Travis E. Gibson

Travis Gibson, Travis E. Gibson, Travis Eli Gibson 

Travis E. Gibson
Research Fellow
Harvard Medical School &
Brigham and Women's Hospital


I will be joining the faculty at Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women's Hospital in Spring 2019


PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (advisor Anuradha Annaswamy)
MS, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
BS, Georgia Institute of Technology

Research and Current Projects

My work is at the intersection of control theory and machine learning. My application area is in biology where I work on naturally occurring and engineered microbial consortia. My theoretical work remains in the area of adaptive control with more recent work focused on statistical inference (with Georg Gerber). I have ongoing projects in the following areas

  • Statistical learning applied to microbial dynamics (Bayesian nonparametrics, layered latent state-space models)

  • Genetically engineering and controlling a microbial consortia

  • Theoretical foundations at the intersection of machine learning and control

  • Microbiome remodeling via phage therapy

Selected Publications: (Google Scholar)

  • Universality of human microbial dynamics
    A. Bashan, T.E. Gibson, J. Friedman, V.J. Carey, S.T. Weiss, E.L. Hohmann and Y.-Y. Liu
    Nature, 534, 259–262, 2016