
gtk.Button — A pushbutton widget that issues a signal when clicked.


class gtk.Button(gtk.Bin):
    gtk.Button(label=None, stock=None, use_underline=True)
def pressed()
def released()
def clicked()
def enter()
def leave()
def set_relief(newstyle)
def get_relief()
def set_label(label)
def get_label()
def set_use_underline(use_underline)
def get_use_underline()
def set_use_stock(use_stock)
def get_use_stock()
def set_focus_on_click(focus_on_click)
def get_focus_on_click()
def set_alignment(xalign, yalign)
def get_alignment()
def set_image(image)
def get_image()


+-- gobject.GObject
  +-- gtk.Object
    +-- gtk.Widget
      +-- gtk.Container
        +-- gtk.Bin
          +-- gtk.Button

Implemented Interfaces

gtk.Button implements gtk.Buildable

gtk.Button Properties

gtk.Object Properties

gtk.Widget Properties

gtk.Container Properties

"focus-on-click"Read/WriteIf True the button grabs focus when it is clicked with the mouse. Default value: True. This property is available in GTK+ 2.4 and above.
"image"Read/WriteThe child widget to appear next to the button text. Default value: None. This property is available in GTK+ 2.6 and above.
"image-position"Read/WriteThe position of the image relative to the text inside the button. One of the GTK Position Type Constants. Default value: gtk.POS_LEFT. This property is available in GTK+ 2.10 and above.
"label"Read/WriteText of the label widget inside the button, if the button contains a label widget. Default value: None.
"relief"Read/WriteThe border relief style. One of: gtk.RELIEF_NORMAL, gtk.RELIEF_HALF or gtk.RELIEF_NONE. Default value: gtk.RELIEF_NORMAL.
"use-stock"Read/WriteIf True, the label text is used to pick a stock item instead of being displayed. Default value: False.
"use-underline"Read/WriteIf True, an underscore in the text indicates the next character should be underlined and used for the mnemonic accelerator key if it is the first character so marked. Default value: False.
"xalign"Read/WriteIf the child of the button is a gtk.Misc or gtk.Alignment, this property can be used to control it's horizontal alignment. The value ranges from 0.0 to 1.0 representing the fraction of freespace to the left of the widget. Default value: 0.5. This property is available in GTK+ 2.4 and above.
"yalign"Read/WriteIf the child of the button is a gtk.Misc or gtk.Alignment, this property can be used to control it's vertical alignment. The value ranges from 0.0 to 1.0 representing the fraction of freespace above the widget. Default value: 0.5. This property is available in GTK+ 2.4 and above.

gtk.Button Style Properties

gtk.Widget Style Properties

"child-displacement-x"ReadThe number of pixels in the x direction to move the child when the button is depressed. Default value: 0
"child-displacement-y"ReadThe number of pixels in the y direction to move the child when the button is depressed. Default value: 0
"default-border"ReadThe extra space to add for gtk.CAN_DEFAULT buttons as a gtk.Border
"default-outside-border"ReadThe extra space to add for gtk.CAN_DEFAULT buttons always drawn outside the border as a gtk.Border
"displace-focus"ReadIf True the "child-displacement-x" and "child-displacement-y" properties should also affect the focus rectangle. Default value: False. This property is available in GTK+ 2.6 and above.
"inner-border"ReadThe border between the button edges and child as a gtk.Border. This property is available in GTK+ 2.10 and above.

gtk.Button Signal Prototypes

gobject.GObject Signal Prototypes

gtk.Object Signal Prototypes

gtk.Widget Signal Prototypes

gtk.Container Signal Prototypes


def callback(button, user_param1, ...)


def callback(button, user_param1, ...)


def callback(button, user_param1, ...)


def callback(button, user_param1, ...)


def callback(button, user_param1, ...)


def callback(button, user_param1, ...)


