The tyranny of Corwin, lich-king of Avalon, has come to a mysterious end. In the last century of his thousand-year reign, ur-Corwin's conquests had nearly realized his mad vision: an Empire to span the Six Silliest Shadows. But then, as the expanding psychic shock of his death claimed each of his Horde of Idiot Pets in turn, the face of the Empire was irrevocably changed, and now sports a really silly grin.
In the kingdom of Kingdom, the rebellious Lady Katarina has returned from exile, to take the beavers unchallenged.
In the Marches of Stupid Shadow #263, the war-states of the Isles of Keverian return to their ancient feuds, their tenuous unity under Corwin having dissolved. Mary, the Clone Lady, laughs approvingly.
Nikrowd of Rebma retains his post as, well, someone important, we're all sure, having somehow survived the fate of his well-coiffed peers.
Mikele, the vociferous priestess of Ignoring Politics, begins her anticipated diatribe against the minions of Intrigue; she proclaims that the Seethe of Irritation is resposible for the dissolution of Order. "Can't we all just get along?" Somewhere near Swayvill's throne, an angry voice plots revenge.
For the trappers in the Forest Arden, business thrives unlike ever before, as the normal channels of communication break down. Hah. We never had normal channels of communication.
And in Amber, the very center of the universe, the Archmagus reasserts his control of the day-to-day affairs of the city. The automaton guards protect a vacant throne. All that remain of the lich-king are a jeweled crown, a few shattered bones, and way too many trumps.