
gtk.Buildable — Interface for objects that can be built by GtkBuilder.


class gtk.Buildable(gobject.GInterface):
    def add_child(builder, child, type)
def construct_child(builder, name)
def get_internal_child(builder, childname)
def get_name()
def parser_finished(builder)
def set_name(name)


+-- gobject.GInterface
  +-- gtk.Buildable

Known Implementation

gtk.Buildable is implementated by gtk.Bin, gtk.TreeView, gtk.ButtonBox, gtk.Paned, gtk.ColorSelectionDialog, gtk.VButtonBox, gtk.TearoffMenuItem, gtk.Entry, gtk.OptionMenu, gtk.Image, gtk.Calendar, gtk.Fixed, gtk.LinkButton, gtk.HButtonBox, gtk.InputDialog, gtk.RadioButton, gtk.VRuler, gtk.VSeparator, gtk.VBox, gtk.Curve, gtk.RadioToolButton, gtk.HRuler, gtk.ToggleButton, gtk.SeparatorMenuItem, gtk.HScale, gtk.Table, gtk.TreeViewColumn, gtk.ImageMenuItem, gtk.FileChooserButton, gtk.CheckButton, gtk.RadioMenuItem, gtk.MenuShell, gtk.StatusBar, gtk.DrawingArea, gtk.Button, gtk.IconView, gtk.Notebook, gtk.UIManager, gtk.Socket, gtk.VScale, gtk.GammaCurve, gtk.Alignment, gtk.MenuToolButton, gtk.MenuItem, gtk.PageSetupUnixDialog, gtk.RecentChooserMenu, gtk.ToolItem, gtk.HSeparator, gtk.ProgressBar, gtk.ActionGroup, gtk.Range, gtk.Assistant, gtk.FileSelection, gtk.ToolBar, gtk.AccellLabel, gtk.RecentChooserDialog, gtk.Expander, gtk.Scale, gtk.TreeStore, gtk.MessageDialog, gtk.Separator, gtk.Layout, gtk.FontSelection, gtk.CellView, gtk.Invisible, gtk.Window, gtk.SeparatorToolItem, gtk.FileChooserWidget, gtk.CheckMenuItem, gtk.ToolButton, gtk.Misc, gtk.EventBox, gtkFontButton., gtk.EntryCompletion, gtk.Dialog, gtk.HBox, gtk.Combo, gtk.AspectFrame, gtk.AboutDialog, gtk.HScrollBar, gtk.Liststore, gtk.ScaleButton, gtk.RecentChooserWidget, gtk.ToggleToolButton, gtk.ComboBox, gtk.VScroolBar, gtk.Frame, gtk.SpinButton, gtk.Label, gtk.FontSelectionDialog, gtk.ColorSelection, gtk.Item, gtk.Widget, gtk.RecentAction, gtk.VolumeButton, gtk.MenuBar, gtk.TextView, gtk.Arrow, gtk.ToggleAction, gtk.RadioAction, gtk.Plug, gtk.HPaned, gtk.Box, gtk.Menu, gtk.Action, gtk.PrintUnixDialog, gtk.ComboBoxEntry, gtk.ColorButton, gtk.FileChooserDialog, gtk.Ruler, gtk.VPaned, gtk.HandleBox, gtk.Srollbar, gtk.Container, gtk.SizeGroup, gtk.ViewPort, gtk.ScrolledWindow,


In order to allow construction from a GtkBuilder UI description, an object class must implement the GtkBuildable interface. The interface includes methods for setting names and properties of objects, parsing custom tags, constructing child objects.

The GtkBuildable interface is implemented by all widgets and many of the non-widget objects that are provided by GTK+. The main user of this interface is GtkBuilder, there should be very little need for applications to call any gtk.Buildable methods.



    def add_child(builder, child, type)

builder :

A gtk.Builder

child :

The child to add.

type :

The kind of child or None.


This method is available in PyGTK 2.12 and above.

The add_child() method adds a child to buildable. type is an optional string describing how the child should be added.


    def construct_child(builder, name)

builder :

A gtk.Builder

name :

The name of child to construct.

Returns :

The constructed child.


This method is available in PyGTK 2.12 and above.

The construct_child() method constructs a child of buildable with the name name.

GtkBuilder calls this function if a "constructor" has been specified in the UI definition.


    def get_internal_child(builder, childname)

builder :

A gtk.Builder

childname :

The name of child.

Returns :

The internal child of the buildable object.


This method is available in PyGTK 2.12 and above.

The get_internal_child() method gets the internal child called childname of the buildable object.


    def get_name()

Returns :

The name set with set_name


This method is available in PyGTK 2.12 and above.

The get_name() method gets the name of the buildable object.

GtkBuilder sets the name based on the the GtkBuilder UI description used to construct the buildable.


    def parser_finished(builder)

builder :

A gtk.Builder


This method is available in PyGTK 2.12 and above.

The parser_finished() method is called when the builder finishes the parsing of a GtkBuilder UI definition. Note that this will be called once for each time add_from_file or add_from_string is called on a builder.


    def set_name(name)

name :

The name to set.


This method is available in PyGTK 2.12 and above.

The set_name() method sets the name of the buildable object.