Log4j 1.2.6

Class DateLayout

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class DateLayout
extends Layout

This abstract layout takes care of all the date related options and formatting work.

Ceki Gülcü

Field Summary
protected  Date date
          Deprecated. Options are now handled using the JavaBeans paradigm. This constant is not longer needed and will be removed in the near term.
protected  DateFormat dateFormat
static String NULL_DATE_FORMAT
          String constant designating no time information.
protected  FieldPosition pos
          String constant designating relative time.
          Deprecated. Options are now handled using the JavaBeans paradigm. This constant is not longer needed and will be removed in the near term.
Fields inherited from class org.apache.log4j.Layout
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void activateOptions()
          Activate the options that were previously set with calls to option setters.
 void dateFormat(StringBuffer buf, LoggingEvent event)
 String getDateFormat()
          Returns value of the DateFormat option.
 String[] getOptionStrings()
          Deprecated. Use the setter method for the option directly instead of the generic setOption method.
 String getTimeZone()
          Returns value of the TimeZone option.
 void setDateFormat(DateFormat dateFormat, TimeZone timeZone)
          Sets the DateFormat used to format time and date in the zone determined by timeZone.
 void setDateFormat(String dateFormat)
          The value of the DateFormat option should be either an argument to the constructor of SimpleDateFormat or one of the srings "NULL", "RELATIVE", "ABSOLUTE", "DATE" or "ISO8601.
 void setDateFormat(String dateFormatType, TimeZone timeZone)
          Sets the DateFormat used to format date and time in the time zone determined by timeZone parameter.
 void setOption(String option, String value)
          Deprecated. Use the setter method for the option directly instead of the generic setOption method.
 void setTimeZone(String timeZone)
          The TimeZoneID option is a time zone ID string in the format expected by the TimeZone.getTimeZone(java.lang.String) method.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.log4j.Layout
format, getContentType, getFooter, getHeader, ignoresThrowable
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String NULL_DATE_FORMAT
String constant designating no time information. Current value of this constant is NULL.


public static final String RELATIVE_TIME_DATE_FORMAT
String constant designating relative time. Current value of this constant is RELATIVE.


protected FieldPosition pos


public static final String DATE_FORMAT_OPTION
Deprecated. Options are now handled using the JavaBeans paradigm. This constant is not longer needed and will be removed in the near term.


public static final String TIMEZONE_OPTION
Deprecated. Options are now handled using the JavaBeans paradigm. This constant is not longer needed and will be removed in the near term.


protected DateFormat dateFormat


protected Date date
Constructor Detail


public DateLayout()
Method Detail


public String[] getOptionStrings()
Deprecated. Use the setter method for the option directly instead of the generic setOption method.


public void setOption(String option,
                      String value)
Deprecated. Use the setter method for the option directly instead of the generic setOption method.


public void setDateFormat(String dateFormat)
The value of the DateFormat option should be either an argument to the constructor of SimpleDateFormat or one of the srings "NULL", "RELATIVE", "ABSOLUTE", "DATE" or "ISO8601.


public String getDateFormat()
Returns value of the DateFormat option.


public void setTimeZone(String timeZone)
The TimeZoneID option is a time zone ID string in the format expected by the TimeZone.getTimeZone(java.lang.String) method.


public String getTimeZone()
Returns value of the TimeZone option.


public void activateOptions()
Description copied from interface: OptionHandler
Activate the options that were previously set with calls to option setters.

This allows to defer activiation of the options until all options have been set. This is required for components which have related options that remain ambigous until all are set.

For example, the FileAppender has the File and Append options both of which are ambigous until the other is also set.


public void dateFormat(StringBuffer buf,
                       LoggingEvent event)


public void setDateFormat(DateFormat dateFormat,
                          TimeZone timeZone)
Sets the DateFormat used to format time and date in the zone determined by timeZone.


public void setDateFormat(String dateFormatType,
                          TimeZone timeZone)
Sets the DateFormat used to format date and time in the time zone determined by timeZone parameter. The DateFormat used will depend on the dateFormatType.

The recognized types are NULL_DATE_FORMAT, RELATIVE_TIME_DATE_FORMAT AbsoluteTimeDateFormat.ABS_TIME_DATE_FORMAT, AbsoluteTimeDateFormat.DATE_AND_TIME_DATE_FORMAT and AbsoluteTimeDateFormat.ISO8601_DATE_FORMAT. If the dateFormatType is not one of the above, then the argument is assumed to be a date pattern for SimpleDateFormat.

Log4j 1.2.6

Copyright 2000-2002 Apache Software Foundation.