W3C Amaya

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Moving Annotations

You can move an annotation to any other part of the same document. This can be used, for example, to handle orphan and misleading annotations. You can move an annotation to either the current selection or to the value of a stored XPointer. It is only possible to move annotations in the same document where they were created.

To move an annotation to a current selection:

  1. Open the Annotations menu and select Annotate document. The annotation window opens.
  2. Click the annotated document and select something on it.
  3. In the annotation window, choose Move to selection from the Annotations menu.
  4. Amaya moves the annotation icon to the text you selected and will mark the annotation document as modified.

To make this change effective, must save the annotation or you will loose the change. You can also move an annotation to the current position of the cursor, without having to make a selection.

Moving Annotations to a Previously Memorized Location

You can store the position where you want to move an annotation to, and then move it there. This feature is useful for moving multiple annotations to the same position or for scrolling elsewhere in the document before doing the move.

To move multiple annotations:

  1. Make a selection (or just place the cursor) in the location where you want to move the annotation.

  2. Choose Store selection as XPointer from the Link menu to store an XPointer representing that selection.

  3. In the Annotations window, choose Move to stored XPointer from the Annotationsmenu to move the annotation to its new location.

  4. Save the annotation to make this change effective.

See Also: