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Students for Graduate Curriculum Options

The Students for Graduate Curriculum Options (SGCO) is a task force under the GSC Academic, Research, and Careers (ARC) Committee charged with examining whether and how to implement an option for MIT graduate students to take subjects beyond their core requirements on Pass/D/Fail (P/D/F), similar to that available to MIT undergraduate juniors and seniors.

The amendment to the Rules and Regulations of the MIT Faculty to implement Graduate Pass/D/Fail can be found here. The articles in the Tech and Graduate Student News describing the rationales behind our Pass/D/Fail proposal can be found here (Tech article), here (GSN - DOC) and here (GSN - PDF). Answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) can be found here.

We are active during the 2006-2007 and 2007-2008 academic years. Since the Graduate Pass/D/Fail Option was approved by the faculty in March 2008, the administration has been working on implementing it as quickly as possible so that students may begin exercising the option in Fall 2008.

This initiative grew out of a discussion from the EECS Education Committee (VI-Ed) in Spring 2006. VI-Ed explained its support for a graduate Pass/D/Fail option in a letter circulated to the MIT community (letter available). Over the summer, Emily Fox and Stephen Hou, the two graduate students on VI-Ed, assembled SGCO, which consists of graduate students from different departments and programs at MIT.


SGCO Members

Emily Fox*Elec. Eng. & Comp. Sci.ebfox
Pranava GoundanOperations Researchpranava
Stephen Hou*Elec. Eng. & Comp. Sci.shou
Sharon KarackattuBiology PhD; Bio. Eng. Post-Docsliz
Cheston TanBrain & Cognitive Sciencescheston




The SGCO meets every two or three weeks. We welcome all interested students, faculty, and administrators to attend. The meeting minutes and schedule for future meetings are below.

Wed Sep 20, 200610am - 11am38-466[PDF]
Thu Oct 05, 20065pm - 6pm38-466[PDF]
Thu Oct 19, 20061pm - 2pm50-220[TXT]
Thu Nov 09, 20061pm - 2pm50-220[TXT]
Mon Nov 27, 20069:30am - 10:30am32-D451[TXT]
Thu Dec 07, 20065pm - 6pm50-220[TXT]
Fri Dec 08, 200611am - 12pm32-D451[TXT]
Wed Jan 31, 200712:30pm - 1:30pm50-220[TXT]
Thu Feb 22, 20075:30pm - 6:30pm50-220[TXT]
Wed Feb 28, 20073:15pm - 4:15pm10-300[TXT]
Thu Mar 15, 200712pm - 1pm50-220[TXT]
Thu Apr 05, 200712pm - 1pm38-477[TXT]
Tue Apr 24, 20077pm - 8pm5-220[TXT]
Wed May 23, 20071pm - 2pm50-220[TXT]
Tue Sep 18, 200712pm - 1pm50-220[TXT]
Wed Sep 26, 20073pm - 4pm10-300[TXT]
Fri Oct 12, 200710am - 11am50-220[TXT]
Thu Oct 18, 20073pm - 4pm3-132[TXT]