Log4j 1.2.6

Class SocketAppender

All Implemented Interfaces:
Appender, OptionHandler

public class SocketAppender
extends AppenderSkeleton

Sends LoggingEvent objects to a remote a log server, usually a SocketNode.

The SocketAppender has the following properties:

Ceki Gülcü

Fields inherited from class org.apache.log4j.AppenderSkeleton
closed, errorHandler, headFilter, layout, name, tailFilter, threshold
Constructor Summary
SocketAppender(InetAddress address, int port)
          Connects to remote server at address and port.
SocketAppender(String host, int port)
          Connects to remote server at host and port.
Method Summary
 void activateOptions()
          Connect to the specified RemoteHost and Port.
 void append(LoggingEvent event)
          Subclasses of AppenderSkeleton should implement this method to perform actual logging.
 void cleanUp()
          Drop the connection to the remote host and release the underlying connector thread if it has been created
 void close()
          Close this appender.
 boolean getLocationInfo()
          Returns value of the LocationInfo option.
 int getPort()
          Returns value of the Port option.
 int getReconnectionDelay()
          Returns value of the ReconnectionDelay option.
 String getRemoteHost()
          Returns value of the RemoteHost option.
 boolean requiresLayout()
          The SocketAppender does not use a layout.
 void setLocationInfo(boolean locationInfo)
          The LocationInfo option takes a boolean value.
 void setPort(int port)
          The Port option takes a positive integer representing the port where the server is waiting for connections.
 void setReconnectionDelay(int delay)
          The ReconnectionDelay option takes a positive integer representing the number of milliseconds to wait between each failed connection attempt to the server.
 void setRemoteHost(String host)
          The RemoteHost option takes a string value which should be the host name of the server where a SocketNode is running.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.log4j.AppenderSkeleton
addFilter, clearFilters, doAppend, finalize, getErrorHandler, getFilter, getFirstFilter, getLayout, getName, getThreshold, isAsSevereAsThreshold, setErrorHandler, setLayout, setName, setThreshold
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SocketAppender()


public SocketAppender(InetAddress address,
                      int port)
Connects to remote server at address and port.


public SocketAppender(String host,
                      int port)
Connects to remote server at host and port.
Method Detail


public void activateOptions()
Connect to the specified RemoteHost and Port.
activateOptions in class AppenderSkeleton


public void close()
Close this appender.

This will mark the appender as closed and call then cleanUp() method.


public void cleanUp()
Drop the connection to the remote host and release the underlying connector thread if it has been created


public void append(LoggingEvent event)
Description copied from class: AppenderSkeleton
Subclasses of AppenderSkeleton should implement this method to perform actual logging. See also AppenderSkeleton.doAppend method.
append in class AppenderSkeleton


public boolean requiresLayout()
The SocketAppender does not use a layout. Hence, this method returns false.


public void setRemoteHost(String host)
The RemoteHost option takes a string value which should be the host name of the server where a SocketNode is running.


public String getRemoteHost()
Returns value of the RemoteHost option.


public void setPort(int port)
The Port option takes a positive integer representing the port where the server is waiting for connections.


public int getPort()
Returns value of the Port option.


public void setLocationInfo(boolean locationInfo)
The LocationInfo option takes a boolean value. If true, the information sent to the remote host will include location information. By default no location information is sent to the server.


public boolean getLocationInfo()
Returns value of the LocationInfo option.


public void setReconnectionDelay(int delay)
The ReconnectionDelay option takes a positive integer representing the number of milliseconds to wait between each failed connection attempt to the server. The default value of this option is 30000 which corresponds to 30 seconds.

Setting this option to zero turns off reconnection capability.


public int getReconnectionDelay()
Returns value of the ReconnectionDelay option.

Log4j 1.2.6

Copyright 2000-2002 Apache Software Foundation.