
The maps package allows applications to display and control a Google Map interface.


Interface Summary
ItemizedOverlay.OnFocusChangeListener Interface for listeners interested in when the focused Item changes.
Overlay.Snappable Interface definition for overlays that contain items that can be snapped to (for example, when the user invokes a zoom, this could be called allowing the user to snap the zoom to an interesting point.)
Projection A Projection serves to translate between the coordinate system of x/y on-screen pixel coordinates and that of latitude/longitude points on the surface of the earth.

Class Summary
GeoPoint An immutable class representing a pair of latitude and longitude, stored as integer numbers of microdegrees.
ItemizedOverlay<Item extends OverlayItem> A base class for an Overlay which consists of a list of OverlayItems.
MapActivity Base class with code to manage the boring necessities of any activity that displays a MapView.
MapController A utility class to manage panning and zooming of a map.
MapView A View which displays a map (with data obtained from the Google Maps service).
MapView.LayoutParams Per-child layout information associated with MapView.
MyLocationOverlay An Overlay for drawing the user's current location (and accuracy) on the map, and/or a compass-rose inset.
Overlay Base class representing an overlay which may be displayed on top of a map.
OverlayItem The basic component of any ItemizedOverlay.
TrackballGestureDetector Analyzes a series of MotionEvent and detects gestures.

Enum Summary
MapView.ReticleDrawMode Allow the user to specify the mode in which the reticle is drawn.

Package Description

The maps package allows applications to display and control a Google Map interface. To create a Google Map, you must extend MapActivity and implement a MapView in the layout.

In order to use a MapView in your app, you need to include the "android:apiKey" attribute in the MapView (or include a key in the MapView constructor). For now, just put any value there (e.g., "myapikey"). In order to run on actual devices, though, your application will need a real authentication key, but the process for issuing keys is not ready at this time.

Note that this is not a standard package in the Android library. In order to use it, you must add the following XML element, as a child of the application element, in your AndroidManifest.xml file:

<uses-library android:name="" />