Button QML Type

A push-button control that can be clicked by the user. More...

Import Statement: import QtQuick.Controls 2.0
Since: Qt 5.7


Inherited By:



Detailed Description

Button presents a push-button control that can be pushed or clicked by the user. Buttons are normally used to perform an action, or to answer a question. Typical buttons are OK, Apply, Cancel, Close, Yes, No, and Help.

A button emits the signal clicked() when it is activated by the user. Connect to this signal to perform the button's action. Buttons also provide the signals canceled(), doubleClicked(), pressed(), released() and pressAndHold() for long presses.

See the snippet below on how to connect to the button's signals.

  RowLayout {
      Button {
          text: "Ok"
          onClicked: model.submit()
      Button {
          text: "Cancel"
          onClicked: model.revert()

See also Customizing Button and Button Controls.

Property Documentation

autoRepeat : bool

This property holds whether the button repeats pressed(), released() and clicked() signals while the button is pressed and held down.

The default value is false.

checkable : bool

This property holds whether the button is checkable.

A checkable button toggles between checked (on) and unchecked (off) when the user clicks on it or presses the space bar while the button has active focus.

Setting checked to true forces this property to true.

The default value is false.

See also CheckBox and Switch.

flat : bool

This property holds whether the button is flat.

A flat button typically does not draw a background unless it is pressed or checked.

The default value is false.

highlighted : bool

This property holds whether the button is highlighted.

A button can be highlighted in order to draw the user's attention towards it. It has no effect on keyboard interaction.

The default value is false.