The gtk.Button widget is usually displayed as a pushbutton with a text label (gtk.Label) though it can contain any valid widget. The gtk.Button is generally used to attach a callback function or method that is called when the button is clicked. Buttons generate signals that indicate:

  • "clicked" - the user pressed and released a mouse button over the button
  • "pressed" - the user pressed a mouse button over the button
  • "released" - the user released a mouse button over the button
  • "enter" - the pointer entered the button
  • "leave" - the pointer left the button

The "clicked" signal is usually the only signal that an application needs to handle.

If a label is being used by the button its text (the "label" property) is retrieved using the get_label() method. The label text is changed using the set_label() method.

The property ("use_underline") that tells a button to use the first underscore to indicate a mnemonic key is changed using the set_use_underline(). method. It can be retrieved using the get_use_underline() method.

The button's relief style (the "relief" property) is retrieved using the method get_relief(). The relief style is set to one of gtk.RELIEF_NONE, gtk.RELIEF_HALF or gtk.RELIEF_NORMAL using the method set_relief().


    gtk.Button(label=None, stock=None, use_underline=True)

label :

the text to be displayed by the button label including an underscore to indicate the mnemonic character if desired or None if no label is required.

stock :

the stock id identifying the stock image and text to be used in the button or None if no stock id is to be used.

use_underline :

if True, an underscore in the text indicates the next character should be underlined and used for the mnemonic accelerator key if it is the first character so marked. Available in PyGTK 2.4 and above.

Returns :

a new button object

Creates a new button widget with the content depending on the parameters: label, stock and use_underline. The default values for stock and label are None and, in PyGTK 2.4 and above, use_underline is available and defaults to True. If both label and stock are specified stock takes precedence. If neither is specified the button is created with no child widget. A child widget can be added later with the add() method.

If stock is specified the "use-stock" property will be set to True.

If label is specified the "label" property will be set with the text of the label, the "use_underline" property will be set to True and any characters that are preceded by an underscore are underlined (use two underscores to insert an underscore in a label). The first underscored character will become the mnemonic character used as the keyboard accelerator for the button when pressed simultaneously with the Alt key. In PyGTK 2.4 and above the "use-underline" property can be set by using the optional use_underline parameter.



    def pressed()

The pressed() method emits the "pressed" signal to the button.


    def released()

The released() method emits the "released" signal to the button.


    def clicked()

The clicked() method emits the "clicked" signal to the button.


    def enter()

The enter() method emits the "enter" signal to the button.


    def leave()

The leave() method emits the "leave" signal to the button.


    def set_relief(newstyle)

newstyle :


The set_relief() method sets the relief style of the edges of the button. Three styles exist, gtk.RELIEF_NORMAL, gtk.RELIEF_HALF, gtk.RELIEF_NONE. The default style is, as one can guess, gtk.RELIEF_NORMAL.


    def get_relief()

Returns :

the relief style

The get_relief() method retrieves the current relief style (the "relief" property) set for the button.


    def set_label(label)

label :

a string to be set as the text in the button label

The set_label() method sets the text of the button label to label (also sets the "label" property). This string is also used to select the stock item if the "use_stock" property is True and the string references a stock item. Any previously set labels will be cleared.


    def get_label()

Returns :

the text of the label widget.

The get_label() method retrieves the text from the label of the button, as set by set_label() or by the gtk.Button() constructor. This string is owned by the widget and must not be modified or freed. If the label text has not been set the return value will be None. This will be the case if you create an empty button with gtk.Button() to use as a container.


    def set_use_underline(use_underline)

use_underline :

True if underscores in the text indicate mnemonics

The set_use_underline() method sets the "use_underline" property to the value of use_underline. If use_underline is True, an underscore in the text of the button label indicates that the next character should be underlined and used for the mnemonic accelerator key if it is also the first underlined character.


    def get_use_underline()

Returns :

True if an underscore in the button label indicates the mnemonic accelerator keys.

