For those not familiar with Amber, this page showcases some "trumps" that I made for a role-playing campaign run in the Amber Diceless Roleplaying System (based on the books of Roger Zelazny) which I scanned in at the request of a friend of mine who lives on the other side of the country from and wanted to see them. It grew from just a page of dozen image links to be kind of a homepage for the campaign as, over time, I periodically added in amusing various little stories or bits of email that one player or another has said or sent. You'll find them here and there.
I also added a few words about some of the characters, especially the unfamiliar ones. In addition, if you click on the names of these characters, rather than the trump images, you'll find pages (culled from the comments I've heard the other players make about each other) telling a little bit about them. These are (primarily) the player characters from the run. This being Amber, I hope you'll forgive the frequent lapses into humor and snideness. It's hard to be completely objective when you're in the thick of things and no one tells you as much as they should.
No guarantees are expressed or implied about accuracy or objectivity or anything like that in the trump portaits, but I like them. They look better in person, of course, (particularly any pictures involving the color green) and some of them may be scanned slightly crooked. Names appearing below with a unicorn ("[No Picture Yet]" for those using Lynx) next to them are on my "to do" list (but at this stage aren't too likely to be completed). I'd still to clean up the scans, but it's pretty low on my priority list.
As far as copying them goes, I do this for fun so I don't really
care if you copy them. Feel free to use them in your own campaign. If
you do use them, edit them, print them, download them, just made a link
to this page, or whatever, I'd like to hear about it, so send me some e-mail. If you try to make any
money off of them, you'd better have talked to me first and gotten my
To return to this page, just click on the [UNICORN] icon wherever you see it. (I've tried to keep things readable by both lynx and netscape.)
If you like, peruse the list of what was new.
Finally, for those who'd like to play in this campaign, or are curious what has happened lately, I'm sorry to say that it ended shortly after the "Oberon in disguise" episode; the gamemaster has moved on to other projects. Even the weariest river winds somewhere safe to sea.
7 November 1999
This page has started to get long, so I've added a little table of contents, including links to some of the more visited pages, for your viewing convenience.
Elder Amberites
Younger Amberites
Even Younger Amberites
Lords of Chaos
Other Links for this Campaign
- Player Characters
- Other Recurring Characters
- Quotations List
- Run Summaries
- Good and Bad Stuff Notes
- As the Shadow Shifts
- M:tG Run Humor
- Credits
Links to Other Amber Campaigns
Finndo The man with the big army, the interesting friends
from Chaos, and no knack for conversation. He is indirectly responsible
for introducing breakfast food analogies into
our cosmology. But Fiona recently disintegrated him on the Primal
Pattern, so maybe he won't be a problem anymore...
Osric Quite possibly actually still completely dead, unlike
others we could mention. Unless, of course, you believe Delwin.
Benedict Same old Benedict, he's pretty much as
you'd expect. He's recently become both a father and a grandfather
(twice over) and still he finds time in his busy day to thump the armies
of Chaos.
Eric Um, yeah. I'm not going to touch this one.
Corwin For some reason, that we might be
able to explain, we have an extra Corwin. We
think we can tell them apart now. Mostly.
Deirdre Torquil and Nikrowd's good friend. Ask
them about being clothes-lined by a battle axe when traveling at 60
Bleys Clearly we should have worried more about him. He got Fiona
to imprison all his powerful relatives and declared himself King. When Fiona vanished suddenly, he up and
left. He recently appeared at the big climatic battle (TM) with some
cavalry, so maybe he's forgiven. Maybe.
Fiona What did she mean by "Poof. Vanished." anyway?
But that's not our biggest worry right now. She definitely got the last laugh on Caine: she's taking over the
universe and he's in a hole somewhere -- or not. Has anyone seen Fiona?
Llewella There's even less to say about Llewella
than there is about Benedict. She's still in Rebma, doing whatever she
does there.
Brand Rumors of his death were apparently premature.
He recently volunteered to help us stop Fiona if we "brought him the
unicorn's horn." We're all over that. Supposedly, he's dead again.
Yeah, right. We've heard that one before.
Caine Snide and sardonic, apparently he recently scored against
Fiona (for those keeping track of points).
She may have gotten the last laugh though, or not. This is so hard to
keep track of. Marriage being all the rage in Amber these days, he's
brough his lovely wife Derrista
to Amber with him.
Julian Still guarding Forest Arden and defending
Amber from its enemies. Occasionally, he takes a break to perplex
Gerard Good old dependable Gerard. He's loyal to
Amber and feels more irrelevant to everything than we think even we
Sand Quite possibly dead, but thinking of Torquil
anyway. She recently made a cameo appearance: just long enough to plant
a spear in Delwin's back. She later turned up at Elaine's coronation
looking quite not dead, and then again later conducting one of the most
effective ambushes some PCs had ever seen.
