The Visitor's Center

An automaton is sitting at a desk here. You can tell it's an automaton because the animation looks rather repetitive --- the thing is robotically paging through a stack of papers, pausing once every 3.4 seconds to yawn, and then returning to its task.

Finally, it seems to realize you're here and it says (in a stereotypical monotone voice): "Take a visitor's pass." It indicates a plain-looking plastic card sitting on the desk, and then, after a pause, returns to paper shuffling.

There is a poster on the far wall that reads, "Welcome to True Cyberspace. Experience life at it was meant to be; relax among our gardens and swim in the clean water. Enjoy your stay! And coming soon: Unreality. The place for everyone on the Net to be!" Below the words is a scenic view of a gorgeous sunlit beach. Several darts are sticking out of the poster, and odd graffiti-like scrawls are scribbled all over it. One seems to read something like "don't do it!"

You can logout and go home.

You can leave.

You can take the pass and leave.

Exit back to my homepage.