The get_use_underline() method returns whether the "use_underline" property is True meaning that an underscore in the button label indicates a mnemonic. See set_use_underline().


    def set_use_stock(use_stock)

use_stock :

If True the button should use a stock item

The set_use_stock() method sets the "use_stock" property to the value of use_stock. If use_stock is True, the label set on the button is used as a stock id to select the stock item for the button.


    def get_use_stock()

Returns :

the value of the "use_stock" property.

The get_use_stock() method returns the value of the "use_stock" property. If True the button label is used to select a stock item instead of being used directly as the label text.


    def set_focus_on_click(focus_on_click)

focus_on_click :

If True the button grabs focus when clicked with the mouse.


This method is available in PyGTK 2.4 and above.

The set_focus_on_click() method sets the "focus-on-click" property to the value of focus_on_click. If focus_on_click is True, the button grabs focus when it is clicked by the mouse.


    def get_focus_on_click()

Returns :

the value of the "focus-on-click" property.


This method is available in PyGTK 2.4 and above.

The get_focus_on_click() method returns the value of the "focus-on-click" property. If True the button grabs focus when it is clicked by the mouse .


    def set_alignment(xalign, yalign)

xalign :

the horizontal alignment of the child widget. The value ranges from 0.0 to 1.0 and represents the fraction of freespace to the left of the child widget.

yalign :

the vertical alignment of the child widget. The value ranges from 0.0 to 1.0 and represents the fraction of freespace above the child widget.


This method is available in PyGTK 2.4 and above.

The set_alignment() method sets the "xalign" and "yalign" properties to the value of xalign and yalign respectively. This property has no effect unless the child is a gtk.Misc or a gtk.Alignment.


    def get_alignment()

Returns :

a 2-tuple containing the values of the "xalign" and "yalign" properties.


This method is available in PyGTK 2.4 and above.

The get_alignment() method returns the values of the "xalign" and "yalign" properties. See the set_alignment() method for more information.


    def set_image(image)

image :

the widget to set as the image for the button.


This method is available in PyGTK 2.6 and above.

The set_image() method sets the "image" property to the value of image. This property has no effect unless the "gtk-button-images" property is True. See the gtk.Settings reference for more information. Note you do not have to call the method for image.


    def get_image()

Returns :

the gtk.Widget used as the button image or None if there is no image.


This method is available in PyGTK 2.6 and above.

The get_image() method returns the value of the "image" property. See the set_image() method for more information.


The "activate" gtk.Button Signal

    def callback(button, user_param1, ...)

button :

the button that received the "activate" signal

user_param1 :

the first user parameter (if any) specified with the connect() method

... :

additional user parameters (if any)

The "activate" signal is emitted when the gtk.Widget.activate() method is called. For a button it causes the "clicked" signal to be emitted.

The "clicked" gtk.Button Signal

    def callback(button, user_param1, ...)

button :

the button that received the signal

user_param1 :

the first user parameter (if any) specified with the connect() method

... :

additional user parameters (if any)

The "clicked" signal is emitted when the mouse button is pressed and released while the pointer is over the button or when the button is triggered with the keyboard.

The "enter" gtk.Button Signal

    def callback(button, user_param1, ...)

button :

the button that received the signal

user_param1 :

the first user parameter (if any) specified with the connect() method

... :

additional user parameters (if any)

The "enter" signal is emitted when the pointer enters the button.

The "leave" gtk.Button Signal

    def callback(button, user_param1, ...)

button :

the button that received the signal

user_param1 :

the first user parameter (if any) specified with the connect() method

... :

additional user parameters (if any)

The "leave" signal is emitted when the pointer leaves the button.

The "pressed" gtk.Button Signal

    def callback(button, user_param1, ...)

button :

the button that received the signal

user_param1 :

the first user parameter (if any) specified with the connect() method

... :

additional user parameters (if any)

The "pressed" signal is emitted when the mouse button is pressed while the pointer is over the button.

The "released" gtk.Button Signal

    def callback(button, user_param1, ...)

button :

the button that received the signal

user_param1 :

the first user parameter (if any) specified with the connect() method

... :

additional user parameters (if any)

The "released" signal is emitted when the button is released no matter where the pointer is.