public interface


implements Freezable<T>


Nested Classes
class ItemScope.Builder  
Public Methods
abstract ItemScope getAbout()
The subject matter of the content.
abstract List<String> getAdditionalName()
An additional name for a Person, can be used for a middle name.
abstract ItemScope getAddress()
Postal address.
abstract String getAddressCountry()
Address country.
abstract String getAddressLocality()
Address locality.
abstract String getAddressRegion()
Address region.
abstract List<ItemScope> getAssociated_media()
The encoding.
abstract int getAttendeeCount()
Number of attendees.
abstract List<ItemScope> getAttendees()
A person attending the event.
abstract ItemScope getAudio()
From, the audio file.
abstract List<ItemScope> getAuthor()
The person who created this scope.
abstract String getBestRating()
Best possible rating value.
abstract String getBirthDate()
Date of birth.
abstract ItemScope getByArtist()
From, the artist that performed this recording.
abstract String getCaption()
The caption for this object.
abstract String getContentSize()
File size in (mega/kilo) bytes.
abstract String getContentUrl()
Actual bytes of the media object, for example the image file or video file.
abstract List<ItemScope> getContributor()
The list of contributors for this scope.
abstract String getDateCreated()
The date this scope was created.
abstract String getDateModified()
The date this scope was last modified.
abstract String getDatePublished()
The initial date this scope was published.
abstract String getDescription()
The string describing the content of this scope.
abstract String getDuration()
The duration of the item (movie, audio recording, event, etc.) in ISO 8601 date format.
abstract String getEmbedUrl()
A URL pointing to a player for a specific video.
abstract String getEndDate()
The end date and time of the event (in ISO 8601 date format).
abstract String getFamilyName()
Family name.
abstract String getGender()
Gender of the person.
abstract ItemScope getGeo()
Geo coordinates.
abstract String getGivenName()
Given name.
abstract String getHeight()
The height of the media object.
abstract String getId()
The id for this item scope.
abstract String getImage()
A url to the image for this scope.
abstract ItemScope getInAlbum()
From, which album a song is in.
abstract double getLatitude()
abstract ItemScope getLocation()
The location of the event or organization.
abstract double getLongitude()
abstract String getName()
The name of this scope.
abstract ItemScope getPartOfTVSeries()
Property of indicating which series the episode belongs to.
abstract List<ItemScope> getPerformers()
The main performer or performers of the event-for example, a presenter, musician, or actor.
abstract String getPlayerType()
Player type required-for example, Flash or Silverlight.
abstract String getPostOfficeBoxNumber()
Post office box number.
abstract String getPostalCode()
Postal code.
abstract String getRatingValue()
Rating value.
abstract ItemScope getReviewRating()
Review rating.
abstract String getStartDate()
The start date and time of the event (in ISO 8601 date format).
abstract String getStreetAddress()
Street address.
abstract String getText()
Comment text, review text, etc.
abstract ItemScope getThumbnail()
Thumbnail image for an image or video.
abstract String getThumbnailUrl()
A url to a thumbnail image for this scope.
abstract String getTickerSymbol()
The exchange traded instrument associated with a Corporation object.
abstract String getType()
The item type.
abstract String getUrl()
A URL for the item upon which the action was performed.
abstract String getWidth()
The width of the media object.
abstract String getWorstRating()
Worst possible rating value.
abstract boolean hasAbout()
Indicates whether the "about" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean hasAdditionalName()
Indicates whether the "additionalName" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean hasAddress()
Indicates whether the "address" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean hasAddressCountry()
Indicates whether the "addressCountry" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean hasAddressLocality()
Indicates whether the "addressLocality" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean hasAddressRegion()
Indicates whether the "addressRegion" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean hasAssociated_media()
Indicates whether the "associated_media" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean hasAttendeeCount()
Indicates whether the "attendeeCount" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean hasAttendees()
Indicates whether the "attendees" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean hasAudio()
Indicates whether the "audio" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean hasAuthor()
Indicates whether the "author" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean hasBestRating()
Indicates whether the "bestRating" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean hasBirthDate()
Indicates whether the "birthDate" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean hasByArtist()
Indicates whether the "byArtist" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean hasCaption()
Indicates whether the "caption" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean hasContentSize()
Indicates whether the "contentSize" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean hasContentUrl()
Indicates whether the "contentUrl" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean hasContributor()
Indicates whether the "contributor" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean hasDateCreated()
Indicates whether the "dateCreated" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean hasDateModified()
Indicates whether the "dateModified" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean hasDatePublished()
Indicates whether the "datePublished" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean hasDescription()
Indicates whether the "description" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean hasDuration()
Indicates whether the "duration" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean hasEmbedUrl()
Indicates whether the "embedUrl" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean hasEndDate()
Indicates whether the "endDate" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean hasFamilyName()
Indicates whether the "familyName" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean hasGender()
Indicates whether the "gender" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean hasGeo()
Indicates whether the "geo" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean hasGivenName()
Indicates whether the "givenName" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean hasHeight()
Indicates whether the "height" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean hasId()
Indicates whether the "id" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean hasImage()
Indicates whether the "image" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean hasInAlbum()
Indicates whether the "inAlbum" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean hasLatitude()
Indicates whether the "latitude" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean hasLocation()
Indicates whether the "location" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean hasLongitude()
Indicates whether the "longitude" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean hasName()
Indicates whether the "name" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean hasPartOfTVSeries()
Indicates whether the "partOfTVSeries" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean hasPerformers()
Indicates whether the "performers" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean hasPlayerType()
Indicates whether the "playerType" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean hasPostOfficeBoxNumber()
Indicates whether the "postOfficeBoxNumber" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean hasPostalCode()
Indicates whether the "postalCode" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean hasRatingValue()
Indicates whether the "ratingValue" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean hasReviewRating()
Indicates whether the "reviewRating" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean hasStartDate()
Indicates whether the "startDate" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean hasStreetAddress()
Indicates whether the "streetAddress" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean hasText()
Indicates whether the "text" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean hasThumbnail()
Indicates whether the "thumbnail" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean hasThumbnailUrl()
Indicates whether the "thumbnailUrl" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean hasTickerSymbol()
Indicates whether the "tickerSymbol" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean hasType()
Indicates whether the "type" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean hasUrl()
Indicates whether the "url" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean hasWidth()
Indicates whether the "width" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean hasWorstRating()
Indicates whether the "worstRating" field is explicitly set to a value.
Inherited Methods
From interface

