And when you get the advantage, you rub it in. Forever.
That's why Amberites fight over the throne: He with the throne gets to be smug. "I have something you don't have." That's also why they don't really like to kill each other: It makes it much harder to gloat. That's also why they never apologize: It's a sign of weakness and only likely to subject you to the unpleasantry of someone else's gloating. Besides, you lose points when you're wrong, on top of it.
Recently, they've been trading points openly enough that even we young children can notice: For instance, Caine got a point (or perhaps several) on Fiona when he convinced Random, Benedict, Julian, & Gerard that she had screwed up in letting the bad guys (Finndo's friend and minions) escape indicating that she was either incompetent or in league with them. Fiona got her revenge though, when she stuck the entire lot of them in holes so Bleys could pull his coup. No doubt Caine will get his revenge for that soon...