Log4j 1.2.6

Class TelnetAppender

All Implemented Interfaces:
Appender, OptionHandler

public class TelnetAppender
extends AppenderSkeleton

The TelnetAppender is a log4j appender that specializes in writing to a read-only socket. The output is provided in a telnet-friendly way so that a log can be monitored over TCP/IP. Clients using telnet connect to the socket and receive log data. This is handy for remote monitoring, especially when monitoring a servlet.

Here is a list of the available configuration options:
Name Requirement Description Sample Value
Port optional This parameter determines the port to use for announcing log events. The default port is 23 (telnet). 5875

Jay Funnell

Inner Class Summary
protected  class TelnetAppender.SocketHandler
          The SocketHandler class is used to accept connections from clients.
Fields inherited from class org.apache.log4j.AppenderSkeleton
closed, errorHandler, headFilter, layout, name, tailFilter, threshold
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void activateOptions()
          all of the options have been set, create the socket handler and wait for connections.
protected  void append(LoggingEvent event)
          Handles a log event.
 void close()
          shuts down the appender.
 int getPort()
 boolean requiresLayout()
          This appender requires a layout to format the text to the attached client(s).
 void setPort(int port)
Methods inherited from class org.apache.log4j.AppenderSkeleton
addFilter, clearFilters, doAppend, finalize, getErrorHandler, getFilter, getFirstFilter, getLayout, getName, getThreshold, isAsSevereAsThreshold, setErrorHandler, setLayout, setName, setThreshold
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public TelnetAppender()
Method Detail


public boolean requiresLayout()
This appender requires a layout to format the text to the attached client(s).


public void activateOptions()
all of the options have been set, create the socket handler and wait for connections.
activateOptions in class AppenderSkeleton


public int getPort()


public void setPort(int port)


public void close()
shuts down the appender.


protected void append(LoggingEvent event)
Handles a log event. For this appender, that means writing the message to each connected client.
append in class AppenderSkeleton

Log4j 1.2.6

Copyright 2000-2002 Apache Software Foundation.