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AN34 Table of Contents |
Errata | Obsolete Model Replacements |
Safe Handling of Radioactive Sources | |
Experiment 1
1.1 1.2 1.3 |
Basic Identification in Electronic Measurement Systems Observing the Direct and Attenuated Outputs of the Pulser Using the Pulser as the Linear Input to a Typical Counting System Using a Single-Channel Analyzer |
Experiment 2
2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 |
Geiger Counting Operating Plateau for the Geiger Tube Half-Life Determination Resolving-Time Corrections for the Geiger Counter Linear Absorption Coefficient Inverse Square Law Counting Statistics |
Experiment 3
3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 |
Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy Using NaI(Tl) Energy Calibration Energy Analysis of an Unknown Gamma Source Spectrum Analysis of 60Co and 137Cs Energy Resolution Activity of a Gamma Emitter (Relative Method) Activity of a Gamma Emitter (Absolute Method) Mass Absorption Coefficient The Linear Gate in Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy Sum Peak Analysis Photoelectric Absorption |
Experiment 4
4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 |
Alpha Spectroscopy with Surface Barrier Detectors Simple Alpha Spectrum and Energy Calibration with a Pulser Energy Determination of an Unknown Alpha Source Energy Calibration with Two Alpha Sources Absolute Activity of an Alpha Source Spectrum Expansion with a Biased Amplifier Decay Ratios for 241Am |
Experiment 5
5.1 5.2 |
Energy Loss of Charged Particles (Alphas) dE/dx for Alpha Particles in Copper Foil dE/dx for Alpha Particles in Gas |
Experiment 6
6.1 6.2 6.3 |
Beta Spectroscopy Calibration with a Pulser Beta End-Point Determination for 204Tl Conversion Electron Ratios |
Experiment 7
7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 |
High-Resolution Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy Energy Resolution with an HPGe Detector Photopeak Efficiency for HPGe Detectors Escape Peaks and Efficiency for HPGe Detectors The Response of HPGe Detectors to High-Energy Gammas |
Experiment 8
8.1 8.2 8.3 |
High-Resolution X-Ray Spectroscopy Energy Calibration with a Pulser Efficiency Measurements and Energy Calibration with Standard X-Ray Sources Mass Absorption Coefficient for X Rays |
Experiment 9
9.1 9.2 9.3 |
Time Coincidence Techniques and Absolute Activity Measurements Simple Fast Coincidence Fast Coincidence and the Time-to-Amplitude Converter Determination of Absolute Activity by the Coincidence Method |
Experiment 10
10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 |
Compton Scattering Simple Compton Scattering (Energy Determination) Simple Compton Scattering (Cross-Section Determination) Compton Scattering (Coincidence Method) Compton Scattering (Electron Recoil Energy) |
Experiment 11
11.1 11.2 |
The Proportional Counter and Low-Energy X-Ray Measurements Energy Calibration Mass Absorption Coefficient for Low-Energy X Rays |
Experiment 12
12.1 12.2 |
X-Ray Fluorescence X-Ray Fluorescence with a Proportional Counter X-Ray Fluorescence with a Si(Li) Detector |
Experiment 13
13.1 13.2 13.3 |
Gamma-Gamma Coincidence Overlap Coincidence Method for Measuring Gamma-Gamma Coincidence of 22Na Linear Gate Method for Measuring Gamma-Gamma Coincidence of 22Na Time-to-Amplitude Converter Method for Measuring Gamma-Gamma Coincidence of 22Na |
Experiment 14
14.1 14.2 14.3 |
Nuclear Lifetimes and the Coincidence Method Lifetime Measurement of the 14-keV State in 57Fe Using the TAC Method Lifetime Measurement of the 14-keV State in 57Fe Using the Delayed Coincidence Method Alternate Detectors to be Used with the Electronics in Experiments 14.1 and 14.2 |
Experiment 15
15.1 15.2 |
Rutherford Scattering of Alphas from Thin Gold Foil The Rutherford Cross Section The Z22 Dependence of the Rutherford Cross Section |
Experiment 16 | The Total Neutron Cross Section and Measurement of the Nuclear Radius |
Experiment 17
17.1 17.2 17.3 17.4 17.5 17.6 17.7 |
Neutron Activation Analysis (Slow Neutrons) Neutron Flux Determination Measurement of the Thermal Neutron Cross Section for the 51V(n, g) 52V Reaction Determination of the Half-Life for the 27Al (n, g) 28Al Reaction The Saturation Factor in Neutron Activation Analysis The Study of a Complex Sample with Two Half-Lives Present Thermal Neutron Shielding The Measurement of Thermal Neutron Activation Cross Sections of Elements with High Sensitivity Ratios |
Experiment 18
18.1 18.2 |
Neutron Activation Analysis (Fast Neutron) Gammas and Half-Lives from (n, p) Reactions Optional (n, p) Reactions that can be Studied |
Experiment 19
19.1 19.2 |
A Study of the Decay Scheme and Angular Correlation of 60Co Verification of the Gamma-Gamma Coincidence of 60Co Angular Correlation of 60Co |
Experiment 20 | A Study of the Decay Scheme of 244Cm by an Alpha X-Ray Coincidence Experiment |
Experiment 21
21.1 21.2 21.3 |
Alpha-Induced Innershell Ionization Studies with an 241Am Source Innershell Ionization Induced by Alpha Particles Efficiency of the Si(Li) Detector The Innershell Ionization Measurements |
Experiment 22
22.1 22.2 22.3 |
Measurements in Radiation Biology Geometrical Considerations in Radiobiological and Medical Experiments 131I Uptake Studies in Rats Translocation of Radio-Phosphorus in Plants |
Experiment 23
23.1 23.2 23.3 |
Nuclear Techniques in Environmental Studies A Study of Environmental Samples by Tube-Excited Fluorescence Analysis A Study of Environmental Samples by Source-Excited Fluroescence Analysis A Study of Environmental Samples Using Neutron Activation Analysis and High-Resolution Gamma Spectroscopy |
Experiment 24
24.1 24.2 24.3 24.4 24.5 24.6 24.7 |
Measurements in Health Physics Gamma Intensity as a Function of Distance Gamma Intensity Measured with a Geiger Counter Shielding Effectiveness of Different Materials for Gammas Attenuation of Betas in Aluminum by the Geiger Mueller Method Attenuation of Betas in Aluminum by the Surface Barrier Detector Method A Study of Paraffin as a Neutron Shielding Material A Study of Lead as a Neutron Shielding Material |
Experiment 25
25.1 25.2 |
Time-of-Flight Spectroscopy Alpha Particle Time-of-Flight and Energy Loss Measurements Gamma Ray Time-of-Flight and the Speed of Light |
Experiment 26
26.1 |
Fission Fragment Energy Loss Measurements from 252Cf Energy Calibration for Fission Fragments |
Appendix | Linear and Logic Signal Standards in ORTEC NIM Instruments Equipment and Supplies Identified by Code Glossary Relative Sensitivities of Elements to Thermal Neutron Activation X-Ray Critical-Absorption and Emission Energies in keV |