Class MyLocationOverlay

  extended by
      extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
android.hardware.SensorListener, android.location.LocationListener, Overlay.Snappable

public class MyLocationOverlay
extends Overlay
implements android.hardware.SensorListener, android.location.LocationListener, Overlay.Snappable

An Overlay for drawing the user's current location (and accuracy) on the map, and/or a compass-rose inset. Subclases can override dispatchTap() to handle taps on the current location.

You will want to call enableMyLocation() and/or enableCompass(), probably from your Activity's Activity.onResume() method, to enable the features of this overlay. Remember to call the corresponding disableMyLocation() and/or disableCompass() in your Activity's Activity.onPause() method to turn off updates when in the background.

Optionally, the constructor can also take a MapController and use it to keep the "my location" dot visible by panning the map when it would go offscreen, and a View to View.postInvalidate() when location or orientation is changed.

Runnables can be provided in runOnFirstFix(java.lang.Runnable) to be run as soon as we have a fix. (For example, this could center the map and zoom in to show the location.)

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class
Constructor Summary
MyLocationOverlay(android.content.Context context, MapView mapView)
          Construct a new MyLocationOverlay.
Method Summary
 void disableCompass()
          Disable updates from the compass sensor.
 void disableMyLocation()
          Stops location updates.
protected  boolean dispatchTap()
          Handle a tap on the "my location" point.
 boolean draw( canvas, MapView mapView, boolean shadow, long when)
          Draw method.
protected  void drawCompass( canvas, float bearing)
          Draw the compass inset.
protected  void drawMyLocation( canvas, MapView mapView, android.location.Location lastFix, GeoPoint myLocation, long when)
          Draw the "my location" dot.
 boolean enableCompass()
          Enable updates from the compass sensor.
 boolean enableMyLocation()
          Attempts to enable MyLocation, registering for updates from LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER and LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER.
 android.location.Location getLastFix()
          Returns a Location corresponding to the most-recently-set user location.
 GeoPoint getMyLocation()
          Returns a GeoPoint corresponding to the most-recently-set user location.
 float getOrientation()
          Returns the most-recently-set compass bearing.
 boolean isCompassEnabled()
          Checks whether the compass widget is displayed.
 boolean isMyLocationEnabled()
          Checks whether location awareness is enabled (via GPS or network).
 void onAccuracyChanged(int sensor, int accuracy)
 void onLocationChanged(android.location.Location location)
          Listener to get location updates from LocationManagerService.
 void onProviderDisabled(java.lang.String provider)
 void onProviderEnabled(java.lang.String provider)
 void onSensorChanged(int sensor, float[] values)
          Called by the SensorManager when the compass value changes.
 boolean onSnapToItem(int x, int y, snapPoint, MapView mapView)
          Checks to see if the given x and y are close enough to an item resulting in snapping the current action (e.g.
 void onStatusChanged(java.lang.String provider, int status, android.os.Bundle extras)
 boolean onTap(GeoPoint p, MapView map)
          Checks whether the location of the tap is close enough to the current location (if it's known).
 boolean runOnFirstFix(java.lang.Runnable runnable)
          Queues a runnable to be executed as soon as we have a location fix.
Methods inherited from class
draw, drawAt, onKeyDown, onKeyUp, onTouchEvent, onTrackballEvent
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public MyLocationOverlay(android.content.Context context,
                         MapView mapView)
Construct a new MyLocationOverlay.

context - A context to be used for accessing system services.
mapView - The MapView on which the location is to be overlayed.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if mapView is null.
Method Detail


public boolean enableCompass()
Enable updates from the compass sensor. A no-op if it's already enabled.

True if we successfully requested updates; false if the compass sensor could not be enabled.


public void disableCompass()
Disable updates from the compass sensor.


public boolean isCompassEnabled()
Checks whether the compass widget is displayed.

True if the compass is displayed; false otherwise.


public boolean enableMyLocation()
Attempts to enable MyLocation, registering for updates from LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER and LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER.

true if we found at least one provider to enable. False if every one we tried was unavailable.


public void disableMyLocation()
Stops location updates.

It is safe to call this method even if location updates are currently disabled.


public void onSensorChanged(int sensor,
                            float[] values)
Called by the SensorManager when the compass value changes.

Specified by:
onSensorChanged in interface android.hardware.SensorListener


public void onLocationChanged(android.location.Location location)
Listener to get location updates from LocationManagerService.

