b. ca.
1821 at Totnes, Devon; of Brimscombe, Gloucestershire), d. 25 May 1880 at London. In 1871, living at The Hill House,
Stroud, Gloucestershire, with her husband John (a civil engineer), his niece, a visitor, a cook, and a housemaid. Isabella
and John had no children. [ref. 1,11d]
- John Boyd SAUNDERS, b. 1 Sep 1830 at Plaistow Lodge, m. 12 Feb 1852 at Sevenoaks, Kent, m. reg. Q1 1852 at Sevenoaks
R.D., Lily GLENDINING (b. ca. 1828 at Manchester, d. reg. Q1 1898 at Kensington R.D., eldest daughter of Alexander and
Sarah GLENDINING of Ashgrove, Sevenoaks), d. reg. Q1 1889 at Shoreditch R.D. In 1861, Lily was living in her parents'
household at Ashgrove, with her children Julia, Emily, Florence, Alick, and Lily. In 1871, John was a major in
the Indian Army, living at 1 Park Place, Sevenoaks, with his wife Lily, their children Julia, Emily, Florence, Alick, Lily,
Maude, and Amy, and a nurse. In 1881, in the Indian Army, living at 45 Blenheim Crescent, Kensington, with his wife Lily,
their children Alick, Lily, Maude, and Amy, and two servants. Subsequently a major general
in the Bengal Cavalry. In 1891, Lily was living on her own means at 84 Denbigh Street, London, with her children Alick and
Amy. [ref. 1,4a,11c,11d,11e,11f]
- Julia Isabel SAUNDERS, b. 31 Dec 1852 at Calcutta. In 1861, living with her mother. In 1871, living with her parents.
In 1881, visiting 14 Roxburgh Road, Westgate on Sea, near Margate, Kent, with the family of her sister Emily. [ref. 1,11c,11d,11e]
- Emily SAUNDERS, b. 29 Sep 1854 at Tunbridge Wells, m. 6 Dec 1875 David OGDEN (b. ca. 1838 in Canada). In 1861, living
with her mother. In 1871, living with her parents. In 1881, visiting 14 Roxburgh Road, Westgate on Sea, with her husband
David (a captain in the 14th Regiment), son Charles, sister Julia, two nurses, and a housemaid. David was subsequently a
captain in the 55th Regiment. [ref. 1,11c,11d,11e]
- Robert David OGDEN, b. 1877 in India, d. 1878 at Portsmouth. [ref. 1]
- John Home OGDEN, b. 1878 in India, d. Apr 1879 at Aden. [ref. 1]
- Charles Gouverneur OGDEN, b. 1879 at Aden. In 1881, living with his parents. [ref. 1,11e]
- Florence May OGDEN, b. 15 May 1881 at Westgate on Sea. Immigrated to Canada, 1890. In 1901, living with her uncle
Charles K. OGDEN at Trois Rivières, Quebec, together with her brother Sidney. [ref. 1,38]
- Sidney OGDEN, b. 6 Jun 1882 at Guernsey. In 1901, living with his uncle Charles at Trois Rivières, together
with his sister Florence. [ref. 1,38]
- Florence Augusta SAUNDERS, b. 20 Jan 1856 at Calcutta. In 1861, living with her mother. In 1871, living with her
parents. In 1881, staying with her grandmother Sarah GLENDENNING at 11 Hungershall Park, Speldhurst, Kent. [ref. 1,11c,11d,11e]
- Alick Boyd SAUNDERS, b. 1 Jun 1857 at Sealkote, Punjab, India. In 1861, living with his mother. In 1871, a scholar,
living with his parents. In 1881, a bank clerk, living with his parents. In 1891, a bank cashier, living with his mother.
In 1901, a bank clerk, boarding at 157 Fulham Road, Chelsea, London. [ref. 1,11c,11d,11e,11f,11g]
- Lily Melvill SAUNDERS, b. 10 Feb 1860 at Sevenoaks, b. reg. Q1 1860 at Sevenoaks R.D., m. reg. Q3 1888 at Barnsley
R.D. In 1861, living with her mother. In 1871 and 1881, living with her parents. [ref. 1,4a,11c,11d,11e]
- Maude Lushington SAUNDERS, b. 7 Feb 1866 at Blackheath, m. reg. Q4 1890 at Paddington R.D., George COLLIS (b. ca. 1834
at Islington, London). In 1871, living with her parents. In 1881, a scholar, living with her parents.
In 1891, living at St. James's Vicarage, Canterbury
Road, Garlinge, near Margate, Kent, with her husband George (a clerk in holy orders), two stepchildren, and a cook. In 1901, living at
St. James's Vicarage, Garlinge, with her husband George (a Church of England clergyman), daughter Amy, three
stepchildren, a cook, and a housemaid. [ref. 1,4a,11d,11e,11f,11g]
- Amy Dorothy M. COLLIS, b. 1891 at Margate, b. reg. Q4 1891 at Thanet R.D. In 1901, living with her parents. [ref. 4a,11g]
- Amy Constance SAUNDERS, b. 20 May 1868 at Blackheath. In 1871, living with her parents. In 1881, a scholar, living
with her parents. In 1891, living with
her mother. In 1901, visiting the MERRYWEATHER sisters at 8 Chandos Villas, Canterbury Road, Margate (a private school with
three pupils). [ref. 1,11d,11e,11f,11g]
- Louisa Frances SAUNDERS, b. 27 Jul 1832 at Plaistow Lodge, m. 5 Jan 1861 at Old Charlton, George Frederick HARRISON
(b. ca. 1827 at Marylebone). In 1871, living at 10 Victoria Road, Charlton, with her husband George (a pensioned clerk in
the General Post Office), a cook, and a housemaid. In 1881, living at 10 Victoria Road, Charlton, with her husband George
(a civil servant in the General Post Office), her sister Mary, a housemaid, and a cook. [ref. 1,11d,11e]
- Dorothy Georgina Louise HARRISON, b. 14 May 1875 at Old Charlton, d. there 30 Oct 1880. [ref. 1]
- Walter Henry SAUNDERS, b. 24 Jan 1834 at Plaistow Lodge, d. 31 Jan 1835. [ref. 1]
- Edward William SAUNDERS, b. 21 Feb 1836 at Plaistow Lodge, m. 20 Aug 1862 in New Zealand, Eliza Marianne VON DADELZEN (b. ca. 1841 at Liverpool, Lancashire, d. reg. Q4 1906 at Brentford R.D.; daughter of Edward VON DADELZEN), d. reg. Q4 1905 at Weymouth R.D. In 1881, an army lieutenant colonel, living at the Verne Citadel, Isle of Portland, Dorset, with his wife Eliza, their children Edith, Albert, and Robert, a cook, and a nurse. Subsequently a major general in the Prince of Wales' Own West Yorkshire (late 14th) Regiment. In 1891, a retired major general, living at Richmond Villa, Blackdown, Buxtons Lane, Weymouth, Dorset, with his wife Eliza, their son Robert, a cook, and a housemaid. In 1901, an infantry major general, living at Richmond Villa, Connaught Road, Weymouth, with his wife Eliza, a hospital nurse, a cook, and a house-parlormaid. Posthumously at his son's marriage in 1919, a major general, late of the Prince of Wales' Own West Yorkshire Regisment. [ref. 1,1b,2e,4a,11e,11f,11g]
- Edith Isabella SAUNDERS, b. 14 Dec 1863 at Auckland, New Zealand, m. 24 Apr 1888 at St. Paul's, Old Charlton, Kent, Richard Henry BARBER (b. 1858 at Dorsington, Gloucestershire, d. reg. Q4 1913 at Bedford R.D.; second son of Rev. R. BARBER, M.A., vicar of Risely, Bedfordshire), d. reg. Q4 1946 at Kensington R.D. In 1881, living with her parents. In 1891, organist of H.M. Prison Shrewsbury, Shropshire, living at 5 West Street, Shrewsbury, with her husband Richard (the prison chaplain), a boarder, and a general servant. In 1901, living at the Chaplain's House, Gaol Lane, Springfield, Essex, with her husband (a clerk in holy orders), children Vera and Hubert, a cook, and a nurse. In 1911, living at 17 Conduit Road, Bedford, Bedfordshire, with her husband Henry (an Anglican clergyman) and their children Hubert, John, and Agatha. [ref. 1,1a,1b,4a,5j,11e,11f,11g,11h]
- Richard Edward Bonaventura BARBER, b. reg. Q2 1890 at Atcham R.D., d. reg. Q3 1890 at Atcham R.D. [ref. 4a,5j]
- Vera Edith Mary BARBER, b. 31 Aug 1895 at Warwick, Warwickshire, b. reg. Q3 1895 at Warwick R.D., d. reg. Q4 1972 at Surrey South West R.D. In 1901, living with her parents. [ref. 4a,5j,11g]
- Bernard Edward Benedict BARBER, b. reg. Q3 1899 at Edmonton R.D., d. reg. Q1 1900 at Islington R.D. [ref. 4a,5j]
- Hubert Ambrose BARBER, b. ca. Nov 1900 at Chelmsford, Essex, b. reg. Q1 1901 at Chelmsford R.D., d. 1918. In 1901 and 1911, living with his parents. [ref. 4a,5j,11g,11h]
- Audrey Mary Wayne BARBER, b. reg. Q1 1904 at Wakefield R.D., m. reg. Q3 1938 at Elham R.D., Arthur James TURNER (b. 1906, d. 1983; a clergyman), d. 1986. [ref. 4a,5j]
- Anthony Richard TURNER, b. 1939, m1. Helen MARCAR, m2. Sharon RAPHAEL, m3. Noriko OKADA. Researcher Anthony Turner. [ref. 5j]
- Alexius Francis-Joseph TURNER, b. 1963, m. Catherine RONAY. [ref. 5j]
- Rufus TURNER, b. 1995. [ref. 5j]
- Felix TURNER, b. 1999. [ref. 5j]
- Otto TURNER, b. 2005. [ref. 5j]
- Phoebe TURNER, b. 2009. [ref. 5j]
- Zoe-Sophia Helene TURNER, b. 1966, m. Bernard LEFEUVRE. [ref. 5j]
- Maximilien (Max) LEFEUVRE, b. 1990. [ref. 5j]
- Oscar LEFEUVRE, b. 1992. [ref. 5j]
- Annoushka (Noushie) LEFEUVRE, b. 1993. [ref. 5j]
- Jane Rosamund TURNER, b. 1946, m. Mike REID. [ref. 5j]
- Angus REID, b. 1972, m. Wendy McWILLIAMS. [ref. 5j]
- Alia Rebecca REID, b. 1997. [ref. 5j]
- Eben James REID, b. 2001. [ref. 5j]
- Alistair REID, b. 1975. [ref. 5j]
- Jeremy REID, b. 1978, m. Claire THOMAS. [ref. 5j]
- Jacob James REID, b. 2010. [ref. 5j]
- John Edward BARBER, b. 1907 at Wakefield, Yorkshire, b. reg. Q2 1907 at Wakefield R.D., m. Nora MacPHERSON, d. 1964. In 1911, living with his parents. [ref. 4a,5j,11h]
- Marilyn BARBER, d. young. [ref. 5j]
- Valerie (Vicky) BARBER. [ref. 5j]
- Agatha Rebecca M. BARBER, b. ca. 1909 at Bedford, b. reg. Q3 1909 at Bedford R.D., m. Charles KENDALL, d. 1996. In 1911, living with her parents. No children. [ref. 4a,5j,11h]
- Arthur Edward SAUNDERS, b. 1 Apr 1865 in New Zealand, d. there 1865. [ref. 1]
- Frederick William SAUNDERS, b. 8 Jul 1866 in New Zealand. In 1881, a naval cadet in the training ship Worcester
at Swanscombe, Kent. [ref. 1,11e]
- Hugh Percy SAUNDERS, b. 29 May 1869 at Hobart, Tasmania. In 1881, a boarding scholar at Newport Grammar School, 118
St. James Street, Newport, Hampshire, with his brother Walter. In 1901, a mercantile clerk, living with his uncle
Francis. [ref. 1,11e,11g]
- Walter Kenneth George SAUNDERS, b. 8 Apr 1871 at Sheffield, Yorkshire. In 1881, a boarding scholar at Newport Grammar
School with his brother Hugh. [ref. 1,11e]
- Albert Edward SAUNDERS, b. 4 Jan 1876 at Seetapore, India, m. Helen Maude DRAKE (b. ca. 1867 at Brockley, Suffolk). In
1881, living with his parents. In 1901, a stockbroker's clerk, living at 17 Waldemar Avenue, Ealing, Middlesex, with his
wife Ellen, daughter Helen, a hospital nurse, and a general servant. [ref. 1,5e,11e,11g]
- Helen Mary C. SAUNDERS, b. ca. Mar 1901 at Ealing, b. reg. Q2 1901 at Brentford R.D. In 1901, living with her
parents. [ref. 4a,11g]
- Robert John SAUNDERS, b. 26 May 1879 at Old Charlton, m. 16 Jul 1919 at St. Jude, Kensington, Florence Edith Mary LAW
(b. ca. 1889, daughter of William LAW, a clerk in holy orders, who d. by 1919). In 1881, living with his parents. In 1891,
a scholar, living with his parents. At his marriage in 1919, employed by the Eastern Extension Telegraph Company,
residence the Naval and Military Hotel, Harrington Road; Florence was of 123 Cromwell Road; the witnesses were George
MACAN and Cyril SAUNDERS. On 8 Jul 1926, employed by the Eastern Extension Telegraph Company, arrived at Southampton on
the ship Minnedosa from Montreal, proposed U.K. address care of the company, Electra House, Moorgate, London EC2.