Delwin The man with the Spikards, recently named "The Ultimate Evil" by
Nikrowd. Well, he's a prisoner in Rebma now and probably not too happy
about that -- they're talking about executing him for his recent
invasion attempts.
Florimel Something should be said about Flora, but I'm not sure
what. She recently threw a big party after spending some quality time
with her daughter.
Random The King, and proud father. (He's even finally gotten around
to naming his little girl.) He even seems to be securely in charge
again, after the recent spate of coups. Good
thing too, since he had to go fight a war with Chaos right away.
Mikele Hendrake: Daughter
of Benedict, Dara's niece and foster daughter, wife of Martin, 2nd in line for the throne of chaos and finding
new ways to embarass herself on both sides of the universe.
Katarina: Daughter of
Eric. Still looking for her beavers, and possibly her kaliedoscope as
Keverian: Son of
Corwin (the trouble-making one, but we don't hold that against
Keverian). He's the proud papa of little Princess Valeria, and still
manages to find the time for adventures with Mikele.
Merlin: Son of Corwin and
Dara, 4th in line for the throne of Chaos.
He's found a very secure hole to wait things out in.
Torquil: Son of Fiona,
husband (and brother!) to Felicia as well as father (and cousin) to
Adrian and father (and uncle) to Darcy.
Felicia: Daughter of Caine and Fiona (and
Derrista), not to mention wife (and sister) to Torquil and mother (and
aunt) to Darcy.
Reynard: Son of Brand, next in line for the throne of Chaos; another big
fan of the "find a nice safe hole" school of dealing with world shaking
Adrian: Son of Sand and Torquil, he may still be
puzzling out the meaning of Benedict's story of the the flag and the
Rachel: Daughter of Flora, a criminal psychologist from
Shadow Earth. Merlin invited her to Mikele & Martin's wedding without
mentioning this to Flora (who was surprised and not at all pleased).
Rachel is still trying to figure just what it is Amberites do all
Martin: Son of Random,
husband of Mikele, father of Mira and Alexander.
Elizabeth: Daughter of Random and Vialle, still a tiny baby.
Mira Ianthe: Daughter of
Martin and Mikele, twin of Alexander, 4th in
line for the throne of Chaos, two months old. She was not happy
about last week's unsuccessful kidnapping
Valeria: Daughter of
Keverian and Sira, here at last.
Percival: Merlin's
son. Mommy is keeping him very safe and out of sight, but then, he
is 6th in line for the throne of
Chaos. (No, Chaos is not very pleased about all these Amberites at the
top of their succession list.)
Darcy: Daughter of Felicia and Torquil, she's got
the only family tree that doesn't get any wider as you move
Dara Hendrake Sawall: Mother of Merlin, Despil, and Jurt and foster
mother of Mikele, and wife of the former Duke of Sawall.
Merlin Sawall: Son of
Dara and Corwin, foster brother of Mikele, 5th (3rd?) in line for the throne of Chaos.
Mikele Hendrake: Dara's
niece and foster daughter, foster sister of Merlin, Benedict's daughter,
wife of Martin, distressingly close to the
throne of Chaos.
Reynard: (aka Renald Volera) Son of Brand and
Jacquelyn Volera, next in line for the
throne of Chaos. Is he a bad guy or is he just misunderstood? That's
the big question these days.
Dalamar of Chaos:
Member of the Chaos Imperial service, he's had quite enough of trying to
keep everyone safe at major public catastrop-- er, functions. No one's
actually died yet though, so his job may still be safe. He was upset
enough with Felicia for killing Elaine that he would have killed her if
Torquil hadn't rescued her in time.
Nikrowd of Rebma:
sorcerer attached to the Court of Rebma and Mr. Spikard. Also known to us as Dolshenib.
Lucius Minax: Nobody really knows, but last
anyone saw he was shaped like a dog and running at a good clip with a
pattern collar about his neck.
View the whole set of
trumps at once, half size. Obviously, this will be heavy (nearly
400 KB of images) on the graphics.
What has gone before.
Some other recurring characters.
The Chaos succession top ten.
No Amber campaign homepage is complete without a list of funny (stupid?) things the players have said.
The GM's description of the effects of various levels of good and bad stuff.
Another piece of humor from the same campaign, for those also familiar with the game "Magic: the Gathering."
This is probably a good place to include some credits.
I used to have a list of links to other Amber games and sites, but it's a great deal of effort to keep them up to date -- more than I'm willing to put into the pages of terminated run. I leave it mostly up to you to find other similar pages, leaving only the link to the now defunct Amber campaign of Andrew Inman as clearly they were kindred spirits to us.
"Good to see you've traded up."
-- Alastair to Flora, upon seeing her new lover
I also offer the following short list of links to games (Amber and otherwise) perpetrated by or participated in by the players of this campaign.
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