jeanne bamberger
curriculum vitae
july 29, 2016

Address: 701 Grizzly Peak Boulevard, Berkeley, CA 94708
Phone: 510-527-9432 (home)
Email: jbamb (at)


institution degree field year
University of California, Berkeley MA Musicology (Theory) 1951
University of Minnesota BA Philosophy, Music 1948
Columbia University -- Philosophy 1942-46

Studied music with: Arthur Schnabel, Roger Sessions, Olivier Messiaen, Ernst Krenek

academic positions

2010-present Adjunct Professor, Department of Music, University of California, Berkeley
2002-present Professor Emerita, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2005-2009 Visiting Professor, Graduate School of Education, University of California, Berkeley
2002-2004 Visiting Professor of Education, Graduate School of Education, Harvard University
1994-2002 Professor of Music and Urban Education, School of Humanities and Social Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
1989-1990 Chair, Music and Theater Arts Section, School of Humanities, Arts & Social Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
1989-1994 Professor, Music & Theater Arts Section, School of Humanities, Arts and Social Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
1981-1989 Associate Professor, School of Humanities, Arts and Social Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
1974-1981 Assistant Professor, Division for Study and Research in Education, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
1970-1974 Research Associate, Artificial Intelligence Group, MIT
1955-1969 Assistant Professor, Music Department, University of Chicago
1953-1955 Instructor, Music Department, Univ. of Southern California

recent fellowships, grants, and honors

Society for Education in Music and Psychology Research (SEMPRE)
Lifetime Achievement Award
Spencer Foundation Grant
Music and Mathematics: Learning To Coordinate Cross-domain Representations
National Science Foundation Grant
to fund MIT Teacher Education Program
Department of Energy Grant
to fund H.S. math teachers' support group
Eisenhower Grant
to support 4 High school teachers to spend a year at MIT
Project ECSEL (funded by NSF)
to support the Undergraduate Seminar Teaching Children Engineering Design
The San Francisco Exploratorium -- Fellow-in-residence 1991-1992
Research Associate, Institute for Research on Learning, Palo Alto, CA 1991-1992
Spencer Foundation
Research on the more effective use of experts in innovative school programs
Fellow, Institute for the Humanities,
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Guggenheim Fellowship
to write a book on musical intelligence and its development


2013 Discovering the Musical Mind: A View of Creativity as Learning
New York, Oxford University Press
2000 Developing Musical Intuitions: A Project-based Introduction to Making and Understanding Music
New York, Oxford University Press
1991/1995 The Mind Behind the Musical Ear
Cambridge: Harvard University Press
1969; 1972; 1975; 1979; 1988 The Art of Listening: Developing Musical Perception (with H. Brofsky)
New York: Harper and Row

recent chapters in books

2016 "Action and Symbol: An essential tension." In J. L. B. Smith, E. Chew & G. Assayag (eds) Mathemusical Conversations. London: Imperial College Press / World Scientific.
2016 "Shaping Time." In S. Clark & A. Rehding (eds) Music in Time: Essays in honor of C. Hasty. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
2016 "Growing Up Prodigies: The midlife crisis." In G. McPherson (ed) Child Prodigies in Music. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
2008 "Evolving Meanings, Revisiting Luria and Vygotsky." In G. O. Mazur (ed.) Thirty Year Commemoration to the Life of A. R. Luria, New York: The Semenenko Foundation.
2007 "Changing Musical Perception Through Reflective Conversation." In R. Horowitz, Talking Texts. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum Assoc.
2006 "What develops in musical development?" In G. MacPherson (ed.) The child as musician: Musical development from conception to adolescence. Oxford, U.K. Oxford University Press. [ oup | draftpdf ]
2004 "How the conventions of music notation shape musical perception and performance." In D. Hargreaves, D.E. Miell, R. MacDonald (eds) Musical Communications. Oxford, U.K: Oxford University Press.
2001 "Turning Music Theory on its Ear: Do we hear what we see; do we see what we say." Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Musicality: The Seashore Symposium. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press.
1998 "Coming to hear in new ways," in Rita Aiello and Paul Sloboda, eds., Music Perceptions, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
1991 "Learning as reflective conversation with materials" (with D. Schon). In F. Steier (Ed.). Research and Reflexivity. London: Sage Publications.
1990 "The Laboratory for Making Things: Developing Multiple Representations of Knowledge." In D. A. Schon (Ed). The Reflective Turn, New York: Teachers College Press. London: Sage Publications.
1988 "Les structurations cognitives de l'apprehension et de la notation de rythmes simples." In H. Sinclair (Ed) La Production de Notations Chez le Jeune Enfant. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.
1986 "Cognitive Issues in the Development of Musically Gifted Children." In R. Sternberg, (Ed). New Conceptions of Giftedness, Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
1982 "Growing Up Prodigies: The Mid-Life Crisis." In D. H. Feldman, (Ed.) Developmental Approaches to Giftedness, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
1981 "Revisiting Children's Descriptions of Simple Rhythms: A Function for Reflection-in-Action." In S. Strauss, (Ed). U-Shaped Behavioral Growth, Academic Press, Inc.
1978 "Intuitive and Formal Musical Knowing: Parables of Cognitive Dissonance." In "The Arts, Cognition and Basic Skills", 2nd Annual Yearbook on Research in the Arts and Aesthetic Education, CEMREL, Inc.
1977 "In Search of a Tune." In D. Perkins and B. Leondar, ( Eds). "The Arts and Cognition", Johns Hopkins University Press.
1977 "The Art of Cognitive Risk-Taking." In "Papers from the Invitational Conference on Innovation and Productivity in Higher Education", San Francisco Press.
1974 "The Luxury of Necessity." In "Papers from the Invitational Forum on the Education of Music Consumers", National Association of Schools of Music.

recent articles in refereed journals

2011 "The Collaborative Invention of Meaning: A Short History of Evolving Ideas." In Psychology of Music, Vol 39 #1 82-101.
2011 "Noting Time." Israel Studies in Musicology Online, Vol. 8 - 2010/I.
2004 "Music as embodied mathematics: A study of a mutually informing affinity." (with A. diSessa). International Journal of Computers for Mathematical Learning. Vol 8 #2: 123-160 [ pub | draftpdf ]
2003 "The development of Intuitive Musical Understanding: A Natural Experiment." Psychology of Music. Vol 31 (1): 7-36.
2002 "On making distinctions permeable: A view of creativity as learning". Israel Studies in Musicology Online, 2002, Vol 2.
2000 "Music, Math, and Science: Towards an Integrated Curriculum." Journal for Learning Through Music, Spring, 2000.
1996 "Turning Music Theory On Its Ear: Do we hear what we see: do we see what we say?" International Journal of Computers for Mathematical Learning, Vol. 1 #1: pp. 33-55.
1991 "Getting it Wrong" [with E. Ziporyn], The World of Music: Ethnomusicology and Music Cognition, Vol. 34 (3)