You can suspend, resume, power on. power off and reset a virtual machine. Select a link under Related Topics for more information.
You can run scripts in the guest operating system when you change the power state of a virtual machine; that is, when you power on, power off, suspend, resume or reset the virtual machine.
When you reset a virtual machine, you can choose to restart the guest operating system, which gracefully closes applications and restarts the guest operating system, or reset the virtual machine, which is the same as pressing the reset button on a physical computer.
Similarly, when you power off the virtual machine, you can choose to shut down the guest operating system, which gracefully closes applications and shuts the guest operating system down, or turn off the virtual machine, which is the same as pressing the power button on a physical computer.
All the power options are available on the Power menu. Each menu item corresponds to a button on the toolbar, and opens a submenu containing the associated options. The menu items may not be available, depending upon the current power state of the virtual machine. For example, if the virtual machine is powered off, you cannot select any power off, suspend, resume or reset options.
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