On 22 Jun 1929, employed in telegraphy, arrived at Southampton on the ship Duchess of Bedford from Montreal with
his wife Florence and their children Robert, Stella, and June; last permanent residence China, proposed U.K. address care
of the Eastern Extension, Australia, and China Telegraph Company, Electrical House, Moorgate, London. [ref. 1,2e,11e,11f,72a]
- Robert David Nigel SAUNDERS, b. 7 Feb 1921 at Shanghai, m. reg. Q4 1949 at Surrey South Western R.D., Joyce Morland
SHEWELL (b. 1926, d. 1999), d. reg. May 1994 at Surrey Mid-Eastern R.D. In 1929, arrived at Southampton from Montreal with
his parents; last permanent residence China. A bomber pilot in World War II. Later an aeronautical engineer. [ref. 4a,5g,72a]
- Robert Nicholas Shewell "Nick" SAUNDERS, b. reg. Q2 1952 at Winchester R.D. [ref. 4a,5g]
- Katherine Elizabeth Stella SAUNDERS, later Katherine Elizabeth SHEWELL, b. reg. Q1 1954 at Droxford R.D. [ref. 4a,5g]
- Michael David Morland SAUNDERS, b. 1958. [ref. 5g]
- Stella Marion Jane SAUNDERS, b. ca. 1924 at Shanghai, m. reg. Aug 1988 at Kingsclere and Whitchurch R.D., Peter
BROMHEAD. In 1929, arrived at Southampton from Montreal with her parents; last permanent residence China. [ref. 4a,5g,72a]
- June Valerie SAUNDERS, b. ca. 1926 at Shanghai, m. reg. Q2 1947 at Surrey South Western R.D., Peter H. RAYMOND. In
1929, arrived at Southampton from Montreal with her parents; last permanent residence China. [ref. 4a,5g,72a]
- Henry George SAUNDERS, b. 7 Mar 1838 at Old Charlton, m1. 17 Dec 1859 in India, Alice Jane JONES (d. Oct 1865,
daughter of Capt. JONES), m2. 24 Dec 1867 at London, Caroline Frances PRICE (b. ca. 1847 in Ireland, daughter of Capt. S.
PRICE). In 1881, a major in the Bengal Staff Corps, living at 2 Paxton Place, Cambridge Park Road, St. Peter Port,
Guernsey, with his wife Caroline, children Henry, Edward, Daisy, Kathleen, Patrick, and Mary, and four servants, one of
them a "dhai" (nursemaid) from the East Indies. Commissioned lieutenant colonel in the Indian Staff Corps, 20 Oct 1881. In
1893, a lieutenant colonel in the Indian Staff Corps. [ref. 1,11e,54]
- Henry John SAUNDERS, b. 21 Feb 1861 at Futtyghur. In 1881, a medical student, living with his father and
stepmother. [ref. 1,11e]
- Frances Isabella SAUNDERS, b. 14 Jul 1862 at Kussowlie. In 1871, living with her paternal grandfather. [ref. 1,11d]
- Edward George Stanley SAUNDERS, b. 8 Nov 1863 at Kussowlie. In 1871, living with his paternal grandfather. In 1881, a
scholar, living with his father and stepmother. [ref. 1,11d,11e]
- Louisa Mabel SAUNDERS, b. 17 Jan 1869 at Calcutta, d. 10 Aug 1869. [ref. 1]
- Daisy SAUNDERS, b. 11 Mar 1870 at Calcutta, m1. SANDLAND (d. by 1900), m2. reg. Q4 1900 at Camberwell R.D., Matthew
Henry LISTER (b. 31 May 1877 at Dover, Kent). In 1881, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1901, living at 7 Green
Hill, Grantham, Lincolnshire, with her second husband Matthew (living on his own means), her son George, and a
cook. [ref. 1,4a,11e,11g,35]
- George E. SANDLAND, b. ca. 1895 in France. In 1901, living with his mother and stepfather. [ref. 11g]
- Edith Frances LISTER, b. 14 Sep 1901. [ref. 35]
- Matthew Henry LISTER, b. reg. Q4 1902 at Warwick R.D. [ref. 4a,35]
- Kathleen SAUNDERS, b. 17 Nov 1871 at Allahabad. In 1881, a scholar, living with her parents. [ref. 1,11e]
- Nora SAUNDERS, b. 17 Nov 1875 at Allahabad, d. there 24 Sep 1876. [ref. 1]
- Helen Elizabeth SAUNDERS, b. 3 Oct 1877 at Allahabad, d. there 24 Jan 1879. [ref. 1]
- Patrick Cornelius SAUNDERS, b. 13 Sep 1879 at Nynee Tal. In 1881, living with his parents. [ref. 1,11e]
- Marie Bernadette Anita SAUNDERS, b. 5 Dec 1880 at St. Peter Port, m. reg. Q1 1900 at Kensington R.D., Rowland
Frederick EDEN (b. 17 Aug 1874 at Weekley, Northamptonshire). In 1881, living with her parents. In 1901, living with her
husband Rowland in the household
of his parents, 63 Warwick Road, Kensington. [ref. 1,4a,11e,11g,35]
- Frederick Augustus Morton EDEN, b. 1 May 1904, b. reg. Q2 1904 at Croydon R.D. [ref. 4a,35]
- Mary Charity SAUNDERS, b. 7 Aug 1839 at Old Charlton. In 1871, living with her father. In 1881, living with her sister
Louisa. [ref. 1,11d,11e]
- Arthur Augustus SAUNDERS, b. 8 Aug 1842 at Old Charlton, m. 17 Aug 1871 at St. Leonard's, Ellen Madelaine AKERS
(b. ca. 1850 at Dover, Kent, only surviving child of James R. AKERS). In 1871, a lieutenant in the Royal Horse Artillery,
living in the Royal Artillery barracks at Woolwich. At his son's baptism in 1872, a lieutenant in the Royal Horse
Artillery, of Woolwich. In 1881, a captain in the Royal Artillery, living at Shoeburyness
Garrison, South Shoebury, Essex, with his wife Ellen, their children Arthur, Isabel, and Cyril, Ellen's mother, a nurse, a
cook, a parlormaid, and a housemaid. Commissioned lieutenant colonel in the Royal Artillery, 12 May 1890 and 30 Jul 1891.
In 1891, a lieutenant colonel in the Royal Artillery, visiting Cambridge House, Cambridge Park Road, St. Peter Port,
Guernsey, with his wife Ellen, their children Arthur, Rose, and Cyril, and two general servants. In 1893, a lieutenant
colonel in the Royal Artillery (Western Division). In 1901, a retired colonel, living at Cracknells, Freshwater, Isle of
Wight, with his wife Ellen, their daughter Rose, a lady's maid, a cook, and a parlormaid. [ref. 1,2m,11d,11e,11f,11g,54]
- Arthur Ramsay SAUNDERS, b. 14 Aug 1872 at Woolwich, chr. 29 Sep 1872 at St. Mary Magdalen, Woolwich. In 1881, a
scholar, living with his parents. Pupil at Radley College. In 1891, living with his parents. Matriculated at Keble College,
Oxford University, 9 Feb 1892. In 1901, the Hon. Secretary of the Solent Yacht Club, Yarmouth, Isle of Wight, living at
the club. [ref. 1,2m,11e,11f,11g,17b]
- Isabella Margaret "Rose" SAUNDERS, b. 7 Oct 1873 at Dublin. In 1881, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1891 and
1901, living with her parents. [ref. 1,11e,11f,11g]
- Cyril SAUNDERS, b. 26 Feb 1875 at Canterbury, Kent. In 1881 and 1891, living with his parents. [ref. 1,11e,11f]
- Eliza Caroline SAUNDERS, b. 12 May 1844 at Old Charlton, d. 13 Feb 1845 at Old Charlton. [ref. 1]
- Francis Robert SAUNDERS, b. 2 Jun 1847 at Southend, m. 24 Jul 1877 at London, Amelia Sophia READ (b. ca. 1846 at
Singapore, only daughter of William Henry McLeod READ of Singapore). In 1861, a boarding pupil at Marlborough College,
Marlborough, Wiltshire. In 1881, secretary of the Rochester Diocesan Society,
living at 25 Durham Terrace, London, with his wife Amelia, her spinster aunt, and three servants. In 1901, retired
secretary of a religious society, living in the household of his father-in-law (a retired East Indies merchant) at 16
Montpelier Row, Blackheath, with his wife Amelia, nephew Hugh (son of his brother Edward), a cook, a housemaid, a
parlormaid, and a valet. [ref. 1,11c,11e,11g]
- Charity Elizabeth SAUNDERS, b. 30 May 1799 at London, chr. 7 Jun 1799 at St. Botolph Bishopsgate, London, d.
unm. 1846 at Cowes. [ref. 1,2h1]
Descendants of Robert Saunders
Robert SAUNDERS, b. and chr. 28 Aug 1754 at Banff, m. 3 Mar 1786 at Monghyr, Behar, India,
Margaret KEBLE (d. 8 Sep 1828 at Brighton, daughter of John Page KEBLE), d. 4 Mar 1825 at Southend, Kent.
In 1778, published Observations on the Sore Throat and Fever that Raged in the North of Scotland in 1777.
In 1779, a physician in Banff, appointed cautioner and surety for his mother as executrix of his father's will.
Received warrant as assistant surgeon in the army of the East India Company, 12 May 1782. In 1783, an India surgeon and
member of the Corporation of Surgeons. In 1787, 1789, and 1790, assistant surgeon at Boglepore. In 1788, involved
in the opium trade at Boglepore; see a letter he wrote to the Collector of Dinajpur.
In 1790, a member of the Asiatic Society. In 1816, of Lewisham, Kent.
Armigerous. (See above for Robert's ancestry and other relatives.) [ref. 1,2a,2a1,6b,6d,17a,18,52]
- Harriet SAUNDERS, b. 16 May 1787 at Boglepore, d. unm. 28 Jan 1829 at Brighton. [ref. 1]
- George William SAUNDERS, senior merchant, Madras Civil Service, East India Company, b. 4 Jan 1789 at Boglepore, m. 17
May 1817 Angel Margaret MARSHALL (d. 1834 of cholera at Belfast, daughter of Rev. George MARSHALL of Fahan, County Derry),
d. 31 Jul 1830 at Cuddapah. They had no children. [ref. 1,12]
- James Fergusson SAUNDERS, b. 21 Mar 1790 at Boglepore, m1. 15 Jun 1814 in Mauritius, Laura DE BIZO (d. Mar 1848 at
Paris, daughter of Capt. DE BIZO of the French Navy), m2. 5 Apr 1849 at Bury St. Edmunds, Lucy Louisa MUSKETT (b. ca. 1826
at Bury St. Edmunds, d. 30 Jan 1862 at Putney, daughter of John MUSKETT of Bury St. Edmunds), d. 6 Jan 1862 at Putney. In
1861, a retired merchant, living at Putney with his wife Lucy, their children Henry, Frederick, Marion, Wilhelmina, and
Ernest, a nurse, a housemaid, a cook, and a nursemaid. [ref. 1,11c]
- Harriet Mary SAUNDERS, b. 12 May 1816 at Mauritius, d. 15 Sep 1829 at Paris. [ref. 1]
- James Renault SAUNDERS, b. 3 Jan 1818 at Mauritius, M.L.C., Natal, m. 28 Jun 1851 at the British Embassy, Brussels,
Katharine WHEELWRIGHT (b. ca. 1824 at Tansor, Northamptonshire, d. 1901, daughter of Rev. Charles Apthorp WHEELWRIGHT,
rector of Tansor). In 1881, a Natal justice of the peace, living in the household of his daughter Laura with his wife
Katharine. Founder of the Tongaat Sugar Company, Natal. Katharine was a botanical artist and collector in South Africa;
the plants Haemanthus katherinae (blood lily) and Aloe saundersiae were both named after her. [ref. 1,11e,49,51]
- Katharine Laura Anna SAUNDERS, b. 5 Apr 1852 at London, m. 20 Feb 1879 at Tongaat, Natal, Jonathan PEEL (b. ca.
1842 at Cuxham, Oxfordshire). In 1881, living at 22a Ebury Street, London, with her husband Jonathan (a South African
merchant), her parents, a cook, a lady's maid, and a housemaid. [ref. 1,11e]
- Henrietta Wadd Natalie SAUNDERS, b. 16 Jun 1855 at Tongaat, m. there 2 Sep 1875 Courtney ACUTT (d. at Durban
aged 88), d. ca. 1941 at Durban. [ref. 1,49]
- Renault Courtney ACUTT, b. 30 Jun 1876 at Riverton, near Verulam, Natal, m1 Dorothea "Dol" MORGAN (d. 1915, daughter
of Rev. Thomas MORGAN of Dilwyn, Herefordshire), m2. Jan 1916 at Capetown, Annie Florence "Nance" RANKIN (b. ca. 1885,
d. 2 Nov 1968, m1. Harry LOVELOCK, div. 1913, daughter of George RANKIN, civil engineer, and niece of Jean, wife of
Renault's uncle Walter Robert William SAUNDERS), d. 14 Jan 1973. Spent early
years at Verulam. Educated at James Forbes's Berea Academy, Musgrave Road, Durban. A contractor to mines, later a cinema
entrepreneur. Wrote memoirs 1959 at Naboomspruit, published in 1977 as Reminiscenses of a Rand Pioneer
(ref. 49). [ref. 1,49,50]
- A boy, b. ca. 1904, d. at birth. [ref. 49]
- Doris M. ACUTT, b. ca. 1907, m. 1933 at Johannesburg, Henry Arthur "Harry" HERBERT. [ref. 49]
- Henry Arthur Patrick HERBERT. [ref. 49]
- "Tiny" ACUTT, b. ca. 1910, d. 1915 of cerebrospinal meningitis. [ref. 49]
- (stepdaughter) Celia Frances Rose LOVELOCK, m. her cousin (through her mother and her stepfather) Gerard
Charles "Gero" SAUNDERS (b. at Durban, d. ca. 1969, perh. a grandson of Walter Robert William SAUNDERS). [ref. 49,50]
- Walter SAUNDERS. Edited his stepgrandfather's memoirs, Reminiscenses of a Rand Pioneer (ref. 49), published
1977. [ref. 49]
- Janine SAUNDERS, b. ca. 1961. [ref. 49]
- Bronwen SAUNDERS, b. ca. 1962. [ref. 49]
- Robert SAUNDERS, b. ca. 1963. [ref. 49]
- (stepdaughter) Joan LOVELOCK, m. 1932 at Johannesburg, C.C.P. ANNING (a doctor). [ref. 49]
- (stepdaughter) Peggy LOVELOCK, m. Jim GALPIN. [ref. 49]
- Katharine Courtney "Kate" ACUTT, b. 30 Jul 1877 in Natal. [ref. 1,49]
- Roy Courtney ACUTT, b. 16 Aug 1878 in Natal, k. 30 Jun 1886 in an accident involving at ox-wagon. [ref. 1,49]
- Guy Courtney ACUTT, b. 31 Aug 1880 in Natal, m. Con. [ref. 1,49]
- Temple Courtney ACUTT, b. 19 Dec 1881 in Natal, d. there 4 Jan 1882. [ref. 1,49]
- Laura ACUTT, d. in childhood. [ref. 49]
- Keith ACUTT, d. in childhood. [ref. 49]
- Coral ACUTT. [ref. 49]
- Natalie ACUTT. [ref. 49]
- Charles James Renault "Charlie" SAUNDERS, b. 17 Oct 1857 in Natal, d. 1935. Chief magistrate and native commissioner
for Zululand. Knighted for work on peaceful annexation of Tongaland. Also an explorer and botanical collector in Rhodesia
and Mozambique; the plant Pachypodium saundersii was named after him. [ref. 1,49,51]
- Walter Robert William SAUNDERS, b. 23 Apr 1859 in Natal, m. Celia Frances Jean, d. ca. 1911. Escorted Dinuzulu,
son of Cetshwayo, last king of the Zulus, to exile at St. Helena in 1889; returned to South Africa after six months
because of a serious illness. [ref. 1,49,50]
- Edward George Arthur SAUNDERS, b. 9 Nov 1861 in Natal, m. Gertrude. Succeeded his father as chairman of the Tongaat
Sugar Company. In 1918, of Tongaat. [ref. 1,48]
- J.R. SAUNDERS, b. ca. 1897, k. in action 4 Nov 1918. In 1918, a lieutenant in the Coldstream Guards. [ref. 48]
- Douglas SAUNDERS, b. aft. 1897, m. Renée. In 1933 and 1940, of Tongaat. Succeeded his father as chairman of the
Tongaat Sugar Company. [ref. 30h,30i,48,49]
- Jennifer SAUNDERS, b. 27 Feb 1833 at Durban. [ref. 30h]
- Christopher SAUNDERS. Succeeded his father as chairman of the Tongaat Sugar Company, which became the Tongaat Group
in 1963. [ref. 49]
- A son (possibly Christopher), b. 20 Sep 1940. [ref. 30i]
- Louisa Adelaide SAUNDERS, b. 22 Nov 1820 at London, d. there 25 May 1843. [ref. 1]
- George Francis SAUNDERS, b. 9 Dec 1821 at Mauritius. In 1861, a railway security officer, visiting his brother Edward.
In 1891, unmarried, living on his own means at 1 Corlinge Villas, Folkestone, Kent, with a housekeeper and a housemaid
(both from Bridgend, Glamorgan). [ref. 1,11c,11f]
- Henry Effingham SAUNDERS, b. 24 Nov 1823 at London, d. Jan 1839 at Paris. [ref. 1]
- Edward Augustus SAUNDERS, b. 24 May 1825 at Blackheath, m. 7 Nov 1854 at Brighton, Emma Julia FAREWELL (b. ca. 1830 at
Mauritius, only daughter of Captain Nathaniel FAREWELL of Holbrook House, Somerset), d. 1899. In 1861, a captain in the
East India Service, living at 15 New Staine(?), Brighton, Sussex, with his wife Emma, their children Charles, Margaret,
and Edward, a nurse, and his visiting brother George. Subsequently a major general in the Indian Army.
In 1881, a retired major general, lodging (without his family) at 116 Stamford Street, Lambeth, Surrey; his wife
Emma was living at Dark Street Lane, Plympton St. Mary, Devon, with her children Annie, Henrietta, Lucy, and Frank, two
FAREWELL nieces, a housemaid, and a cook. In 1891, a retired major general, living at Oakshade, Chivalry Road, Battersea,
with his wife Emma, their daughters Annie and Lucy, and three general servants. [ref. 1,11c,11e,11f,49]
- Charles James SAUNDERS, b. 8 Sep 1855 at Nellore. In 1861, living with his parents. In 1871, a boarding pupil in a
school at Regents Park, Heavitree, Devon, with his younger brother Edward. [ref. 1,11c,11d]
- Margaret Mary Laing SAUNDERS, b. 8 Apr 1857 at Chindwarrah, d. 9 Sep 1873 at Plympton, Devon. In 1861, living with her
parents. In 1871, a boarding
pupil in a small private school at Beech Tree Villa, Chapel Park Lane, Ridgeway, near Plympton Maurice, Devon, with her
brother William and sister Annie. [ref. 1,11c,11d]
- Edward Henry Master SAUNDERS, b. 20 Oct 1859 at Kamptee, m. Lucy (half sister of Lil CRANE). In 1861, living with his
parents. In 1871, a boarding
pupil in a school at Regents Park, Heavitree, with his elder brother Charles. A captain. Kept a hotel
in Auckland Park, near Johannesburg, South Africa. [ref. 1,11c,11d,49]
- Madge SAUNDERS. An actress and "leading lady of the Gaiety Theatre" in London, ca. World War I. [ref. 49]
- William Augustus SAUNDERS, b. 7 Nov 1861 at Painswick, Gloucestershire. In 1871, a boarding pupil at Beech Tree Villa,
Chapel Park Lane, Ridgeway, with his sisters Margaret and Annie. In 1881, a civil servant (?) with Cox &
Co., Army Agents, boarding at 3 Cottage Road, London. [ref. 1,11d,11e]
- Annie Matilda Emma SAUNDERS, b. 27 Apr 1863 at Bangalore, d. 5 Jul 1944 at Melbourne, Australia. In 1871, a boarding
pupil at Beech Tree Villa, Chapel Park Lane, Ridgeway, with her brother William and sister Margaret. In 1881, living with
her mother. In 1891, living with her parents. In 1944, residence 1 Inverness Avenue, Armadale, Australia. [ref. 1,5c,11d,11e,11f]
- Ada Isabella Lily SAUNDERS, b. 21 Nov 1865 at Kamptee, d. 17 Jan 1868 at Ipplepen, Devon. [ref. 1]
- Frank Taunton SAUNDERS, b. 11 Jun 1866 at Aurungabad. In 1881, a scholar, living with his mother. [ref. 1,11e]
- Henrietta Julia SAUNDERS, b. 26 Feb 1868 at Ipplepen. In 1881, a scholar, living with her mother. In 1891, epileptic,
living on her own means in a boarding house at 91 Coningham Road, Hammersmith, London. [ref. 1,11e,11f]
- Lucy Adelaide Marie SAUNDERS, b. 16 Sep 1869 at Ootacamund. In 1881, a scholar, living with her mother. In 1891,
living with her parents. [ref. 1,11e,11f]
- Arthur Francis William SAUNDERS, b. 9 Dec 1828 at Blackheath, m. 16 Jan 1854 at Melbourne, Victoria, Margaret LEAHEY
(daughter of Thomas LEAHEY). [ref. 1]
- Margaret Laura SAUNDERS, b. 13 Nov 1854 at Melbourne. [ref. 1]
- Arthur Thomas SAUNDERS, b. 12 Mar 1856 at St. Kilda, Victoria. [ref. 1]
- Louisa Mary SAUNDERS, b. 17 Feb 1858 at St. Kilda, d. there 20 Jul 1875. [ref. 1]
- Frances Katharine Wadd SAUNDERS, b. 24 Oct 1859 at St. Kilda. Grandmother of Lionel THOMPSON (see ref. 20). [ref. 1,5c]
- Eden Annie SAUNDERS, b. 23 Aug 1861 at Windsor, Victoria. [ref. 1]
- Emma Lucy SAUNDERS, b. 16 Jun 1863 at St. Kilda, m. 1887 her second cousin
Algernon Edward STOPFORD (q.v. for descendants), d. reg. 1941 at Burwood R.D., New South Wales,
Australia. [ref. 1,17c,43]
- James George Edward SAUNDERS, b. 15 Sep 1865 at St. Kilda. [ref. 1]
- Charles Frederick SAUNDERS, b. 8 Sep 1867 at St. Kilda. [ref. 1]
- Cecile Blanche SAUNDERS, b. 1 Jul 1869 at St. Kilda. [ref. 1]
- Natalie Florence SAUNDERS, b. 25 Aug 1871 at St. Kilda. [ref. 1]
- Laura Ellen Mary SAUNDERS, b. 3 Feb 1831 at London, d. 18 Sep 1838 at Versailles. [ref. 1]
- Mary Julia SAUNDERS, b. 21 Jan 1833 at Versailles, d. 29 May 1848 at Paris. [ref. 1]
- Henry James SAUNDERS, b. 19 Jun 1850 at Harwood Square, London, m. 20 Mar 1875 Sarah ROWLANDS (b. ca. 1854 at
Llandebre, Carmarthenshire). In 1861, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1881, a civil engineer, living at
Back Fawr House, Llangynwyd Lower, Glamorgan, with his
wife Sarah, their children Frederick, George, Lucy, and Henry, a visitor David VAUGHAN, and two servants.
In 1891, a civil engineer, living at Rock Fawr, Llangynwyd Lower, with his wife
Sarah, their children Frederick, George, Lucy, Henry, Cecil, Sarah, Catherine, Charles, Robert, Francis, and Montague,
his sister Wilhelmina, and a general servant. [ref. 1,11c,11e,11f]
- Frederick James SAUNDERS, b. 9 Feb 1876 at Blackmill, Glamorgan. In 1881, living with his parents. In 1891, a scholar,
living with his parents. In 1901, a civil engineer, living at 9 Sutherland Place, Paddington, London, with his brothers
George and Cecil. [ref. 1,11e,11f]
- George Muskett SAUNDERS, b. 18 Jun 1877 at Blackmill. In 1881, living with his parents. In 1891, a scholar, living
with his parents. In 1901, a civil engineer, living with his brothers Frederick and Cecil. [ref. 1,11e,11f,11g]
- Lucy Louisa Mary SAUNDERS, b. 15 Sep 1878 at Tondu, Glamorgan. In 1881, living with her parents. In 1891, a scholar,
living with her parents. [ref. 1,11e,11f]
- Henry David SAUNDERS, b. 29 Oct 1879 at Tondu. In 1881, living with his parents. In 1891, a scholar, living with his
parents. [ref. 1,11e,11f]
- Cecil Edward Arthur SAUNDERS, b. 1 Jun 1881 at Tondu. In 1891, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1901, a railway
clerk, living with his brothers Frederick and George. [ref. 1,11f,11g]
- Sarah Blanche Alice SAUNDERS, b. 30 Sep 1882 at Tondu. In 1891, a scholar, living with her parents. [ref. 1,11f]
- Catherine A.E. SAUNDERS, b. ca. 1884 at Tondu. In 1891, a scholar, living with her parents. [ref. 11f]
- Charles H.A. SAUNDERS, b. ca. 1885 at Tondu. In 1891, a scholar, living with his parents. [ref. 11f]
- Robert J.W. SAUNDERS, b. ca. 1887 at Tondu. In 1891, a scholar, living with his parents. [ref. 11f]
- Francis William SAUNDERS, b. ca. 1889 at Tondu, b. reg. Q3 1889 at Bridgend R.D. In 1891, living with his
parents. [ref. 4a,11f]
- Montague Kenneth T. [or F.?] SAUNDERS, b. ca. Jul 1890 at Tondu, b. reg. Q4 1890 at Bridgend R.D. In 1891, living with
his parents. [ref. 4a,11f]
- Lucy Isabella SAUNDERS, b. 19 Jun 1851 at London, d. 22 Feb 1857 at Bury St. Edmunds. [ref. 1]
- Ellen Catherine SAUNDERS, b. 9 Jan 1853 at London, d. 9 Jun 1857 at Norwich. [ref. 1]
- Caroline Louisa SAUNDERS, b. 17 Jan 1854 at London, d. there 15 Mar 1854. [ref. 1]
- Frederick William SAUNDERS, b. 28 Jul 1855 at London. In 1861, living with his parents. Battery Manager at May
Consolidated Mine, South Africa. [ref. 1,11c,49]
- Hugh Lumsden SAUNDERS. Royal Air Force group captain, 1939. Air Chief Marshall, 1947. Knighted. [ref. 49]
- Marion Sophia SAUNDERS, b. 5 Dec 1856 at Norwich, m. 20 Feb 1878 at Tongaat, Natal, Frank GORDON (youngest son of
Maj. Gen. GORDON). In 1861, living with her parents. In 1871, a boarding scholar in a private school at 8 Lewes Crescent,
Brighton. [ref. 1,11c,11d]
- Helen Beresford GORDON, b. 21 Nov 1879 in Natal. [ref. 1]
- Mary Lucy GORDON, b. 27 Mar 1881 in Natal. [ref. 1]
- John GORDON, b. 23 Oct 1882 in Natal. [ref. 1]
- Another son, b. 19 Sep 1883 in Natal. [ref. 1]
- Wilhelmina Blanche SAUNDERS, b. 11 Jan 1858 at Norwich. In 1861, living with her parents. In 1871, a scholar,
living with her uncle Augustus Page SAUNDERS. In 1881, living with her uncle Augustus's widow. In
1891, living on her own means in the household of her brother Henry. [ref. 1,11c,11d,11e,11f]
- Cecil Ernest Brassey Pigou SAUNDERS, b. 20 May 1859 at Putney. In 1861, living with his parents. Pupil at
Charterhouse, 1869-1875. In 1871, a boarding pupil at Charterhouse. Served in the Indian Police. Student at King's
College, London. In 1891, a theology student, lodging in a boarding house at 12 Savoy Buildings,
London. Ordained deacon, 1893, and priest, 1894. Army chaplain in South African War, 1900. Address in 1910: Cape of Good
Hope. [ref. 1,11c,11d,11f,17c]
- Robert John SAUNDERS, b. 12 Mar 1792 in Upper Gower Street, m. 12 Mar 1817 at Rochester, Isabella NICHOLSON (d. 13 Sep
1861, daughter of William NICHOLSON of St. Margaret's, Rochester), d. 26 Apr 1852 at Charterhouse. Lieutenant, Royal
Artillery. Served in Battle of Waterloo. One of Her Majesty's Inspectors of Factories. Lived at Eltham, Kent.
