My research falls under the large umbrella of "systems research". I work in the O2S sub-group of the Computer Architecture at CSAIL. My published research falls into two categories, resource management and data management.
Resource Management:
- Service-Oriented Network Sockets.
Umar Saif, Justin Mazzola Paluska
MobiSys 2003
- Practical Experience with Adaptive Service Access
Umar Saif, Justin Mazzola Paluska, and Vijay Praful Chauhan
Mobile Computing and Communications Review, January 2005, vol 9,
no. 1, pp 27-40.
Data Management:
- Footloose: A Case for Physical Eventual Consistency and
Selective Conflict Resolution
Justin Mazzola Paluska, David Saff, Tom Yeh, Kathryn Chen
WMCSA 2003
Paper: (PDF)
Presentation: (PDF)
