public static class


extends Object


Public Constructors
Constructs a new Builder.
Public Methods
ItemScope build()
Constructs a ItemScope with the current properties.
ItemScope.Builder setAbout(ItemScope about)
The subject matter of the content.
ItemScope.Builder setAdditionalName(List<String> additionalName)
An additional name for a Person, can be used for a middle name.
ItemScope.Builder setAddress(ItemScope address)
Postal address.
ItemScope.Builder setAddressCountry(String addressCountry)
Address country.
ItemScope.Builder setAddressLocality(String addressLocality)
Address locality.
ItemScope.Builder setAddressRegion(String addressRegion)
Address region.
ItemScope.Builder setAssociated_media(List<ItemScope> associated_media)
The encoding.
ItemScope.Builder setAttendeeCount(int attendeeCount)
Number of attendees.
ItemScope.Builder setAttendees(List<ItemScope> attendees)
A person attending the event.
ItemScope.Builder setAudio(ItemScope audio)
From, the audio file.
ItemScope.Builder setAuthor(List<ItemScope> author)
The person who created this scope.
ItemScope.Builder setBestRating(String bestRating)
Best possible rating value.
ItemScope.Builder setBirthDate(String birthDate)
Date of birth.
ItemScope.Builder setByArtist(ItemScope byArtist)
From, the artist that performed this recording.
ItemScope.Builder setCaption(String caption)
The caption for this object.
ItemScope.Builder setContentSize(String contentSize)
File size in (mega/kilo) bytes.
ItemScope.Builder setContentUrl(String contentUrl)
Actual bytes of the media object, for example the image file or video file.
ItemScope.Builder setContributor(List<ItemScope> contributor)
The list of contributors for this scope.
ItemScope.Builder setDateCreated(String dateCreated)
The date this scope was created.
ItemScope.Builder setDateModified(String dateModified)
The date this scope was last modified.
ItemScope.Builder setDatePublished(String datePublished)
The initial date this scope was published.
ItemScope.Builder setDescription(String description)
The string describing the content of this scope.
ItemScope.Builder setDuration(String duration)
The duration of the item (movie, audio recording, event, etc.) in ISO 8601 date format.
ItemScope.Builder setEmbedUrl(String embedUrl)
A URL pointing to a player for a specific video.
ItemScope.Builder setEndDate(String endDate)
The end date and time of the event (in ISO 8601 date format).
ItemScope.Builder setFamilyName(String familyName)
Family name.
ItemScope.Builder setGender(String gender)
Gender of the person.
ItemScope.Builder setGeo(ItemScope geo)
Geo coordinates.
ItemScope.Builder setGivenName(String givenName)
Given name.
ItemScope.Builder setHeight(String height)
The height of the media object.
ItemScope.Builder setId(String id)
The id for this item scope.
ItemScope.Builder setImage(String image)
A url to the image for this scope.
ItemScope.Builder setInAlbum(ItemScope inAlbum)
From, which album a song is in.
ItemScope.Builder setLatitude(double latitude)
ItemScope.Builder setLocation(ItemScope location)
The location of the event or organization.
ItemScope.Builder setLongitude(double longitude)
ItemScope.Builder setName(String name)
The name of this scope.
ItemScope.Builder setPartOfTVSeries(ItemScope partOfTVSeries)
Property of indicating which series the episode belongs to.
ItemScope.Builder setPerformers(List<ItemScope> performers)
The main performer or performers of the event-for example, a presenter, musician, or actor.
ItemScope.Builder setPlayerType(String playerType)
Player type required-for example, Flash or Silverlight.
ItemScope.Builder setPostOfficeBoxNumber(String postOfficeBoxNumber)
Post office box number.
ItemScope.Builder setPostalCode(String postalCode)
Postal code.
ItemScope.Builder setRatingValue(String ratingValue)
Rating value.
ItemScope.Builder setReviewRating(ItemScope reviewRating)
Review rating.
ItemScope.Builder setStartDate(String startDate)
The start date and time of the event (in ISO 8601 date format).
ItemScope.Builder setStreetAddress(String streetAddress)
Street address.
ItemScope.Builder setText(String text)
Comment text, review text, etc.
ItemScope.Builder setThumbnail(ItemScope thumbnail)
Thumbnail image for an image or video.
ItemScope.Builder setThumbnailUrl(String thumbnailUrl)
A url to a thumbnail image for this scope.
ItemScope.Builder setTickerSymbol(String tickerSymbol)
The exchange traded instrument associated with a Corporation object.
ItemScope.Builder setType(String type)
The item type.
ItemScope.Builder setUrl(String url)
A URL for the item upon which the action was performed.
ItemScope.Builder setWidth(String width)
The width of the media object.
ItemScope.Builder setWorstRating(String worstRating)
Worst possible rating value.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object

Public Constructors

public ItemScope.Builder ()

Constructs a new Builder.