Armigerous. [ref. 1,17a]
- Isabella Margaret SAUNDERS, b. 29 Dec 1817 at Valenciennes, m. 1 Jan 1846 at Eltham, m. reg.
Q1 1846 at Lewisham R.D., Oliver WALFORD (b. ca. 1813 at Waltham K., Essex, son of William WALFORD and Isabella Jane
WALFORD and brother of Emma Frances WALFORD, wife of Isabella's uncle Augustus Page SAUNDERS, d.
3 Apr 1855, d. reg. Q2 1855 at East London R.D.), d. reg. Q2 1907 at Maidenhead R.D. Oliver was a clergyman and second
master of Charterhouse. In 1851, living at 1 & 2
Rutland Place, London, with her husband Oliver, their children Isabella, Oliver, Annie, and William, a tutor, a matron,
and a Charterhouse boarding scholar. In 1861, a fundholder, visiting Catherine NICHOLSON (b. ca. 1787 at Rochester,
presumably a relative through her mother) at Rochester, with her daughter Isabella. In 1871, living on income from
dividends, etc., at Boynings, Tittle Row, near Bray, Berkshire, with her children Isabella and Oliver, her visiting aunt
Mary Jane, Mary Jane's daughter Marie Louise, a cook, and a housemaid. In 1881, living at Tittle Row with her daughter
Isabella, a cook, and a housemaid. In 1891 and 1901, living on her own means at Boynings with her daughter Isabella, a
cook, and a house-parlormaid. [ref. 1,4a,5f,11b,11c,11d,11e,11f,11g]
- Isabella Katharine WALFORD, b. 25 Nov 1846 at Charterhouse. In 1851, living with her parents. In 1861, 1871, 1881,
1891, and 1901, living with her mother. [ref. 1,11b,11c,11d,11e,11f,11g]
- Oliver Sutton WALFORD, b. 15 May 1848 at Charterhouse, m. 11 Sep 1878 at Hawley, m. reg. Q3 1878 at Hartley Wintney
R.D., Rosa Fanny GIBSON (b. ca. 1850 at Fawley, Hampshire, b. reg. Q2 1850 at New Forest R.D., daughter of
William Gibson, Archbishop of Canterbury,
d. reg. Q4 1904 at Petersfield R.D.).
In 1851, living with his parents. In 1861, a foundation scholar, boarding at Charterhouse. In 1871, a B.A. from Trinity
College, Cambridge, living with his mother. In 1881, curate of Oldland, Gloucestershire, living at St. Anne's
vicarage, Bitton-Oldland, with his wife Rose, a cook, and a house-parlormaid. In 1891, the rector of Liss, Hampshire,
living at the Rectory, Liss, with his wife Rose, a cook, and a house-parlormaid. In 1901, a Church of England clergyman,
living at the Rectory, West Liss, with his wife Rose, a cook, and a house-parlormaid. [ref. 1,4a,11b,11c,11d,11e,11f,11g]
- Annie Augusta WALFORD, b. 20 Sep 1849 at Charterhouse, d. 5 May 1855, d. reg. Q2 1855 at East London R.D. In 1851,
living with her parents. [ref. 1,4a,11b]
- William Sworder WALFORD, b. 25 Mar 1851 at Charterhouse, m1. reg. Q4 1891 at Kensington R.D., Mary Ella ROBSON (d. by
1901), m2. reg. Q2 1901 at Isle of Wight R.D., Ellen Dobrie DE BUTTS. In 1851, living with his parents. In 1861, a pupil
at a small boarding school at Old Road, Lee, Kent. In 1871, a gentleman cadet at the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich,
Kent. (Where in 1881?) In 1891, a major in the Royal Artillery, living in barracks at Hurst Castle, Hordle, Hampshire. In
1901, a lieutenant colonel in the Royal Artillery, living at Warden Lodge, Totland, Isle of Wight, with his children
Helen and Oliver, a cook, a nurse, and a house-parlormaid. [ref. 1,4a,4b,11b,11c,11d,11f,11g]
- Helen J. WALFORD, b. ca. 1892 at Totland Bay, b. reg. Q4 1892 at Isle of Wight R.D. (Calbourne subdistrict). In 1901,
living with her father. [ref. 4a,4b,11g]
- Oliver R. WALFORD, b. ca. 1895 at Weymouth, Dorset, b. reg. Q3 1895 at Weymouth R.D. In 1901, living with his
father. [ref. 4a,11g]
- Joyce Dobree WALFORD, b. reg. Q1 1902 at Isle of Wight R.D. (Calbourne subdistrict). [ref. 4a,4b]
- Frederick Stanley WALFORD, b. reg. Q1 1903 at Isle of Wight R.D. (Calbourne subdistrict). [ref. 4a,4b]
- Robert William SAUNDERS, Midshipman, Royal Navy, b. 8 Jul 1819 at Woolwich,
d. 26 Dec 1837 off the coast of Africa. [ref. 1]
- Frederick George SAUNDERS, b. 24 Dec 1820 at Eltham, m. 14 Oct 1846 at Eltham, Elizabeth MILLS (b. ca. 1822 at Eltham,
daughter of Richard MILLS). In 1871, secretary of a railway, living with his wife Elizabeth in her
father's household at The Moat, Eltham. In 1881, Secretary of the Great Western Railway and Magistrate for Berkshire,
living at Grove House, Caversham, Oxfordshire, with his wife Elizabeth, a lady's maid, a cook, a housemaid, a kitchenmaid,
and a footman. In 1891, Chairman of
the Great Western Railway Company, living at Grove Cottages, Emma Green, Caversham, with his wife Elizabeth,
a housemaid, a lady's maid, a kitchenmaid, and a footman. [ref. 1,11d,11e,11f]
- Jane Harriet SAUNDERS, b. 26 Jul 1822 at Eltham, d. 21 Aug 1883 at Rochester. [ref. 1]
- Catherine Elizabeth SAUNDERS, b. 2 Mar 1824 at Eltham, m. 6 Apr 1850 at Eltham, Arthur CURREY (b. ca. 1821 at
St. Margaret Westminster), d. 21 Apr 1871 at Charlton. In 1871, living at 7 Wellington Road, Charlton, Kent, with her
husband Arthur (a railway secretary, etc.), their children Edith, Eustace, Mary, and Hubert, a visiting nurse, and a
cook. [ref. 1,11d]
- Arthur Saunders CURREY, b. 20 Mar 1851 at Chepstow, d. 9 Jan 1871 at Charlton. [ref. 1]
- Edith CURREY, b. 13 Jan 1853 at Sketty, Glamorgan. In 1871, living with her parents. In 1881, boarding at 23-25-27
High Street, Lewisham, Kent. [ref. 1,11d,11e]
- Hamilton Saunders CURREY, b. 4 Oct 1854 at Sketty, d. there 22 Apr 1856. [ref. 1]
- Eustace Henry CURREY, b. 30 Aug 1856 at Sketty, d. 22 Sep 1872 at Melbourne. In 1871, a cadet on the training ship
Worcester, living with his parents. [ref. 1,11d]
- Stewart Augustus CURREY, b. 2 Sep 1858 at Sketty, m. Julia (b. ca. 1857 at Penzance, Cornwall). In 1871, a boarding
pupil in a private school at 42 Sandgate Road, Folkestone, Kent. In 1891, a railway officer, living at 304 Goldhawk Road,
Hammersmith, London, with his wife Julia, their children Ethel and Geoffrey, and a general domestic servant. [ref. 1,11d,11f]
- Ethel CURREY, b. ca. 1884 at Walthamstow, Essex. In 1891, living with her parents. [ref. 11f]
- Geoffrey S. CURREY, b. ca. 1887 at Hammersmith. In 1891, living with his parents. [ref. 11f]
- Frederick William CURREY, b. 8 Sep 1860 at Sketty. [ref. 1]
- Francis Hamilton CURREY, b. 16 Jun 1862 at Sketty, d. 28 Aug 1867 at Ealing. [ref. 1]
- Mary Isabella CURREY, b. 2 Apr 1864 at Ealing, d. 14 Jan 1879 at London. In 1871, a scholar, living with her
parents. [ref. 1,11d]
- Hubert Oliver CURREY, b. 20 Aug 1866 at Ealing. In 1871, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1881, a boarding pupil
in a private school at 42 Upper Sandgate Road, Folkestone (where his elder brother Stewart was at school in 1871). In
1891, a mechanical draughtsman, boarding at 28 Victoria Embankment, Darlington, Co. Durham. [ref. 1,11d,11e,11f]
- Anne Eliza Mills SAUNDERS, b. 21 Dec 1825 at Eltham, d. there 15 Mar 1842. [ref. 1]
- Augustus Nicholson SAUNDERS, b. 24 May 1827 at Eltham, d. 9 Dec 1838 at Charterhouse. [ref. 1]
- Henry Robe SAUNDERS, Captain, Royal Artillery, b. 5 Apr 1829 at Eltham, m. 4 Feb 1858 at Dublin, Anne Catherine
OTTIWELL (daughter of William OTTIWELL of Dublin), d. 2 Nov 1858 at Tenby. They had no children. [ref. 1]
- Phillips Henry SAUNDERS, Midshipman, Royal Navy, b. 26 Jun 1831 at Eltham, d. unm. 18 Aug 1852 at Rochester. [ref. 1]
- George Nicholson SAUNDERS, Major, 3rd Punjab Native Infantry, b. 18 Oct 1833 at Eltham, m. 7 Aug 1862 at St. Nicholas,
Brighton, Frances Rachel CULLEN (daughter of Robert Daniel CULLEN, d. 11 Nov 1875 at Mooltan. In 1881, Frances was an
annuitant, living at 20 Ventnor Villas, Hove, Sussex, with her daughter Frances, her father (a retired merchant), her
brother Arthur (a retired Royal Artillery officer), and two servants. [ref. 1,2d,11e]
- Annie Isabella SAUNDERS, b. 23 Jun 1863 at Blackheath. In 1881, living with her mother's sister at Sandhills,
Christchurch, Hampshire. [ref. 1,11e]
- Frances Mary SAUNDERS, b. 27 Jul 1865 at Lee. In 1881, a scholar, living with her mother. [ref. 1,11e]
- George Frederick Cullen SAUNDERS, b. 16 Apr 1869 at Abbotabad, m. 1907 Mabel Elizabeth Wilgress MILLS (daughter of
Thomas Wilgress MILLS). In 1881, a boarding scholar in a school at Branksome House, Nightingale Road, Netherwood,
Godalming, Surrey. Pupil at Charterhouse School, 1883-1886. Joined Bedfordshire Regiment, 1889; served in Isazai
Expedition, 1892; served with Chitral Relief Force, 1895; promoted Captain, 1898; served in South African War, 1899-1902;
awarded Distinguished Service Order; Adjutant, 2rd battalion, 1908. Address in 1910: c/o Holt & Co., 3 Whitehall Place,
London S.W. [ref. 1,11e,17c]
- Arthur William SAUNDERS, b. 26 Jul 1835 at Eltham, d. there unm. 19 Jun 1854. Student at Oxford University (Brasenose
College, matriculated 9 May 1853 aged 17, scholar 1853-1854). [ref. 1,17a]
- Henry Petrie SAUNDERS, b. 27 May 1794 at Southend, Kent, d. unm. May 1831 at Marrantoddy, East Indies. [ref. 1]
- Charles Alexander SAUNDERS, b. 18 Dec 1796 at Southend, m. 29 Aug 1818 at Lewisham, Mary ROWLANDSON (d. 26 Jan 1875
at Hopeville, Upper Norwood, daughter of Anthony ROWLANDSON of Sewalds, near Harlow), d. 19 Sep 1864 at Westbourne Lodge,
Paddington. One of the originators and for 30 years first Secretary and General Manager of the Great Western Railway. Lived
at Kensington, Middlesex. Armigerous. In 1861, secretary of the Great Western Railway Company, living at Westbourne Lodge,
Westbourne Park, Paddington, with his wife Mary, their children Eliza, Herbert, and Arthur, grandsons Algernon and Albert
STOPFORD, visitor Federica E. (b. ca. 1821 at Kensington, m. WARNER [a Royal Artillery officer], wid. by 1861), an indoor
manservant, a page, a cook, a laundrymaid, a housemaid, a kitchenmaid, a head housemaid, an undernurse, and a gardener and
his wife and daughter. In 1871, Mary was living at 3 Bolton Gardens, Kensington, with her daughter Eliza,
her son Charles's wife Matilda, her son Herbert and his wife and their daughters Mary and Maude, her son Leslie's daughter
Edith, her adopted daughter Ann M.E. HAMILTON (b. ca. 1862 in the East Indies), a butler, a cook, two lady's maids, two
housemaids, two nurses, and a kitchenmaid. [ref. 1,11c,11d,17a]
- Eliza Mary SAUNDERS, b. 22 Dec 1819 at Southend, Kent. In 1861, living with her parents. In 1871, living with her
mother. In 1881, living with her brother Charles. [ref. 1,11c,11d,11e]
- Charles Burslem SAUNDERS, C.B., Bengal Civil Service, resident of Hyderabad, b. 21 Aug 1821 at Liverpool, m. 21 Aug
1845 at Delhi, Matilda HARRIOTT (b. ca. 1819 in the East Indies, d. 21 Dec 1877, daughter of Maj. G.F. HARRIOTT),
d. 1888. In 1871, Matilda was living with Charles's mother. In 1881, Charles was an annuitant, living at Westbourne Lodge,
Camberwell, Surrey, with his sister Eliza, his adopted daughter Anne M.E. HAMILTON (see his mother's household in 1871),
six nephews and nieces (children of his brother Leslie), a visiting governess, a lady's maid, an upper and an under
housemaid, a cook, a nurse, a parlormaid, and a kitchenmaid. [ref. 1,11d,11e,29]
- Augustus Leighton SAUNDERS, b. 23 Mar 1823 at Mauritius, d. there 28 Dec 1823. [ref. 1]
- Augustus Henry SAUNDERS, b. 25 Apr 1825 at Mauritius, d. 11 Dec 1825 at Calcutta. [ref. 1]
- Emily Julia SAUNDERS, b. 13 Jul 1827 in York Terrace, d. there 23 Mar 1829. [ref. 1]
- Harry Cecil SAUNDERS, Bengal Civil Service, b. 20 Oct 1829 at St. Mary Abbott's Terrace, Kensington, d. unm. 23 Jul
1854 off Ceylon. [ref. 1]
- Reginald Floyer SAUNDERS, b. 31 Jan 1831 at St. Mary Abbott's Terrace, m. 7 Jun 1855 at Simla, Olivia CAUTLEY
(b. 18 Sep 1834 at Laudour/Laudene, East Indies, daughter of Maj. Gen. George CAUTLEY), d. 12 Nov 1894. A barrister and
sessions judge in the Bengal Civil Service, retired 14 Oct 1881. In 1881, Olivia was living at Jersey Lodge, Norwood Road,
Streatham, Surrey, with her children Reginald, Frederick, Eva, and Marguerita, a visitor Katherine EMMETT, a cook, and two
other servants. In 1891, Reginald was a retired Indian judge, living at 319 Norwood Road,
Streatham, with his wife Olivia, their daughters Eva and Marguerita, a visiting family surnamed MITCHELL, a cook,
and a parlormaid. [ref. 1,11e,11f,14]
- A daughter, b. 19 Oct 1856 at Dhurmsala, Bengal, d. there unchr. two hours later. [ref. 1]
- Alice Mary Delafield SAUNDERS, b. 26 May 1858 at Dhurmsala, d. unm. 1 May 1878 at Nynee Tal. In 1871, a boarding
pupil in a school at Drakelaw Terrace (?), Woburn, Bedfordshire. [ref. 1,11d]
- Reginald Cautley SAUNDERS, b. 15 Aug 1860 at Dhurmsala, Punjab, m. 5 Apr 1888 Emilie (b. ca. 1863 in Ireland), perh.
