(Trying Hard to Be Organized)
List of Amber Links

I've been collecting a list of links to other Amber DRGP pages around
them web and noticed that the list was getting rather long. Hence this
separate page for them all and the crude attempt at organization you
see below.
Links with sunglasses (
) next to them, I reccommend. (I know there aren't many
yet. Maybe I should delegate out the ranking of sites.) Links with a
skull and crossed bones
may be broken. I'm thinking of adding
something to indicates that there are trumps
at a site, but haven't yet.
Campaign Pages
Loose Character Pages
FTP Sites
General Amber Pages
Miscellaneous Amber Links
Amber Pages in Foreign Languages
Broken Sites
Unfiled Links

Campaign Pages
Home pages for various Amber campaigns, both face-to-face and play by
email (PBeM).
- Andrew Inman's
They have some trumps and the best list of run quotes
-- absolutely hysterical. Alastair is especially funny:
"Good to see you've traded up."
-- Alastair to Flora, upon seeing her new lover
- Mike E's Amber Game You probably just came
from this one, so you don't need to be told there are trumps here.
- The Fire
A campaign by Anne Davis with a bunch of neat
stuff, including some trumps!
- Ghosts and
Shadows (Merrie Haskell's Campaign)
- Jason &
Mer's Dark Amber Game Let's say Brand won...
- Scott's Amber
Game He's got a couple of trumps.
- Wendi
Strang-Frost's Campaign There are a number of trumps here, scattered
across a couple of subpages.
- Keys to
the Pattern (Now defunct.)
- Brokedown
Palace (Also now defunct.)
- Disclosure and
Wind of Madness (Chris Haton's campaign, mostly in French)
- Such
a Nice Little Girl
(in French)
- The
Spark a campaign by Ben Goodwin
- The
Amber Alternative An Amber campaign without any Elders...
- Hydra (PBeM) Some of the
players ahve made some really nice pages for their characters.
- The Second
Coming (PBeM)
- Seasons of
Change (PBeM)
- The
Cardinal Sun An Amber Horror campaign by Meera Barry (PBeM)
- The
Interregnum Campaign A campaign by Robert Nichols, set before
Nine Princes in Amber (PBeM)
- Black Oak
Hart Another unusual Amber PBeM by Meera Barry.
- Zircon A
defunct Amber game out of Boulder.
- Onyx An Amber game in
Boulder, brought to you by the same people who ran Zircon.
- Gerard's
Regency (PBeM)
- Nexus of the
Crisis and Origin of Storms (PBeM)
Loose Character Pages
Pages for people's characters that I've run across here and there.
- Brynn's
Background and Journal
- Gareth's
Diary (A plain text file.)
Pheobe's Diary A character diary in the form of a bunch of
stories. Nicely done.
- Dorian Marx With
links to some other characters in the same campaign.
FTP Sites
FTP sites with lots of nifty background information, source material,
and alternate rules...
- Amber FTP
Archives Cosmology, powers (including the partial powers
system used by a lot of people), npcs, notes from peoples
campaigns... This is probably the biggest archive of Amber gaming stuff
around. A lot of files are either zipped or gzipped.
- An Amber
FTP site at okstate.edu More of the same, though this site appears
to be more geared towards MUSH players. It also has at least a handfuls
of pictures. Again, some files are gzipped (and tar'd).
- Kevin Bremer's
Amber FTP site -- the FTP site for the amber@logrus.org
mailing list, which is for discussion of the books, the system and
campaigns. It appears to be at least mildy sorted.
- Amberfic
Mailing List ftp Site Archives of mail sent to the Amber Fistion
mailing list, amberfic@logrus.org
- Surge's Amber
Resources This isn't actually an ftp site, but has a lot of the same
sort of stuff. Again, most files are zipped.
General Amber Pages
Mostly pages of links like this one.
- Jean-Christophe
Dubacq's Amber Page Includes a link to information about a set of
professionally made Amber Tarot cards.
- Christophe
Haton's Amber Page Another French Amber page, but most of the good
stuff is translated into English as well.
- An Amber
site in the UK.
- Karen's Amber
- Thelbane.brisnet.org.au
An Amber site in Austrailia.
- Another Amber Page
Very short last I checked.
- Castle Amber
Library Jennifer Jerlstrom's Amber Page, with information about
Amberzine, the Amber maliing list and some other Amber related things
(besides runs).
- All Things
Amber Deb Atwood's Amber page, this includes a lot of stories she's
- Cor's Amber
Page Still under construction, this looks to be mostly resources for
his PBeM campaign.
- Todd
Knealings Amber Links Mostly personal Amber links.
- The
Hall of Mirrors Doyce Alan Testerman's Amber Links: Links to some
campaign's he's run and some character's he's currently playing.
- Chris Bickford's
Amber Page
- Meera Barry's Amber
Page with lots of background, npcs, and power variants from a lot of
time spent playing and GMing in the Amber system. (She seems to have a
very non-standard take on the Amber system.) She's got a big list like
this one too and a nice page devoted only to other Amber campaigns
with a little information about the campaigns.
- Christopher King's
Amber Page Links to some of his campaign's and the submission
guidlines for the electronic 'zine he's starting up called A Pattern in the Web.
Miscellaneous Amber Links
Other Amber related links that I couldn't neatly categorize.
- The
Roger Zelazny Page
Not entirely Amber, but definately cool.
- The Amber
Sort of a who's who and what's what from the series.
- A
Quick Who's Who of Character's from the Books
- Amber
Series Timeline (A plain text file.)
- Trump
from the Visual Guide to Castle Amber. This
also includes images of the covers of the Amber books and of Zelazny's
other books.
- The
Partial Powers Rules
- A Map of
the Golden Circle by Tristan De Buysscher.
- Gamemaster
- Amber Navy
Notes from a MUSH, but doubtless with other applications.
Send me a comment about
this page. I'd especially like to hear about other sites, things that
are broken, or where lost/inaccessible stuff can be found.
Last updated 17 October 1996.