Log4j 1.2.6

Class AsyncAppender

All Implemented Interfaces:
Appender, AppenderAttachable, OptionHandler

public class AsyncAppender
extends AppenderSkeleton
implements AppenderAttachable

The AsyncAppender lets users log events asynchronously. It uses a bounded buffer to store logging events.

The AsyncAppender will collect the events sent to it and then dispatch them to all the appenders that are attached to it. You can attach multiple appenders to an AsyncAppender.

The AsyncAppender uses a separate thread to serve the events in its bounded buffer.

Refer to the results in Logging for the impact of using this appender.

Important note: The AsyncAppender can only be script configured using the DOMConfigurator.

Ceki Gülcü

Field Summary
          The default buffer size is set to 128 events.
Fields inherited from class org.apache.log4j.AppenderSkeleton
closed, errorHandler, headFilter, layout, name, tailFilter, threshold
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void addAppender(Appender newAppender)
          Add an appender.
 void append(LoggingEvent event)
          Subclasses of AppenderSkeleton should implement this method to perform actual logging.
 void close()
          Close this AsyncAppender by interrupting the dispatcher thread which will process all pending events before exiting.
 Enumeration getAllAppenders()
          Get all previously added appenders as an Enumeration.
 Appender getAppender(String name)
          Get an appender by name.
 int getBufferSize()
          Returns the current value of the BufferSize option.
 boolean getLocationInfo()
          Returns the current value of the LocationInfo option.
 boolean isAttached(Appender appender)
          Is the appender passed as parameter attached to this category?
 void removeAllAppenders()
          Remove all previously added appenders.
 void removeAppender(Appender appender)
          Remove the appender passed as parameter from the list of appenders.
 void removeAppender(String name)
          Remove the appender with the name passed as parameter from the list of appenders.
 boolean requiresLayout()
          The AsyncAppender does not require a layout.
 void setBufferSize(int size)
          The BufferSize option takes a non-negative integer value.
 void setLocationInfo(boolean flag)
          The LocationInfo option takes a boolean value.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.log4j.AppenderSkeleton
activateOptions, addFilter, clearFilters, doAppend, finalize, getErrorHandler, getFilter, getFirstFilter, getLayout, getName, getThreshold, isAsSevereAsThreshold, setErrorHandler, setLayout, setName, setThreshold
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE
The default buffer size is set to 128 events.
Constructor Detail


public AsyncAppender()
Method Detail


public void addAppender(Appender newAppender)
Description copied from interface: AppenderAttachable
Add an appender.
Specified by:
addAppender in interface AppenderAttachable


public void append(LoggingEvent event)
Description copied from class: AppenderSkeleton
Subclasses of AppenderSkeleton should implement this method to perform actual logging. See also AppenderSkeleton.doAppend method.
append in class AppenderSkeleton


public void close()
Close this AsyncAppender by interrupting the dispatcher thread which will process all pending events before exiting.


public Enumeration getAllAppenders()
Description copied from interface: AppenderAttachable
Get all previously added appenders as an Enumeration.
Specified by:
getAllAppenders in interface AppenderAttachable


public Appender getAppender(String name)
Description copied from interface: AppenderAttachable
Get an appender by name.
Specified by:
getAppender in interface AppenderAttachable


public boolean getLocationInfo()
Returns the current value of the LocationInfo option.


public boolean isAttached(Appender appender)
Is the appender passed as parameter attached to this category?
Specified by:
isAttached in interface AppenderAttachable


public boolean requiresLayout()
The AsyncAppender does not require a layout. Hence, this method always returns false.


public void removeAllAppenders()
Description copied from interface: AppenderAttachable
Remove all previously added appenders.
Specified by:
removeAllAppenders in interface AppenderAttachable


public void removeAppender(Appender appender)
Description copied from interface: AppenderAttachable
Remove the appender passed as parameter from the list of appenders.
Specified by:
removeAppender in interface AppenderAttachable


public void removeAppender(String name)
Description copied from interface: AppenderAttachable
Remove the appender with the name passed as parameter from the list of appenders.
Specified by:
removeAppender in interface AppenderAttachable


public void setLocationInfo(boolean flag)
The LocationInfo option takes a boolean value. By default, it is set to false which means there will be no effort to extract the location information related to the event. As a result, the event that will be ultimately logged will likely to contain the wrong location information (if present in the log format).

Location information extraction is comparatively very slow and should be avoided unless performance is not a concern.


public void setBufferSize(int size)
The BufferSize option takes a non-negative integer value. This integer value determines the maximum size of the bounded buffer. Increasing the size of the buffer is always safe. However, if an existing buffer holds unwritten elements, then decreasing the buffer size will result in event loss. Nevertheless, while script configuring the AsyncAppender, it is safe to set a buffer size smaller than the default buffer size because configurators guarantee that an appender cannot be used before being completely configured.


public int getBufferSize()
Returns the current value of the BufferSize option.

Log4j 1.2.6

Copyright 2000-2002 Apache Software Foundation.