d. by 1911. In 1871, a boarding pupil in a school at Church Street, Aspley Guise, Bedfordshire, run by the local curate.
In 1881, a law student, living with his mother. In 1891,
a barrister, living at 18 Eldon Road, Kensington, London, with his wife Emilie and a general servant. In 1901, a barrister,
living at 110 Belgrave Road, London, with his wife Emilie and their sons Reginald, George, and Harold. [ref. 1,1a,11d,11e,11f,11g,35]
- Reginald E.L. SAUNDERS, b. ca. 1892 at Chelsea. In 1901, living with his parents. [ref. 11g]
- George F.C. SAUNDERS, b. ca. 1897 at London. In 1901, living with his parents. [ref. 11g]
- Harold J.C. SAUNDERS, b. ca. Jun 1899 at London. In 1901, living with his parents. [ref. 11g]
- Edith Olivia SAUNDERS, b. 10 Jan 1862 at Dhurmsala, d. 28 Mar 1863 at Mooltan. [ref. 1]
- Charles Alexander SAUNDERS, b. 14 May 1865 at Westbourne Lodge, perh. d. by 1911. In 1881, a boarding pupil of the
vicar of Almeley, Herefordshire, living in the vicarage. [ref. 1,11e,14,35]
- Frederick Fane Fitzgerald SAUNDERS, b. 30 Nov 1866 at Mirzapore, d. 21 Oct 1886. In 1881, a scholar, living with his
mother. [ref. 1,11e,14]
- Eva Constance SAUNDERS, b. 24 Dec 1868 at Shahjehanpore. In 1881, a scholar, living with her mother. In 1891, living
with her parents. [ref. 1,11e,11f,14]
- Marguerita Beatrice SAUNDERS, b. 8 Oct 1871 at Bath, Somerset. In 1881, a scholar, living with her mother. In 1891,
living with her parents. [ref. 1,11e,11f,14]
- Florence Evelyn SAUNDERS, b. 4 Oct 1873 at Simla, d. 1876 at Azimgurh. [ref. 1]
- Herbert Clifford SAUNDERS, b. 14 Jul 1834 at Bullingham Place, Kensington, m. 10 Jan 1867 at Kilnwick, Yorkshire,
Octavia GRIMSTON (b. ca. 1844 at Kilnwick, eighth daughter of Colonel Charles GRIMSTON of Grimston Garth and Kilnwick),
d. 25 Aug 1893. Pupil at Charterhouse, 1844. Student at Oxford University (Christ Church, matriculated 2 Jun 1852,
B.A. 1856, M.A. 1860). In 1861, a barrister in practice, living with his parents.
Was he "Herbert C. Saunders, a British literary traveller who came to Lexington [Kentucky] in
November, 1865, and spent an evening with [U.S. civil war general Robert E. Lee] at the hotel"? (See Bill Thayer's
transcript of Freeman's
biography of Lee.)
Barrister, Middle Temple, 1871. In 1871, a barrister, living in his mother's household with his
wife Octavia and their daughters Mary and Maude. Queen's Counsel, 1881. In 1881, a barrister and Queen's Counsel, living
at 3 Bolton Gardens, London, with his wife Octavia, their children Mary, Maude, Herbert, Rose, Grace, Violet, and
Florence, and six servants. Bencher, 1884. In 1891, a barrister and Queen's Counsel, living at 1 Bolton Gardens,
Kensington, with his wife Octavia, their children Una, Maude, Herbert, Rose, Grace, Violet, Florence, and Octavia, a
governess, a kitchenmaid, a nurse, a lady's maid, a housemaid, an under housemaid, a footman, a cook, and a
nursemaid. In 1901, living at 3 Bolton Gardens with her children Una, Maude, Stewart, Grace, Muriel, Cicell, and Octavia,
a cook, a lady's maid, a parlormaid, a housemaid, a second housemaid, a kitchenmaid, and a houseboy. [ref. 1,11c,11d,11e,11f,11g,17a,17c,35]
- Una Mary Josephine SAUNDERS, b. 5 Sep 1869 at 3 Bolton Gardens. In 1871, living with her parents. In 1881, a
scholar, living with her parents. In 1891, living with her parents. In 1901, a missionary, living with her
mother. [ref. 1,11d,11e,11f,11g,35]
- Maude Irene SAUNDERS, b. 23 Feb 1871 at 3 Bolton Gardens. In 1871, living with her parents. In 1881, a scholar, living
with her parents. In 1891, living with her parents. In 1901, living with her mother. [ref. 1,11d,11e,11f,11g,35]
- Herbert Stewart SAUNDERS, b. 18 May 1872 at 3 Bolton Gardens. In 1881, a scholar, living with his parents.
Pupil at Charterhouse, 1885-1890. Matriculated at Magdalen College, Oxford University, 14 Oct 1890; M.A. by 1910. In 1891,
an undergraduate at Magdalen College, Oxford, living with his parents. In 1901, an insurance clerk, living with his
mother. Underwriter at Lloyd's, 1902. Address in 1910: 3 Bolton Gardens. [ref. 1,11e,11f,11g,17b,17c,35]
- Rose Pellipar SAUNDERS, b. 9 Aug 1873 at 3 Bolton Gardens. In 1881 and 1891, a scholar, living with her
parents. [ref. 1,11e,11f,35]
- Grace Helena SAUNDERS, b. 30 Oct 1874 at 3 Bolton Gardens. In 1881 and 1891, a scholar, living with her
parents. In 1901, living with her mother. [ref. 1,11e,11f,11g,35]
- Violet Constance SAUNDERS, b. 19 Feb 1876 at 3 Bolton Gardens. In 1881 and 1891, a scholar, living with her
parents. [ref. 1,11e,11f,35]
- Florence Muriel SAUNDERS, b. 19 Nov 1878 at 3 Bolton Gardens. In 1881, living with her parents. In 1891, a
scholar, living with her parents. In 1901, living with her mother. [ref. 1,11e,11f,11g,35]
- Cicell Ione SAUNDERS, b. 22 Apr 1881 at 3 Bolton Gardens. In 1891, visiting the BYROM family at Culver House, Holcombe
Burnell, Devon. (Mrs. BYROM was b. ca. 1857 at Grimston Barton, Yorkshire, so perhaps she was a relative of Cicell's
mother. In 1901, living with her mother. [ref. 1,11f,11g,35]
- Octavia Elfrida SAUNDERS, b. 13 Oct 1885. In 1891, living with her parents. In 1901, living with her
mother. [ref. 11f,11g,35]
- Florence Augusta SAUNDERS, b. 30 Nov 1835 at Bullingham Place, Kensington, m. 8 Jul 1857 at
Holy Trinity, Paddington, Rev. Frederick Manners STOPFORD, M.A. (b. ca. 1831 at London, later husband of Florence's cousin
Caroline Louisa SAUNDERS, Hon. Chaplain to the Queen and Rural Dean, eldest son of Lieut. Col.
Hon. Edward STOPFORD), d. 18 Aug 1876 at Titchmarsh, Northamptonshire. In 1871, living at Rectory House, Titchmarsh, with
her husband Frederick (the rector of Titchmarsh), their children Albert, Francis, Mary, Charles, Wilfrid, and Gerald, a
governess, a cook, a nurse, a housemaid, a nursemaid, a kitchenmaid, and a groom-gardener. (See Caroline for Fred's life
after his remarriage.) [ref. 1,11d]
- Algernon Edward STOPFORD, b. 27 Jun 1858 at Westbourne Lodge, London, m. 1887 his second cousin
Emma Lucy SAUNDERS, d. reg. 1911 at Armidale R.D., New South Wales, Australia. In 1861, living
with ihs maternal grandparents. Pupil at Charterhouse, 1868-1873. In 1871, a
boarding scholar at Charterhouse. In 1910, district inspector of forests in the New South Wales Civil Service, address
Armidale, New South Wales. [ref. 1,11c,11d,17c,43]
- Florence M. STOPFORD, b. reg. 1888 at Sydney R.D., New South Wales. [ref. 43]
- Grosvenor F. STOPFORD, b. reg. 1890 at Sydney R.D., m. reg. 1917 at Maclean R.D., New South Wales, Rachel N.