Public Methods

public abstract ItemScope getAbout ()

The subject matter of the content.

public abstract List<String> getAdditionalName ()

An additional name for a Person, can be used for a middle name.

public abstract ItemScope getAddress ()

Postal address.

public abstract String getAddressCountry ()

Address country.

public abstract String getAddressLocality ()

Address locality.

public abstract String getAddressRegion ()

Address region.

public abstract List<ItemScope> getAssociated_media ()

The encoding.

public abstract int getAttendeeCount ()

Number of attendees.

public abstract List<ItemScope> getAttendees ()

A person attending the event.

public abstract ItemScope getAudio ()

From, the audio file.

public abstract List<ItemScope> getAuthor ()

The person who created this scope.

public abstract String getBestRating ()

Best possible rating value.

public abstract String getBirthDate ()

Date of birth.

public abstract ItemScope getByArtist ()

From, the artist that performed this recording.

public abstract String getCaption ()

The caption for this object.

public abstract String getContentSize ()

File size in (mega/kilo) bytes.

public abstract String getContentUrl ()

Actual bytes of the media object, for example the image file or video file.

public abstract List<ItemScope> getContributor ()

The list of contributors for this scope.

public abstract String getDateCreated ()

The date this scope was created.

public abstract String getDateModified ()

The date this scope was last modified.

public abstract String getDatePublished ()

The initial date this scope was published.

public abstract String getDescription ()

The string describing the content of this scope.

public abstract String getDuration ()

The duration of the item (movie, audio recording, event, etc.) in ISO 8601 date format.

public abstract String getEmbedUrl ()

A URL pointing to a player for a specific video. In general, this is the information in the src element of an embed tag and should not be the same as the content of the loc tag.

public abstract String getEndDate ()

The end date and time of the event (in ISO 8601 date format).

public abstract String getFamilyName ()

Family name. In the U.S., the last name of an Person. This can be used along with givenName instead of the Name property.

public abstract String getGender ()

Gender of the person.

public abstract ItemScope getGeo ()

Geo coordinates.

public abstract String getGivenName ()

Given name. In the U.S., the first name of a Person. This can be used along with familyName instead of the Name property.

public abstract String getHeight ()

The height of the media object.

public abstract String getId ()

The id for this item scope.

public abstract String getImage ()

A url to the image for this scope.

public abstract ItemScope getInAlbum ()

From, which album a song is in.

public abstract double getLatitude ()


public abstract ItemScope getLocation ()

The location of the event or organization.

public abstract double getLongitude ()


public abstract String getName ()

The name of this scope.

public abstract ItemScope getPartOfTVSeries ()

Property of indicating which series the episode belongs to.

public abstract List<ItemScope> getPerformers ()

