Package org.apache.xalan.xslt.client

Non-visual applet for hosting the Xalan-Java processor.


Class Summary
XSLTProcessorApplet Provides applet host for the XSLT processor.

Package org.apache.xalan.xslt.client Description

Non-visual applet for hosting the Xalan-Java processor.

To perform transformations from an HTML client, do the following:

  1. Include XSLTProcessorApplet in an HTML client.

  2. Specify the XML source document and XSL stylesheet.

    You can use the DocumentURL and StyleURL PARAM tags or the setDocumentURL() and setStyleURL() methods. If the XML document contains a stylesheet Processing Instruction (PI), you do not need to specify an XSL stylesheet.

  3. Call the transformtoHTML(String, String) method which performs the transformation and returns the new document as a String.