MARTIN. [ref. 43]
- Evelyn E. STOPFORD, b. reg. 1891 at Penrith R.D., New South Wales. [ref. 43]
- Albert Henry STOPFORD, b. 16 May 1860 at Westbourne Lodge. In 1861, living with his maternal grandparents. In 1871, a
scholar, living with his parents. In 1881, a mercantile clerk, boarding at 78 Delancey Street, London. In 1891,
living on his own means, staying at the Hotel Metropole, Kings Road, Brighton, Sussex, with his valet. [ref. 1,11c,11d,11e,11f]
- Francis Powys STOPFORD, b. 6 Dec 1861 at Westbourne Lodge, m. Kathleen E. (b. ca. 1871 in India). In 1871, a scholar,
living with his parents. In 1881, a bank clerk, boarding at 28 St. Mary's Street, Stamford St. Mary, Lincolnshire. In
1901, a journalist, living at 13 Claumm Gardens, Surbiton, Surrey, with his wife Kathleen,
their daughters Mary, Eveline, Kathleen, and Eleanor, a nurse, a nurserymaid, a cook, a parlormaid, and a tweeney
maid. [ref. 1,11d,11e,11g]
- Mary H. STOPFORD, b. ca. 1895 in India. In 1901, living with her parents. [ref. 11g]
- Eveline E. STOPFORD, b. ca. 1895 in India. In 1901, living with her parents. [ref. 11g]
- Kathleen S. STOPFORD, b. ca. April 1899 at St. George's Hanover Square, London. In 1901, living with her
parents. [ref. 11g]
- Eleanor M. STOPFORD, b. ca. April 1899 at St. George's Hanover Square, London. In 1901, living with her
parents. [ref. 11g]
- Mary Kathleen STOPFORD, b. 8 Sep 1863 at Titchmarsh. In 1871, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1881, a scholar,
living with her uncle Horatio STOPFORD at 6 St. Katharine's Hospital, London. [ref. 1,11d,11e]
- Charles Alexander STOPFORD, b. 14 Nov. 1864 in Cambridge Terrace, London. In 1871, a scholar, living with his
parents. [ref. 1,11d]
- Wilfrid Sydney STOPFORD, b. 28 May 1868 at Titchmarsh. In 1871, living with his parents. In 1881, a scholar, living
with his father and stepmother. In 1891, a solicitor's clerk,
boarding at 13 Palace Street, Belgravia, London. [ref. 1,11d,11e,11f]
- Gerald Frederick STOPFORD, b. 2 Mar 1870 at Titchmarsh. In 1871, living with his parents. In 1881, a scholar, living
with his father and stepmother. [ref. 1,11d,11e]
- Eveleen Frances STOPFORD, b. 18 Jul 1871 at Titchmarsh. In 1881, a scholar, living with her father and
stepmother. In 1891, living with her father and stepmother. [ref. 1,11e,11f]
- Walter Montagu STOPFORD, b. 10 Apr 1874 at Titchmarsh. In 1881, a scholar, living with his father and stepmother. In
1891, a boarding scholar in a school at New Street, Oundle, Northamptonshire. [ref. 1,11e,11f]
- Leslie Seymour SAUNDERS, Bengal Civil Service, Commissioner of Ajmere, Rajpootana, b. 21 May 1837 at Bullingham Place,
Kensington, m. 18 Feb 1862 at Rawul Pindee, Edith L. RIVERS (b. 24 Feb 1842 at Calais, France, daughter of Ambrose RIVERS),
k. 22 May 1888 at Ajmere by a fall from his horse. In 1891, Edith was living on a pension at 153 Croxted Road, London,
with her children Edith, Millicent, Hilda, Edgar, and Montague, a cook, and a housemaid. In 1901, she was living on her own
means at Manor House, Little Tew, Oxfordshire, with her children Millicent and Montague and a cook. [ref. 1,1a,11f,11g,14]
- Edith Mary SAUNDERS, b. 6 Dec 1862 at Delhi. In 1871, living with her paternal grandmother. In 1891, living with her
mother. [ref. 1,11d,11f,14]
- Florence Grace SAUNDERS, b. 20 Mar 1864 at Lahore, d. there 5 Apr 1864. [ref. 1]
- Ethel Frances SAUNDERS, b. 15 Jun 1865 at Sealkote, m. 10 Nov 1885. In 1881, a scholar, living with her uncle Charles
Burslem SAUNDERS, together with five of her brothers and sisters. [ref. 1,11e,14]
- Charles Ambrose SAUNDERS, b. 16 Sept 1866 at Lahore, d. there 1 Oct 1866. [ref. 1]
- Arthur Rivers SAUNDERS, b. 6 Oct 1867 at Murree. In 1881, a scholar, living with his uncle Charles. [ref. 1,11e,14]
- Leslie Harry SAUNDERS, b. 11 Nov 1868 at Lahore. In 1881, a scholar, living with his uncle Charles. Pupil at Dulwich
College. Matriculated at Wadham College, Oxford University, 15 Oct 1887; exhibitioner 1887. By 1893, Assistant Commissioner
in Burma. [ref. 1,11e,14,17b]
- Evelyn Beatrice SAUNDERS, b. 30 May 1870 at Jullundhur, d. 15 Aug 1870 at Mussoorie. [ref. 1]
- Millicent Bertha SAUNDERS, b. 1 Oct 1871 in Clarendon Road, Notting Hill, London. In 1881, a scholar, living with her
uncle Charles. In 1891, living with her mother. In 1901, a hospital nurse, living with her mother. [ref. 1,11e,11f,11g,14]
- Hilda Elfrida SAUNDERS, b. 19 Sep 1873 at Ajmere. In 1881, a scholar, living with her uncle Charles. In 1891, a
scholar, living with her mother. [ref. 1,11e,11f,14]
- Harold la Touche SAUNDERS, b. 18 Nov 1874 at Ajmere, d. there 21 Mar 1876. [ref. 1]
- Edgar Stopford SAUNDERS, b. 15 Jan 1876 at Ajmere. In 1881, a scholar, living with his uncle Charles. In 1891, a
scholar, living with his mother. [ref. 1,11e,11f,14]
- Montague Brandreth SAUNDERS, b. 11 Dec 1881 at Ajmere. In 1891, a scholar, living with his mother. In 1901, living
with his mother. [ref. 1,11f,11g,14]
- Arthur Morrell SAUNDERS, b. 31 Mar 1839 at Bullingham Place, Kensington. Student at Oxford University (Christ Church,
matriculated 3 Jun 1857). In 1861, a commercial clerk, living with his parents. Agent of Madras Railway
Company. [ref. 1,11c,17a]
- Montague Stuart SAUNDERS, Captain, 20th Hussars, b. 26 Nov 1840 at Westbourne
Lodge, d. 30 Aug 1881 at Quetta, Beloochistan, from the effects of a fall
from his horse. [ref. 1]
- Augustus Page SAUNDERS, b. 1 Mar 1801 at Southend or Lewisham, m. 18 Aug 1838 at Waltham, Emma
Frances WALFORD (b. ca. 1815 at High Beech, Waltham Abbas, Essex, daughter of William WALFORD of High Beech and Isabella
Jane WALFORD and sister of Oliver WALFORD, husband of Augustus's niece Isabella Margaret SAUNDERS,
d. 9 Dec 1882 at Peterborough), d. 21 Jul 1878 at Peterborough. Student at Oxford University (Christ Church, matriculated
14 May 1819, student 1823-1833, B.A. 1824, M.A. 1825, B.D. and D.D. 1842). Vicar of Ravensthorpe, Hampshire, 1832.
Headmaster of Charterhouse School, London, 1833. Dean of Peterborough, 1853. In 1861, Dean of Peterborough, living at
Minster Precincts, Peterborough, with his wife Emma, their children Emma, Caroline, Mary, Margaretta, Agnes, Alfred,
Florence, George, and Ethel, visitor John Desboro WALFORD (a college tutor, M.A., b. ca. 1805 at London), nephew Alfred S.
WALFORD (a mercantile clerk, b. ca. 1842 at Cheetham, Manchester, Lancashire), a governess, a cook, a nurse, a housemaid,
a kitchenmaid, a nursemaid, a butler, and a footman. In 1871, Dean of Peterborough, living at the Deanery, Peterborough,
with his wife Emma, their daughters Emma, Caroline, Mary, and Florence, his niece Blanche (daughter of his brother James),
a governess, a cook, a housemaid, a kitchenmaid, a butler, a footman, and a general domestic servant. Declined deanery of
Winchester, 1872. Fellow of the Royal Society. In 1881, Emma was living at 6 Priest Gate, Peterborough, with her daughters
Emma, Margaret, Florence, and Blanche, a cook, two housemaids, and a manservant. [ref. 1,5f,11c,11d,11e,17a]
- Emma Isabella SAUNDERS, b. 18 Oct 1841 at Charterhouse, London. In 1861, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1871,
living with her parents. In 1881, living with her mother. In 1891, living on her own means at "The Charterhouse",
Broadway, Peterborough, with a general servant. [ref. 1,11c,11d,11e,11f]
- Caroline Louisa SAUNDERS, b. 23 Mar 1843 at Charterhouse, m. 7 Nov 1878 at Torquay, Rev.
Frederick Manners STOPFORD (widower of her cousin Florence Augusta SAUNDERS). In 1861 and 1871,
living with her parents. In 1881, living at Rectory House, Titchmarsh, Northamptonshire, with her husband Fred (the
rector), his children from his first marriage Wilfred, Gerald, Eveleen, and Walter, a governess, a nurse, a housemaid, and
a cook. In 1891, living at the Rectory, Titchmarsh, with her husband Frederick (the rector), his daughter Eveleen, a cook,
and a parlormaid. [ref. 1,11c,11d,11e,11f]
- Oliver Augustus SAUNDERS, M.A., b. 30 Jul 1844 at Hampstead, m. 3 Sep 1878 at Peterborough, Julia
PALEY (b. ca. 1851 at Peterborough, eldest daughter of William PALEY, J.P., of Peterborough, and sister-in-law of
Oliver's younger brother Alfred Robert Henry SAUNDERS). In 1881, a barrister "in actual practice",
living at 36 Regent's Park Road, London, with his wife Julia, their son Oliver, a housemaid, a nurse, and a cook. In 1891,
a barrister, living at Roxborough
Park, Harrow, Middlesex, with his wife Julia, their children Oliver, Desborough, and Gladys, a cook, a nurse, and a
housemaid. In 1901, a barrister, living at 3 Roxborough Park, Harrow, with his wife Julia, their children Oliver,
Desborough, and Gladys, a cook, a housemaid, and a maid. [ref. 1,11e,11f,11g]
- Oliver Paley SAUNDERS, b. 15 Jul 1879 at St. Pancras, London. In 1881 and 1891, living with his parents. In 1901, an
undergraduate at Trinity Cambridge, living with his parents. [ref. 1,11e,11f,11g]
- Desborough SAUNDERS, b. ca. 1883 at St. Pancras, London. In 1891 and 1901, living with his parents. [ref. 11f,11g]
- Gladys SAUNDERS, b. ca. 1889 at Harrow. In 1891 and 1901, living with her parents. [ref. 11f]
- Mary Eliza SAUNDERS, b. 25 Aug 1846 at Hampstead, m. 28 Dec 1871 at Peterborough cathedral, Rev. Charles Richard BALL,
M.A. (b. ca. 1832 at Clifton, Gloucestershire). In 1861 and 1871,
living with her parents. In 1881, living at St. Paul's vicarage,
Peterborough, with her husband Charles (the vicar), their daughters Edith, Mildred, and Dorothy, a housemaid, a cook, a
nurse, and visitor Mary OAKLEY. In 1891, living at Madeley House, Park Road, Peterborough, with her husband Charles (clerk
in holy orders, living on his own means), their children Mildred, Dorothy, Richard, and Cicely, a cook, a housemaid, and a
nurse. In 1901, living at Park Road, Peterborough, with her husband Charles (a Church of England clergyman), their
children Edith, Mildred, Richard, and Cicely, a sick nurse, a cook, a housemaid, and a sewing maid. [ref. 1,11c,11d,11e,11f,11g]
- Edith Mary BALL, b. 4 Nov 1872 at St. Paul's vicarage. In 1881, a scholar at home, living with her parents. In 1901,
living with her parents. [ref. 1,11e,11g]
- Mildred Mary BALL, b. 8 Aug 1874 at St. Paul's vicarage. In 1881, a scholar at home, living with her parents. In 1891,
a scholar, living with her parents. In 1901, living with her parents. [ref. 1,11e,11f,11g]
- Charles BALL, b. 15 Mar 1877 at Peterborough deanery, d. there 17 Mar 1877. [ref. 1]
- Dorothy Mary BALL, b. 15 May 1878 at St. Paul's vicarage. In 1881, living with her parents. In 1891, a scholar, living
with her parents. [ref. 1,11e,11f]
- Richard Reynolds BALL, b. 8 Aug 1882 at St. Paul's vicarage. In 1891 and 1901, living with his parents. [ref. 1,11f,11g]
- Cicely Mary BALL, b. ca. 1884 at Peterborough. In 1891, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1901, living with her
parents. [ref. 11f,11g]
- Margaret(ta) Annie SAUNDERS, b. 27 May 1848 at Hampstead, Middlesex. In 1861, living with her parents. In 1871, living
in the household of her uncle John D. WALFORD at 12 College Street, Winchester, Hampshire, with her sister Agnes. In 1881,
living with her mother. In 1891, a deaconess, living in the Diocesan Deaconesses' Home, St. Andrew's House, Fawcett Road,
Portsmouth, Hampshire. [ref. 1,11c,11d,11e,11f]
- Agnes Harriet SAUNDERS, b. 3 Dec 1850 at Charterhouse. In 1861, living with his parents.
In 1871, living in the household of her uncle John D. WALFORD,
with her sister Margaret. In 1881, an art student at South Kensington Museum, lodging at 3 South Street, London. In 1891,
an artist painter, living with her brother Alfred. [ref. 1,11c,11d,11e,11f]
- Alfred Robert Henry SAUNDERS, b. 12 Mar 1853 at Charterhouse, m. 5 Oct 1882 at Peterborough
cathedral, Annie PALEY (second daughter of William PALEY, J.P., and sister-in-law of Alfred's elder brother
Oliver Augustus SAUNDERS). In 1861, living with his parents.