Specified by:
onLocationChanged in interface android.location.LocationListener


public void onStatusChanged(java.lang.String provider,
                            int status,
                            android.os.Bundle extras)

Specified by:
onStatusChanged in interface android.location.LocationListener


public void onProviderEnabled(java.lang.String provider)

Specified by:
onProviderEnabled in interface android.location.LocationListener


public void onProviderDisabled(java.lang.String provider)

Specified by:
onProviderDisabled in interface android.location.LocationListener


public boolean onSnapToItem(int x,
                            int y,
                            MapView mapView)
Description copied from interface: Overlay.Snappable
Checks to see if the given x and y are close enough to an item resulting in snapping the current action (e.g. zoom) to the item.

Specified by:
onSnapToItem in interface Overlay.Snappable
x - The x in screen coordinates.
y - The y in screen coordinates.
snapPoint - To be filled with the the interesting point (in screen coordinates) that is closest to the given x and y. Can be untouched if not snapping.
mapView - The MapView that is requesting the snap. Use MapView.getProjection() to convert between on-screen pixels and latitude/longitude pairs.
Whether or not to snap to the interesting point.


public boolean onTap(GeoPoint p,
                     MapView map)
Checks whether the location of the tap is close enough to the current location (if it's known). If so, passes on to dispatchTap(); otherwise returns false. Handle a "tap" event. This can be either a touchscreen tap anywhere on the map, or a trackball click on the center of the map. By default does nothing and returns false.

onTap in class Overlay
p - The point that has been tapped.
map - the MapView that generated the tap event
True if the tap was handled by this overlay.


protected boolean dispatchTap()
Handle a tap on the "my location" point. Default behavior does nothing and returns false.

True if this tap was processed; false if it should be sent to the other overlays.


public boolean draw( canvas,
                    MapView mapView,
                    boolean shadow,
                    long when)
Draw method. Does nothing on the shadow pass. On the non-shadow pass, calls through to drawMyLocation(,, android.location.Location,, long) if we have a location fix, and then to drawCompass(, float) if we have a compass reading. We return false since we don't require an immediate redraw; however, a delayed invalidate may be posted on the viewToInvalidate passed to this class's constructor in order to trigger the next phase in the animation of the blue location dot.

draw in class Overlay
canvas - The Canvas upon which to draw. Note that this may already have a transformation applied, so be sure to leave it the way you found it.
mapView - the MapView that requested the draw. Use MapView.getProjection() to convert between on-screen pixels and latitude/longitude pairs.
shadow - If true, draw the shadow layer. If false, draw the overlay contents.
when - The timestamp of the draw.
True if you need to be drawn again right away; false otherwise. Default implementation returns false.


protected void drawMyLocation( canvas,
                              MapView mapView,
                              android.location.Location lastFix,
                              GeoPoint myLocation,
                              long when)
Draw the "my location" dot. By default, draws an animated "blue dot" asset, possibly surrounded by an outlining blue disk to represent accuracy. Also, if the user's position moves near the edge of the screen, and we've been given a MapController in our constructor, we'll scroll to recenter the new reading.

canvas - the Canvas to draw to.
mapView - the mapView calling the draw.
lastFix - the last location fix we received.
myLocation - the coordinates of the last fix, extracted into handy GeoPoint form.
when - the drawing time, in milliseconds


protected void drawCompass( canvas,
                           float bearing)
Draw the compass inset. By default, draws a compass base and an arrow in the upper-left corner.

canvas - The Canvas to draw to.
bearing - The estimated bearing of the phone, in degrees east of north.


public GeoPoint getMyLocation()
Returns a GeoPoint corresponding to the most-recently-set user location.

The GeoPoint, or null if none has been set.


public android.location.Location getLastFix()
Returns a Location corresponding to the most-recently-set user location.

The Location, or null if none has been set.


public float getOrientation()
Returns the most-recently-set compass bearing.

The bearing, in degrees east of north, or NaN if none has been set.


public boolean isMyLocationEnabled()
Checks whether location awareness is enabled (via GPS or network).

True if location awareness is enabled; false otherwise.


public boolean runOnFirstFix(java.lang.Runnable runnable)
Queues a runnable to be executed as soon as we have a location fix. If we already have a fix, we'll execute the runnable immediately and return true. If not, we'll hang on to the runnable and return false; as soon as we get a location fix, we'll run it in in a new thread.


public void onAccuracyChanged(int sensor,
                              int accuracy)
Specified by:
onAccuracyChanged in interface android.hardware.SensorListener