
gtk.Viewport — a widget displaying a portion of a larger widget.


class gtk.Viewport(gtk.Bin):
    gtk.Viewport(hadjustment=None, vadjustment=None)
def get_hadjustment()
def get_vadjustment()
def set_hadjustment(adjustment)
def set_vadjustment(adjustment)
def set_shadow_type(type)
def get_shadow_type()


+-- gobject.GObject
  +-- gtk.Object
    +-- gtk.Widget
      +-- gtk.Container
        +-- gtk.Bin
          +-- gtk.Viewport

Implemented Interfaces

gtk.Viewport implements gtk.Buildable

gtk.Viewport Properties

gtk.Object Properties

gtk.Widget Properties

gtk.Container Properties

"hadjustment"Read-WriteThe gtk.Adjustment that determines the values of the horizontal position for this viewport.
"shadow-type"Read-WriteThe type of shadowed box around the viewport: gtk.SHADOW_NONE, gtk.SHADOW_IN, gtk.SHADOW_OUT, gtk.SHADOW_ETCHED_IN or gtk.SHADOW_ETCHED_OUT
"vadjustment"Read-WriteThe gtk.Adjustment that determines the values of the vertical position for this viewport.

gtk.Viewport Style Properties

gtk.Widget Style Properties

gtk.Viewport Signal Prototypes

gobject.GObject Signal Prototypes

gtk.Object Signal Prototypes

gtk.Widget Signal Prototypes

gtk.Container Signal Prototypes


def callback(viewport, hadjustment, vadjustment, user_param1, ...)


A gtk.Viewport widget provides a view into a portion of a larger widget. A gtk.Viewport is usually used to provide adjustment capability for a widget to be used in a gtk.ScrolledWindow. For example, a label widget doesn't have any adjustments (does not support the "set-scroll-adjustments" signal) and would need a viewport when added to a gtk.ScrolledWindow to make the scrollbars functional. See the gtk.ScrolledWindow.add_with_viewport() method for more information.


    gtk.Viewport(hadjustment=None, vadjustment=None)

hadjustment :

a horizontal adjustment.

vadjustment :

a vertical adjustment.

Returns :

a new gtk.Viewport widget

Creates a new gtk.Viewport with the horizontal and vertical adjustments specified by hadjustment and vadjustment respectively. If hadjustment or vadjustment is None a new adjustment will be created.



    def get_hadjustment()

Returns :

the horizontal adjustment

The get_hadjustment() method returns the value of the "hadjustment" property that contains the horizontal gtk.Adjustment of the viewport.


    def get_vadjustment()

Returns :

the vertical adjustment

The get_vadjustment() method returns the value of the "vadjustment" property that contains the vertical gtk.Adjustment of the viewport.


    def set_hadjustment(adjustment)

adjustment :

a gtk.Adjustment.

The set_hadjustment() method sets the "hadjustment" property to the value of adjustment that becomes the horizontal adjustment of the viewport.


    def set_vadjustment(adjustment)

adjustment :

a gtk.Adjustment.

The set_vadjustment() method sets the "vadjustment" property to the value of adjustment that becomes the vertical adjustment of the viewport.


    def set_shadow_type(type)

type :

the new shadow type.

The set_shadow_type() method sets the "shadow-type" property to the value of type. The value of type must be one of:

  • gtk.SHADOW_IN
  • gtk.SHADOW_OUT


    def get_shadow_type()

Returns :

the shadow type

The get_shadow_type() method returns the value of the "shadow-type" property that contains the shadow type of the gtk.Viewport. See the set_shadow_type() method for more information.


The "set-scroll-adjustments" gtk.Viewport Signal

    def callback(viewport, hadjustment, vadjustment, user_param1, ...)

viewport :

the viewport that received the signal

hadjustment :

the horizontal gtk.Adjustment

vadjustment :

the vertical gtk.Adjustment

user_param1 :

the first user parameter (if any) specified with the connect() method

... :

additional user parameters (if any)

The "set-scroll-adjustments" signal is emitted when one or both of the horizontal and vertical gtk.Adjustment objects is changed.