Package org.apache.xalan.xslt

The main Xalan-Java package -- facilities for setting up and performing XSL transformations.


Interface Summary
XSLTProcessor The transformation processor -- use XSLTProcessorFactory to instantiate an implementation of this interface.

Class Summary
AVT **For advanced use only** Class to hold an Attribute Value Template.
AVTPart **For internal use only** Class to hold a part, either a string or XPath, of an Attribute Value Template.
AVTPartSimple **For internal use only** Simple string part of a complex AVT.
AVTPartXPath **For internal use only** Simple string part of a complex AVT.
Constants **For advanced use only** Primary constants used in the XSLTEngineImpl classes.
ElemApplyImport **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:apply-imports.
ElemApplyTemplates **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:apply-templates.
ElemAttribute **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:attribute.
ElemAttributeSet **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:attribute-set.
ElemCallTemplate **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:call-template.
ElemChoose **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:choose.
ElemComment **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:comment.
ElemCopy **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:copy.
ElemCopyOf **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:copy-of.
ElemDecimalFormat **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:decimal-format.
ElemElement **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:decimal-format.
ElemExtensionCall **For advanced use only** Implement an extension element.
ElemFallback **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:fallback.
ElemForEach **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:for-each.
ElemIf **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:if.
ElemLiteralResult **For advanced use only** Implement a Literal Result Element.
ElemMessage **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:message.
ElemNumber **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:number.
ElemOtherwise **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:otherwise.
ElemParam **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:param.
ElemPI **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:processing-instruction.
ElemSort **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:sort.
ElemTemplate **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:template.
ElemTemplateElement **For advanced use only** An instance of this class represents an element inside an xsl:template class.
ElemText **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:template.
ElemTextLiteral **For advanced use only** Implement a text literal.
ElemUse **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:use.
ElemValueOf **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:value-of.
ElemVariable **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:variable.
ElemWhen **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:when.
ElemWithParam **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:with-param.
ExtensionNSHandler **For advanced use only** Represents an extension namespace.
FuncDocument **For advanced use only** Execute the Doc() function.
FuncFormatNumb **For advanced use only** Execute the FormatNumber() function.
KeyTable **For advanced use only** Table of element keys, keyed by document node.
Process The main() method handles the Xalan command-line interface.
ResultTreeFrag **For internal use only** Container of a result tree fragment.
Stylesheet Represents the base stylesheet or an "import" stylesheet; "include" stylesheets are combined with the including stylesheet.
StylesheetHandler **For advanced use only** Initializes and processes a stylesheet via SAX events.
StylesheetRoot Binary representation of a stylesheet -- use the XSLTProcessor ProcessStylesheet method to create a StylesheetRoot and improve performance for a stylesheet performing multiple transformations.
StylesheetSpec This class implements the representation of a stylesheet specification via xml-stylesheet in an XML document.
TemplateList **For advanced use only** Encapsulates a template list, and helps locate individual templates.
XSLProcessorContext Captures processor context to be passed to an extension element.
XSLProcessorVersion Administrative class to keep track of the version number of the Xalan release.
XSLTEngineImpl **For advanced use only** The Xalan workhorse -- Collaborates with the XML parser liaison, the DOM, and the XPath engine, to transform a source tree of nodes into a result tree according to instructions and templates specified by a stylesheet tree.
XSLTInputSource Represents an XML source document or XSL stylesheet.
XSLTProcessorFactory Manufactures the processor for performing transformations.
XSLTResultTarget Contains the result of a transformation that you perform with the XSLTProcessor process() method or one of the StylesheetRoot process() methods.

Exception Summary
XSLProcessorException The exception used for most XSLT errors.

Package org.apache.xalan.xslt Description

The main Xalan-Java package -- facilities for setting up and performing XSL transformations.

Use one of the XSLTProcessorFactory static getProcessor methods to instantiate an XSLTProcessor. The XSLTProcessor interface defines the XSLT processor API. You should never need to call the underlying implementation (XSLTEngineImpl) directly.

Instantiate XSLTInputSource objects for the XML input and the XSL stylesheet, and an XSLTResultTarget object for the transformation output. You may construct these objects with a variety of containers/formats, including files or URLs, character streams,byte streams, SAX input streams or document handlers, and a DOM tree.

As a general rule, use the XSLTProcessor process method to perform a transformation, thereby filling the XSLTResultTarget object. For repeated transformations, to gather information from the stylesheet before you perform the transformation, or to set up the processor to function as a SAX document handler, use the XSLTProcessor processStylesheet method to compile the XSL stylesheet, which returns a StylesheetRoot object with its own process method.