In 1871, a boarding scholar at 2 Rutland Place, London. Student at Oxford
University (University College, matriculated 14 Oct 1871 aged 18, B.A. 1876). In 1881, a solicitor, lodging at 2 Alma
Terrace, London. In 1891, living on his own means at
Winchester Road, Chilbolton, Hampshire, with his wife Annie, daughters Ethel and Helen, sister Agnes, a cook, and a
nurse. [ref. 1,11c,11d,11e,11f,17a]
- Ethel Margaret SAUNDERS, b. 1 Jul 1883 at Bedford Park, Chiswick, Middlesex. In 1891, living with her
parents. [ref. 1,11f]
- Helen B. SAUNDERS, b. ca. 1884 at Chiswick. In 1891, living with her parents. [ref. 11f]
- Florence Matilda SAUNDERS, b. 16 May 1855 at Peterborough. In 1861, living with her parents. In 1871, a scholar,
living with her parents. In 1881, living with her mother. In 1891, superintendent of a nursing association, living at
Old Grammar School House, Minster Precinct, Peterborough, with a boarder (a nurse) and a general servant. [ref. 1,11c,11d,11e,11f]
- George Keble SAUNDERS, b. 9 Jan 1858 at Peterborough, d. 6 Jun 1861 at Ramsgate. In Apr 1861, living with his
parents. [ref. 1,11c]
- Ethel Gertrude SAUNDERS, b. 29 Sep 1859 at Peterborough, d. 23 May 1861 at Ramsgate. In Apr 1861, living with her
parents. [ref. 1,11c]
- William Septimus SAUNDERS, b. 21 Feb 1803 at Southend, m1. 16 Jun 1825 at Port Louis, Mauritius, Sophie Antoinette
WIEHÉ (drowned 17 Jul 1836 in the wreck of the barque
Doncaster off the Cape of Good Hope, daughter of John James WIEHÉ of Mauritius), m2. 26 Apr 1838 at Port
Louis, Mauritius, Matilda POWER (b. ca. 1810 at Limerick, Ireland, third daughter of Gen. James POWER, Royal Artillery),
drowned 1 Dec 1850 at Holyhead. In 1891, Matilda was living on her own means at Windsor Road, Slough, Buckinghamshire,
with her daughters Caroline and Alice, a cook, a parlormaid, and a housemaid. [ref. 1,11f]
- Louisa Sophia SAUNDERS, b. 18 Sep 1827 at Mauritius. [ref. 1]
- Emma Margaret SAUNDERS, b. 13 May 1829 at Mauritius, drowned 17 Jul 1836 in the Doncaster. [ref. 1]
- William Henry SAUNDERS, b. 31 Aug 1830 at Mauritius, drowned 17 Jul 1836 in the Doncaster. [ref. 1]
- Julia Eliza SAUNDERS, b. 19 Mar 1832 at Mauritius, d. there 29 Aug 1835. [ref. 1]
- Alfred Christian SAUNDERS, b. 20 Dec 1833 at Mauritius, drowned 17 Jul 1836 in the Doncaster. [ref. 1]
- Sophie Elizabeth SAUNDERS, b. 26 Jun 1835 at Mauritius, drowned 17 Jul 1836 in the Doncaster. [ref. 1]
- Robert Power SAUNDERS, Captain, Royal Artillery, b. 6 Aug 1839 at Mauritius, m. 14 Mar 1867 at Jhansi, Mary Rosamond
TRESIDDER (b. ca. 1847 in India, daughter of John N. TRESIDDER, Indian Medical Service), d. 29 Jul 1871 at Benares. In
1891, Mary was living on her own means in a lodging house at 3 Selwyn Terrace, Dulwich, London, with her daughter
Mary. [ref. 1,11f]
- William Power SAUNDERS, b. 26 Feb 1869 at Umballa. [ref. 1]
- Arthur Bertram SAUNDERS, b. 27 Apr 1870 at Benares, d. 13 Feb 1872 at Budleigh Salterton, Devon. [ref. 1]
- Mary SAUNDERS, b. 29 Sep 1871 at Jubbulpore. In 1891, living with her mother. [ref. 1,11f]
- Caroline Matilda SAUNDERS, b. 31 Mar 1841 at Mauritius. In 1891, living on her own means with her mother. [ref. 1,11f]
- Henrietta Susannah SAUNDERS, b. 18 Mar 1843 at Mauritius, d. there 24 Dec 1843. [ref. 1]
- Frederick William SAUNDERS, Captain, 7th Royal Fusiliers, b. 15 Jul 1844 at Mauritius, m. 7 Mar 1872 at Glenarbuck,
Dumfriesshire, Alexina Dunn BLACK (daughter of Robert BLACK). In 1861, a pupil at Charterhouse School, boarding in a
dormitory at 1-2 Rutland Place, Charterhouse Square, London. [ref. 1,11c]
- Elizabeth Mary SAUNDERS, b. 23 Aug 1846 at Woodstowe, County Waterford, d. 26 May 1859 at Kensington. [ref. 1]
- Alice Margaret SAUNDERS, b. 3 Feb 1849 at Waterford. In 1891, living on her own means with her mother. [ref. 1,11f]
- Mary Jane Keble SAUNDERS, b. 10 Mar 1804 at Southend, m. 26 Nov 1840 at London, Auguste LE GOUÈS (d. 24 May
1857 at Paris), d. 5 Jun 1883 at Paris. In 1871, living on income from dividends, etc., visiting her niece Isabella
Margaret (SAUNDERS) WALFORD, with her daughter Marie Louise. [ref. 1,11d]
- Anne Francoise Augusta LE GOUÈS, b. 24 Jun 1841 at Bondy, France, d. 4 Sep 1843 at Stoke, near
Plymouth. [ref. 1]
- Marie Louise Keble LE GOUÈS, b. 23 Aug 1842 at Bondy. In 1871, visiting her cousin Isabella with her
mother. [ref. 1,11d]
- Eugène Anselme Saunders LE GOUÈS, b. 4 Nov 1844 at Paris, d. there 26 Nov 1845. [ref. 1]
- Alexander Octavius SAUNDERS, b. 8 Dec 1807 at Southend, m. 5 Sep 1829 at
Quebec, Louisa Caroline PANET (daughter of Judge PANET, m2. 25 Feb 1843 at the British Embassy chapel, Paris, Rev. William
George PARMINTER), d. Mar 1837 in Mauritius. Educated at Charterhouse School, 1818. Employed by the
Commissariat. [ref. 1,2l,17e]
- Julia SAUNDERS, b. 10 Jun 1832 at Quebec, d. 1 Jul 1832 at sea. [ref. 1]
- Alexander William Fleck SAUNDERS, b. 2 Sep 1837 at Capetown, d. 31 Jul 1902 in Queensland, Australia. Educated at
Charterhouse School, 1847-1853. [ref. 1,4g,17e]
Descendants of John Saunders
Is this John Saunders, chr. 8 Sep 1750 at Banff, or another man by the same name?
John SAUNDERS, m. Katherine SINCLAIR, d. 8 Feb 1816 at Ruthven, Aberdeenshire. [ref. 5b]
- Jean SAUNDERS, b. 1785, chr. 16 Jul 1785 at Grange, Banffshire, d. 1873 at Keith, Banffshire. [ref. 5b]
- Barbara SAUNDERS, b. 1787, chr. 16 Aug 1787 at Tyrie, Aberdeenshire, d. 1810. [ref. 5b]
- John SAUNDERS, grain merchant, chr. 15 Jul 1796 in Aberdeenshire, m. 25
Mar 1820 Agnes STRACHAN, d. 27 May 1844 at Portsoy, Banffshire. [ref. 5b]
- William Tait SAUNDERS, b. 1821, chr. 7 Feb 1821 at Fordyce, Banffshire, d. 1838 at Portsoy. [ref. 5b]
- Catherine SAUNDERS, b. 1822, chr. 30 Aug 1822 at Fordyce, m. 1846 James MORRISON. [ref. 5b]
- John SAUNDERS, fish curer (1851), b. 1824, chr. 23 Oct 1824 at Fordyce, m. 1847 at Portsoy, Williamena SHAND. [ref. 5b]
- Kemp SAUNDERS, coal merchant commission agent, b. 1826, chr. 3 Sep 1826
at Fordyce, m. 10 Sep 1857 at Insch, Aberdeenshire, Mary THOMSON (daughter
of John THOMSON and Janet LOW), d. 1884 at Glasgow. [ref. 5b]
- John Thomson SAUNDERS, innkeeper at Balsam [Balsham?], Cambridgeshire, b. 29 Jul 1858 at Aberdeen, m. [Louie?]. [ref. 5b]
- John Kemp Kemble SAUNDERS. [ref. 5b]
- Arthur Kemp SAUNDERS. [ref. 5b]
- Alison SAUNDERS, [teacher?]. [ref. 5b]
- David SAUNDERS, teacher at Linton, Cambridgeshire, m. Esme. [ref. 5b]
- Reginald Kemp SAUNDERS, m. Madge. [ref. 5b]
- Valerie SAUNDERS. [ref. 5b]
- Andrew SAUNDERS. [ref. 5b]
- Peggy SAUNDERS, m. Bernard CHARMAN. [ref. 5b]
- John CHARMAN. [ref. 5b]
- Geoffrey CHARMAN. [ref. 5b]
- Kemp SAUNDERS, master mariner (1887) and captain, b. 27 Apr 1860 at Aberdeen,
m. 18 May 1887 at Liverpool, Emily Louisa SHEPPARD (daughter of James SHEPPARD
and Hannah Mary Elizabeth CUTTING), d. 31 Dec 1940 at Hendon, Middlesex.
Apprentice on the tea clipper Cutty Sark, later a ship’s master
(certificate of competency 24 Aug 1883, ticket 08101) making many voyages to the Middle East. [ref. 5b]
- Winifred Emily SAUNDERS, b. 16 Apr 1889 at Bromley by Bow, Middlesex, m. 16 Jul 1919 Robert Goymer DUNFORD, d. 10 Jan
1963 at Newcastle on Tyne. [ref. 5b]
- Roger Kemp DUNFORD, m. Josephine WHITFIELD. [ref. 5b]
- Robert Paul DUNFORD, m. Margaret MATTHEW. [ref. 5b]
- Linda Ann DUNFORD, m. Fred COOK. [ref. 5b]
- Geoffrey COOK. [ref. 5b]
- Stuart COOK. [ref. 5b]
- Serena Margaret DUNFORD, m. Trevor John PARKER. [ref. 5b]
- Clare DUNFORD, m1. Les PRATT, m2. Leslie LOWRY, m3. John HINDMARSH. [ref. 5b]
- Ann DUNFORD, m. Keith Middleton MATTHEW. [ref. 5b]
- Neil MATTHEW. [ref. 5b]
- Christopher MATTHEW. [ref. 5b]
- Robert MATTHEW. [ref. 5b]
- Thomas MATTHEW. [ref. 5b]
- Karen MATTHEW. [ref. 5b]
- Toby. [ref. 5b]
- Edith Annie SAUNDERS, b. 24 Jan 1891 at Bromley by Bow, Poplar, London,
m. 19 Nov 1919 at Aldersbrook, Essex, Arthur Herbert SPORNE (son of Arthur
John SPORNE and Alice Ada CHOPPING), d. 24 Sep 1975 at Esher, Surrey. [ref. 5b]
- Barbara SPORNE, m1. Kees THOOMS, m2. Ray WHARTON. [ref. 5b]
- Richard THOOMS. [ref. 5b]
- John Derek SPORNE, clothing manufacturer's agent, m1. Heather Diana PARREN (daughter
of Joseph Lee PARREN and Dorothy Alma GRANT), m2. Gloria Mary FLUDE. [ref. 5b]
- Diana Caroline SPORNE, secretary (1973-1981), b. 24 Feb 1955 at Epsom,
chr. there 25 Sep 1955, m. 4 Sep 1978 at Ashford, Middlesex, Stewart John
Malcolm CISE (son of Roland Oliver CISE and Wilhelmina STEWART), div. [ref. 5b]
- Joseph Lee Stewart CISE, b. 30 May 1981 at Ottershaw, Chertsey, Surrey,
chr. 4 Jul 1982 at Walton-on-Thames, Surrey. [ref. 5b]
- Samuel John Oliver CISE, b. 8 Jul 1983 at Chertsey, chr. 1 Apr 1984 at
Walton-on-Thames. [ref. 5b]
- Rebecca Heather CISE, b. 14 Jul 1989 at Chertsey, chr. 26 Jan 1990 at Hersham,
Surrey. [ref. 5b]
- Susan Jane SPORNE, m. Anthony Phillip POWELL. [ref. 5b]
- Luke Dominic POWELL. [ref. 5b]
- Callum Oliver POWELL. [ref. 5b]
- Sacha Kurtis Ainsley POWELL. [ref. 5b]
- Amanda Heather SPORNE, m. David BOYES. [ref. 5b]
- Jack Henry BOYES. [ref. 5b]
- Joshua Peter BOYES. [ref. 5b]
- Hudson John BOYES. [ref. 5b]
- Irene SAUNDERS, m. Leonard FLOWER. [ref. 5b]
- Brian FLOWER. [ref. 5b]
- Stella FLOWER. [ref. 5b]
- Jane FLOWER. [ref. 5b]
- Kemp SAUNDERS, b. ca. 1890, m. Ruth. [ref. 5b]
- Bruce SAUNDERS, b. ca. 1927, m. Anne. [ref. 5b]
- Doris SAUNDERS, m. Ronald PENDRY. [ref. 5b]
- Anthony PENDRY, m. Tessa. [ref. 5b]
- John PENDRY. [ref. 5b]
- Anne PENDRY. [ref. 5b]
- Gerald PENDRY, m. Eva. [ref. 5b]
- Julie PENDRY. [ref. 5b]
- Michael PENDRY. [ref. 5b]
- Mark PENDRY. [ref. 5b]
- Alexander Reid SAUNDERS, minister, b. 1 Nov 1862 at Aberdeen, m. 1892 [in
China?], Miss I.A. SMITH, d. 1934 or 1935. In 1887 he was a Christian missionary
for the China Inland Mission at their station in the city of P’ing-yao,
north China. [ref. 5b]
- Lesley SAUNDERS, doctor in England (1934 or 1935), b. ca. 1887. [ref. 5b]
- Jessie SAUNDERS, b. ca. May 1893 in China, d. 3 Aug 1900 at Tan-Kin-Ho,
Ho-nan, China. [ref. 5b]
- George SAUNDERS, b. 1895, d. ca. 1914. [ref. 5b]
- Isabel SAUNDERS, b. ca. Oct 1898 in China, d. 27 Jul 1900 near Si-Ping,
Ho-nan. [ref. 5b]
- James Morrison SAUNDERS, b. 11 Mar 1865 at Aberdeen, d. there 4 Dec 1868. [ref. 5b]
- Jessie Agnes Strachan SAUNDERS, b. 12 Apr 1867 at Aberdeen, m. Alfred SHEPPARD
(son of James SHEPPARD and Hannah Mary Elizabeth CUTTING). [ref. 5b]
- Peter Thomson SAUNDERS, [commercial traveller?], b. 7 Apr 1869 at Aberdeen. [ref. 5b]
- Mary SAUNDERS, b. ca. 1871, m. ROE. [ref. 5b]
- Williamena SAUNDERS, b. ca. 1873, m. CRABB(E), d. ca. 1931. [ref. 5b]
- Winifred CRABB(E), b. ca. 1920, m. ADDA. [ref. 5b]
- George SAUNDERS, b. ca. 1875. [ref. 5b]
- Agnes SAUNDERS, b. 1828, chr. 29 Nov 1828 at Fordyce, m. there 1849 William
McROBIE. [ref. 5b]
- Alexander Reid SAUNDERS, b. 1831, chr. 8 Jun 1831 at Fordyce. [ref. 5b]