Public Methods

public ItemScope build ()

Constructs a ItemScope with the current properties.

public ItemScope.Builder setAbout (ItemScope about)

The subject matter of the content.

public ItemScope.Builder setAdditionalName (List<String> additionalName)

An additional name for a Person, can be used for a middle name.

public ItemScope.Builder setAddress (ItemScope address)

Postal address.

public ItemScope.Builder setAddressCountry (String addressCountry)

Address country.

public ItemScope.Builder setAddressLocality (String addressLocality)

Address locality.

public ItemScope.Builder setAddressRegion (String addressRegion)

Address region.

public ItemScope.Builder setAssociated_media (List<ItemScope> associated_media)

The encoding.

public ItemScope.Builder setAttendeeCount (int attendeeCount)

Number of attendees.

public ItemScope.Builder setAttendees (List<ItemScope> attendees)

A person attending the event.

public ItemScope.Builder setAudio (ItemScope audio)

From, the audio file.

public ItemScope.Builder setAuthor (List<ItemScope> author)

The person who created this scope.

public ItemScope.Builder setBestRating (String bestRating)

Best possible rating value.

public ItemScope.Builder setBirthDate (String birthDate)

Date of birth.

public ItemScope.Builder setByArtist (ItemScope byArtist)

From, the artist that performed this recording.

public ItemScope.Builder setCaption (String caption)

The caption for this object.

public ItemScope.Builder setContentSize (String contentSize)

File size in (mega/kilo) bytes.

public ItemScope.Builder setContentUrl (String contentUrl)

Actual bytes of the media object, for example the image file or video file.

public ItemScope.Builder setContributor (List<ItemScope> contributor)

The list of contributors for this scope.

public ItemScope.Builder setDateCreated (String dateCreated)

The date this scope was created.

public ItemScope.Builder setDateModified (String dateModified)

The date this scope was last modified.

public ItemScope.Builder setDatePublished (String datePublished)

The initial date this scope was published.

public ItemScope.Builder setDescription (String description)

The string describing the content of this scope.

public ItemScope.Builder setDuration (String duration)

The duration of the item (movie, audio recording, event, etc.) in ISO 8601 date format.

public ItemScope.Builder setEmbedUrl (String embedUrl)

A URL pointing to a player for a specific video. In general, this is the information in the src element of an embed tag and should not be the same as the content of the loc tag.

public ItemScope.Builder setEndDate (String endDate)

The end date and time of the event (in ISO 8601 date format).

public ItemScope.Builder setFamilyName (String familyName)

Family name. In the U.S., the last name of an Person. This can be used along with givenName instead of the Name property.

public ItemScope.Builder setGender (String gender)

Gender of the person.

public ItemScope.Builder setGeo (ItemScope geo)

Geo coordinates.

public ItemScope.Builder setGivenName (String givenName)

Given name. In the U.S., the first name of a Person. This can be used along with familyName instead of the Name property.

public ItemScope.Builder setHeight (String height)

The height of the media object.

public ItemScope.Builder setId (String id)

The id for this item scope.

public ItemScope.Builder setImage (String image)

A url to the image for this scope.

public ItemScope.Builder setInAlbum (ItemScope inAlbum)

From, which album a song is in.

public ItemScope.Builder setLatitude (double latitude)


public ItemScope.Builder setLocation (ItemScope location)

The location of the event or organization.

public ItemScope.Builder setLongitude (double longitude)


public ItemScope.Builder setName (String name)

The name of this scope.

public ItemScope.Builder setPartOfTVSeries (ItemScope partOfTVSeries)

Property of indicating which series the episode belongs to.

public ItemScope.Builder setPerformers (List<ItemScope> performers)

The main performer or performers of the event-for example, a presenter, musician, or actor.

public ItemScope.Builder setPlayerType (String playerType)

Player type required-for example, Flash or Silverlight.

public ItemScope.Builder setPostOfficeBoxNumber (String postOfficeBoxNumber)

Post office box number.

public ItemScope.Builder setPostalCode (String postalCode)

Postal code.

public ItemScope.Builder setRatingValue (String ratingValue)

Rating value.

public ItemScope.Builder setReviewRating (ItemScope reviewRating)

Review rating.

public ItemScope.Builder setStartDate (String startDate)

The start date and time of the event (in ISO 8601 date format).

public ItemScope.Builder setStreetAddress (String streetAddress)

Street address.

public ItemScope.Builder setText (String text)

Comment text, review text, etc.

public ItemScope.Builder setThumbnail (ItemScope thumbnail)

Thumbnail image for an image or video.

public ItemScope.Builder setThumbnailUrl (String thumbnailUrl)

A url to a thumbnail image for this scope.

public ItemScope.Builder setTickerSymbol (String tickerSymbol)

The exchange traded instrument associated with a Corporation object. The tickerSymbol is expressed as an exchange and an instrument name separated by a space character. For the exchange component of the tickerSymbol attribute, we reccommend using the controlled vocaulary of Market Identifier Codes (MIC) specified in ISO15022.

public ItemScope.Builder setType (String type)

The item type.

public ItemScope.Builder setUrl (String url)

A URL for the item upon which the action was performed.

public ItemScope.Builder setWidth (String width)

The width of the media object.

public ItemScope.Builder setWorstRating (String worstRating)

Worst possible rating value.