A Folded-port InfraRed Echellette for the Magellan Telescopes

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High-Resolution Echellette Mode:

Spectral resolution R = 6000 or 50 km/s (0.6" slit)
Spatial resolution 0.18" per pixel
Continuous Bandpass (single exposure) 0.89-2.51 microns
Slit length 7 arcseconds
Slit width Nominal 0.6", selectable 0.3-2.0"
Echelle orders orders 11-28
Cross dispersion ZnSe and Infrasil prisms
Primary dispersion Reflection grating

High-Throughput Prism Mode

Spectral Resolution RJ=2500, RH=1300, RK=900
Spatial Resolution 0.18" per pixel
Continuous Bandpass (single exposure) 0.89-2.51 microns
Slit length 1 arcminute
Slit width Nominal 0.6", selectable 0.3-2.0"
Primary dispersion ZnSe and Infrasil prisms

Acquisition/Guiding System

Field of view 50 x 50 arcseconds
Spatial resolution 0.2" per pixel
Bandpass Fixed filter
Detector 256 x 256 Rockwell PICNIC
Mode Slit viewing