- Elspet Ann SAUNDERS, b. 1791, chr. 31 Aug 1791 at Tyrie. [ref. 5b]
- James SAUNDERS, b. 1794, chr. 7 Mar 1794 at Tyrie, d. 1813. [ref. 5b]
- Kemp SAUNDERS, b. 8 Oct 1798 at Cairnie, Aberdeenshire, m. 1828 Janet DUNCAN,
d. 1860 at Tarves, Aberdeenshire. [ref. 5b]
- William SAUNDERS, b. 8 Aug 1800 at Cairnie, m. 1824 at Cullen, Margaret
WRIGHT, d. ca. 1837. [ref. 5b]
- Herbert Clifford Saunders, compiler, Saunders Pedigree (London, ca. 1884)
- Contemporary handwritten additions and corrections
- Attached clipping from unidentified contemporary newspaper
- Parish registers
- Banff, Banffshire (from LDS microfilm) - see excerpts
- from IGI batches C111472 and M111472
- from IGI batches 7516049 and 7516050 (patron submissions)
- Cullen, Banffshire (from IGI batches C111502 and M111502)
- St. Peter, Brighton, Sussex (from British Isles Vital Records Index)
- St. Nicholas, Brighton, Sussex (from British Isles Vital Records Index)
- St. Jude, Kensington, Middlesex (from Ancestry images)
- All Souls, Marylebone, Middlesex (from Ancestry images)
- St. Lawrence, Chobham, Surrey (from IGI batch C055364)
- St. Botolph Bishopsgate, London (from Ancestry images)
- from IGI batch C001617
- St. Andrew Undershaft, London (from IGI batch P004961)
- St. Margaret Lothbury, London (from Ancestry images)
- Carter Lane Presbyterian Chapel, Blackfriars, London (from IGI batch C041281)
- British Embassy chapel, Paris, bishop's transcripts (from IGI batch M800111)
- St. Mary Magdalen, Woolwich, Kent (from Ancestry images)
- St. Andrew, Enfield, Middlesex (from Ancestry images)
- St. John, Paddington, Middlesex (from Ancestry images)
- St. Augustine Kilburn, Paddington, Middlesex (from Ancestry images)
- St. Thomas, Hammersmith, Middlesex (from Ancestry images)
- St. Mary, Potchefstroom, South Africa (from transcript by Gary Cannon, online at the
Genealogical Society of South Africa and excerpts on the
SOUTH-AFRICA mailing list at Rootsweb, parts
17 and
- St. Stephen, Kensington, Middlesex (from Ancestry images)
- Calcutta, Bengal (from IGI batch M750022, based on the presidency transcripts)
- St. Mary the Virgin, Dover, Kent (from IGI batch C036562, based on a transcript)
- Dalhousie, Bengal (from FamilySearch batch M750544, based on the presidency transcripts)
- Bangalore, Madras (from FamilySearch batch C750255, based on the presidency transcripts)
- Sasines
- Printed index of Banffshire sasines
- Banff (burgh) sasines dated 24 Dec 1661 and 18 Apr 1676, as cited in an undated printed addendum to
Saunders Pedigree (ref. 1)
- Banffshire sasine dated 8 Jun 1670
- Banff (burgh) sasine dated 29 Sep 1710
- Civil registration records
- GRO index for England and Wales, from FreeBMD or Ancestry
- Local indexes for England and Wales (see UKBMD)
- GRO marriage certificate of Hugh Ward Saunders and Ellen Anne Bannerman, 1855
- GRO marriage certificate of Walter Ashington Saunders-Knox-Gore and Helen Maguire, 1933
- Civil registration in Ireland, from FamilySearch
- GRO marriage certificate of Watson Ashington Saunders-Knox-Gore and Kathlyne Alice Crawley, 1983
- Civil registration in Queensland, Australia, from Ancestry
- Personal communications
- Joan Margaret (Haworth) Morgan, granddaughter of Katharine (Saunders) Orford, 1997
- Diana Caroline (Sporne) Cise, regarding John Saunders (d. 1816) and his descendants
- Lionel Thompson (via John Permezel), regarding family members who emigrated to Australia
- Nicholas Gomez, regarding descendants of Marianne Charity (Saunders) Pollock
- Louise Drake, 12 Nov 2005, regarding her relative Helen Maude (Drake) Saunders
- Clif Knight, 26 Aug 2008
- Katherine Shewell, May 2010, regarding descendants of Robert John Saunders (b. 1879)
- Ward Saunders, May 2006
- Janine Saunders, Jan 2011
- Anthony Turner, Jun 2012, regarding descendants of Edith Isabella Saunders (b. 1863)
- Julian Saunders, Jun 2012, regarding descendants of Hugh Ward Bannerman Saunders (1898-1972)
- Wills
- Robert Saunders (1792-1856)
- James Kenneth Saunders (1717-1778)
- David Saunders (1689-1719)
- William Saunders (1743-1817)
- National Probate Calendar (England and Wales)
- Cemetery records and memorial inscriptions
- Commonweath War Graves Commission Debt of Honour Register
- Gravestone of Katharine (Saunders) Orford.
- Compiled genealogies
- Stamboom van die Lötter Familie
- Letters from Hugh Ward Bannerman Saunders (above) to Eleanor Beatrice Eileen (Orford)
Elphick, daughter of Katharine (Saunders) Orford, ca. 1960.
- Alice (Wykeham-Martin) Pollock (above), Portrait of my Victorian Youth (Johnson,
London, 1971).
- Censuses of the United Kingdom (see selected extracts).
- 1851
- 1861
- 1871
- 1881
- 1891
- 1901
- 1911
- Transcribed list of casualties in the 1832
East India Directory and Register.
- Transcribed list of army officers in the
1840 Naval and Military Almanac.
- Extracts from records of the Bengal Family Pension Fund (LDS microfilm 1836106), courtesy of Edward M.
- Johannes Gerhardus Boje, Winburg's
War: An Appraisal of the Anglo-Boer War of 1899-1902 as It Was Experienced by the People of a Free State District,
Ph.D. thesis, University of Pretoria, 2009, Chapter 7, p. 402
- Peerages and similar
- Debrett's Peerage and Baronetage, 2000 (at xreferplus)
-, citing Burke's Peerage and Baronetage, 107th edn.
- Burke's Peerage and Gentry, accessed Sep 2010
- "Carew",
Burke's Peerage and Baronetage, 76th edn. (1914)
- "Taylor
of Beaconfield late of Ogwell", Burke's Landed Gentry, 5th edn. (1871)
- "Russell of
Swallowfield", Burke's Peerage and Baronetage, 14th edn. (1852)
- School and university directories
- Joseph Foster, Alumni Oxonienses (London, 1888+).
- Joseph Foster, Oxford Men 1880-1892 (1893)
- Charterhouse Register, 1872-1910
- Marlborough College Register from 1843 to 1903 Inclusive, 5th edn. (1905)
- W.D. Parish, List of Carthusians, 1800 to 1879 (1879)
- Medical Register for 1779 (see excerpts) and 1783.
- Street and telephone directories
- British telephone directories, 1880-1984 (at Ancestry)
- Entries in Kelly's trade directory of Brighton, various editions, courtesy of Jan Hill.
- Neil Rhind, Blackheath Village and Environs, vol. 2, courtesy of John Coulter, Lewisham library local
studies unit.
- Letter from Robert Saunders to the Collector of Dinajpur, dated 7 Dec 1788, courtesy of Conrad
- Frances McDonnell, The Burgess Roll of Banff, 1549-1892 (St. Andrews, 1994). This book "consists mainly
of honorary burgesses, and is based on the town council minutes and the roll of burgesses, 1763-1826."
- U.K. and U.S. Directories, 1680-1830, online at
- Online persons index to the National Register of Archives of the
Historical Manuscripts Commission.
- Announcements in The Times
- Marriages, 8 Mar 1935, p. 1, col. a
- Deaths, 20 Feb 1934, p. 1, col. a
- Forthcoming Marriages, 25 Aug 1923, p. 1, col. b
- Forthcoming Marriages, 23 Dec 1961, p. 8, col. b
- Deaths, 28 Oct 1939, p. 1, col. a
- Casualties (Boer War), 17 Aug 1901, p. 5, col. f
- Deaths, 1 Nov 1949, p. 1, col. b
- Births, 2 Mar 1933, p. 1, col. a
- Births, 24 Sep 1940, p. 1, col. a
- Marriages, 15 Dec 1885
- Obituaries, 2 Feb 1901
- Forthcoming Marriages, 18 Jul 1919, and Marriages, 25 Jul 1919
- Divorce reports, 13 Jan 1938 and 19 Jul 1938
- Deaths on Active Service, 20 Nov 1944
- Deaths, 23 Apr 1975
- Births, 16 Jun 1923
- Forthcoming marriages, 4 May 1943, and Marriages, 26 Aug 1943
- Forthcoming marriages, 13 Feb 1945, and Marriages, 4 Dec 1945
- Births, 13 Jul 1953
- Latest wills, 13 Jun 1968
- Deaths, 5 Apr 1978
- List of qualified jurors, Singapore,
1904, from Straits Settlements Government Gazette, 21 Oct 1904
- List of qualified jurors, Singapore,
1916, from Straits Settlements Legislative Council Proceedings, 1916
- A.C. Fox-Davies, Armorial Families (1899)
- Melville Henry Massue, The Plantagenet Roll of the Blood Royal (1905-1911)
- Officers Died: South Africa 1899-1902
- "Belleek", in Jan 1999 newsletter of St. Mary's Secondary
School, Convent of Mercy, Ballina, Co. Mayo, Ireland
- 1901 census of Canada
- White's Devon Directory, 1890
- New South Wales Registry of Births, Deaths, and Marriages
- The Statistical Account of Scotland (1791-1799)
- South Africa Magazine, 23 Nov 1918, excerpts transcribed by Ellen Stanton on Rootsweb mailing list
- Walter Saunders, ed., Reminiscenses of a Rand Pioneer: The Memoirs of Renault Courtney Acutt (Ravan
Press, Johannesburg, 1977; original memoirs: Naboomspruit, 1959)
- NAAIRS online catalog of the National Archives of South Africa.
- Women and Cacti
- Bengal Kalendar and Register for 1787, 1789, 1790, 1795, and 1800
- Army List, 1893
- Holden's London and Country Directory, 1811, from
- Index to Divorce and Matrimonial Causes 1858-1903, at
- Fasti Ecclesiae Scoticanae (Oliver and Boyd, 1926)
- The online historical person index of the Moray Council
Local Heritage Service
- The United Service Journal, Feb 1837,
p. 283
- War Office, A List of the Officers of the Army and Royal Marines, 5 Feb 1824,
p. 319
- The Annual Register, 1839,
p. 358
- List of Officers of the Royal Regiment of Artillery (Greenwich, 1815),
p. 40
- The Asiatic Journal and Monthly Miscellany
- Sep 1836, p. 53
- Aug 1816, p. 219
- The Asiatic Annual Register, 1804,
p. 24
- The East-India Register and Directory for 1823,
p. 6
- Calcutta Historical Society, Bengal: Past and Present, vol. 109 (1990), p. 92
- Announcements in The London Gazette
- 18 Jul 1916, p. 7103
- 2 Jun 1891, p. 2926
- 14 Jul 1891, p. 3722
- 16 Aug 1892, p. 4658
- 3 Nov 1893, p. 6145
- 27 Aug 1895, p. 4863
- 12 Jan 1897, p. 188
- 28 Jul 1899, p. 4712
- 16 Jan 1900, p. 291
- 26 Apr 1901, p. 2860
- 21 Jul 1908, p. 5320
- 28 Jul 1908, p. 5533
- 16 Feb 1909, p. 1222
- 1 Jun 1909, p. 4162
- 2 Jul 1909, p. 5065
- 14 Dec 1909, p. 9518
- 4 Mar 1910, p. 1597
- 2 Oct 1914, p. 7900
- 17 Nov 1914, p. 9518
- 8 Dec 1914, p. 10559
- 9 Mar 1915, p. 2482
- 14 Dec 1915, p. 12443
- 28 Apr 1916, p. 4332
- 21 Jul 1916, p. 7315
- 15 Aug 1916, p. 8111
- 2 Feb 1917, p. 1167
- 1 Jun 1917, p. 5466
- 13 Jul 1917, pp. 7053 and 7074
- 7 Aug 1917, p. 8075
- 31 Aug 1917, p. 9109
- 7 Feb 1919, p. 1943
- 2 Dec 1919, p. 14927
- 4 May 1920, p. 5205
- 12 May 1920, p. 5453
- 19 Dec 1924, p. 9244
- 13 Feb 1931, p. 1003
- 16 Apr 1943, p. 1757
- Ship's passenger lists
- U.K. arrivals (from Ancestry's images)
- Canada arrivals (from Ancestry's images)
- Col. John T. Jones, Journals of Sieges Carried on by the Army under the Duke of Wellington in Spain,
between the Years 1811 and 1814, 2nd edn. (London, 1827), vol. 1,
p. 81
- Newspaper articles
- The Straits Times, obituary, 30 Dec 1926
- The West Australian (Perth),
24 Aug 1895 and
27 Aug 1895
- The West Australian, 1 Dec 1894
- The Argus (Melbourne, Victoria, Australia),
8 Aug 1901
- The West Australian, 8 Aug 1901
content last revised 24 Jun 2012