Lobby 7

You are in what appears to be Lobby 7, the huge, echoing, neo-classical chamber with its high domed ceiling and overlooking balconies. Above you, the electric lights in the skylight shine down through a murky, reddish-brown haze. A passageway extends eastward, seemingly stretching into infinity. To the south, a sign above a door reads "Visitor's Center."

Strange, there seems to be something inscribed on the floor here...

It's a huge hexagram, of inlaid silver, with strange runes written around it (come on, you didn't expect it to be written in English, did you?). You're standing on one edge of it, in fact, but luckily nothing strange is happening. That is to say, no demons are rising up from its center.

You can logout and go home.

You can go back out, to 77 Mass Ave.

You can go east.

You can step into the center of the hexagram.

You can try the Visitor's Center.

Exit back to my homepage.