The main performer or performers of the event-for example, a presenter, musician, or actor.

public abstract String getPlayerType ()

Player type required-for example, Flash or Silverlight.

public abstract String getPostOfficeBoxNumber ()

Post office box number.

public abstract String getPostalCode ()

Postal code.

public abstract String getRatingValue ()

Rating value.

public abstract ItemScope getReviewRating ()

Review rating.

public abstract String getStartDate ()

The start date and time of the event (in ISO 8601 date format).

public abstract String getStreetAddress ()

Street address.

public abstract String getText ()

Comment text, review text, etc.

public abstract ItemScope getThumbnail ()

Thumbnail image for an image or video.

public abstract String getThumbnailUrl ()

A url to a thumbnail image for this scope.

public abstract String getTickerSymbol ()

The exchange traded instrument associated with a Corporation object. The tickerSymbol is expressed as an exchange and an instrument name separated by a space character. For the exchange component of the tickerSymbol attribute, we reccommend using the controlled vocaulary of Market Identifier Codes (MIC) specified in ISO15022.

public abstract String getType ()

The item type.

public abstract String getUrl ()

A URL for the item upon which the action was performed.

public abstract String getWidth ()

The width of the media object.

public abstract String getWorstRating ()

Worst possible rating value.

public abstract boolean hasAbout ()

Indicates whether the "about" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean hasAdditionalName ()

Indicates whether the "additionalName" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean hasAddress ()

Indicates whether the "address" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean hasAddressCountry ()

Indicates whether the "addressCountry" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean hasAddressLocality ()

Indicates whether the "addressLocality" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean hasAddressRegion ()

Indicates whether the "addressRegion" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean hasAssociated_media ()

Indicates whether the "associated_media" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean hasAttendeeCount ()

Indicates whether the "attendeeCount" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean hasAttendees ()

Indicates whether the "attendees" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean hasAudio ()

Indicates whether the "audio" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean hasAuthor ()

Indicates whether the "author" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean hasBestRating ()

Indicates whether the "bestRating" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean hasBirthDate ()

Indicates whether the "birthDate" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean hasByArtist ()

Indicates whether the "byArtist" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean hasCaption ()

Indicates whether the "caption" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean hasContentSize ()

Indicates whether the "contentSize" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean hasContentUrl ()

Indicates whether the "contentUrl" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean hasContributor ()

Indicates whether the "contributor" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean hasDateCreated ()

Indicates whether the "dateCreated" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean hasDateModified ()

Indicates whether the "dateModified" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean hasDatePublished ()

Indicates whether the "datePublished" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean hasDescription ()

Indicates whether the "description" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean hasDuration ()

Indicates whether the "duration" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean hasEmbedUrl ()

Indicates whether the "embedUrl" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean hasEndDate ()

Indicates whether the "endDate" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean hasFamilyName ()

Indicates whether the "familyName" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean hasGender ()

Indicates whether the "gender" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean hasGeo ()

Indicates whether the "geo" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean hasGivenName ()

Indicates whether the "givenName" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean hasHeight ()

Indicates whether the "height" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean hasId ()

Indicates whether the "id" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean hasImage ()

Indicates whether the "image" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean hasInAlbum ()

Indicates whether the "inAlbum" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean hasLatitude ()

Indicates whether the "latitude" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean hasLocation ()

Indicates whether the "location" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean hasLongitude ()

Indicates whether the "longitude" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean hasName ()

Indicates whether the "name" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean hasPartOfTVSeries ()

Indicates whether the "partOfTVSeries" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean hasPerformers ()

Indicates whether the "performers" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean hasPlayerType ()

Indicates whether the "playerType" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean hasPostOfficeBoxNumber ()

Indicates whether the "postOfficeBoxNumber" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean hasPostalCode ()

Indicates whether the "postalCode" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean hasRatingValue ()

Indicates whether the "ratingValue" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean hasReviewRating ()

Indicates whether the "reviewRating" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean hasStartDate ()

Indicates whether the "startDate" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean hasStreetAddress ()

Indicates whether the "streetAddress" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean hasText ()

Indicates whether the "text" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean hasThumbnail ()

Indicates whether the "thumbnail" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean hasThumbnailUrl ()

Indicates whether the "thumbnailUrl" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean hasTickerSymbol ()

Indicates whether the "tickerSymbol" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean hasType ()

Indicates whether the "type" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean hasUrl ()

Indicates whether the "url" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean hasWidth ()

Indicates whether the "width" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean hasWorstRating ()

Indicates whether the "worstRating" field is explicitly set to a value.