W3C Amaya

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Loading and Presenting Annotations

The Load Annotations command tells Amaya to load the annotations that are associated with the URL of the current document. Amaya will query the annotation servers, using the settings from the Configuration for annotations dialog, and ask for any relevant annotation.

Annotations can also be loaded automatically whenever a new page is viewed by selecting the Autoload Annotations check box in the Configuration for annotations dialog.

In this version of Amaya, querying an annotation server will return all the annotations that are associated with a document. In a future version, it may be possible to use a customized query menu to refine the query string that is sent to the servers.

The Annotation Local Filter Menu

Choose Local filter from the Annotations menu to show or hide the annotation icons in the document window. You can show or hide annotations by three types of metadata: the name of the annotation's author, the type of annotation, and the annotation server name.

To apply any of these filters:

  1. Click the text box to select an annotation type.

  2. Click the corresponding action button. The Show all and Hide all buttons apply to all the annotations.

  3. A small prefix character indicates the status of a given entry. This character can be a space (' '), a star ('*'), or a signet ('-') to indicate that the annotations belonging to this given entry are all visible, all hidden, or partially visible, respectively.

The Annotation Local Filter Menu dialog only shows you the annotations it knows about at the moment it is opened. If new annotations are added, you will need to reload the menu again.

The annotation author shows the author's name added to the name of the annotation server where the annotation is stored.

See Also: