In file ../include/EST_DMatrix.h:

class EST_DMatrix

A matrix class for double precision floating point numbers.


Public Methods

[more] EST_DMatrix (int m, int n)
size constructor
[more] EST_DMatrix (const EST_DMatrix &a)
copy constructor
[more] EST_DMatrix (const EST_DMatrix &a, int b)
CHECK - what does this do???
[more] EST_DMatrix ()
default constructor
[more]EST_write_status save (const EST_String &filename, const EST_String &type = EST_DMatrix::default_file_type)
Save in file (ascii or binary)
[more]EST_read_status load (const EST_String &filename)
Load from file (ascii or binary as defined in file)
[more]EST_write_status est_save (const EST_String &filename, const EST_String &type)
Save in file in est format
[more]EST_read_status est_load (const EST_String &filename)
Load from file in est format (binary/ascii defined in file itself)
[more]void copyin (double** x, int rows, int cols)
Copy 2-d array x of size rows x cols into matrix
[more]EST_DMatrix& operator+= (const EST_DMatrix &a)
Add elements of 2 same sized matrices
[more]EST_DMatrix& operator-= (const EST_DMatrix &a)
Subtract elements of 2 same sized matrices
[more]EST_DMatrix& operator*= (const double f)
elementwise multiply by scalar
[more]EST_DMatrix& operator/= (const double f)
elementwise divide by scalar


A matrix class for double precision floating point numbers. EST_DMatrix x should be used instead of double **x wherever possible.
o EST_DMatrix(int m, int n)
size constructor

o EST_DMatrix(const EST_DMatrix &a)
copy constructor

o EST_DMatrix(const EST_DMatrix &a, int b)
CHECK - what does this do???

o EST_DMatrix()
default constructor

oEST_write_status save(const EST_String &filename, const EST_String &type = EST_DMatrix::default_file_type)
Save in file (ascii or binary)

oEST_read_status load(const EST_String &filename)
Load from file (ascii or binary as defined in file)

oEST_write_status est_save(const EST_String &filename, const EST_String &type)
Save in file in est format

oEST_read_status est_load(const EST_String &filename)
Load from file in est format (binary/ascii defined in file itself)

ovoid copyin(double** x, int rows, int cols)
Copy 2-d array x of size rows x cols into matrix

oEST_DMatrix& operator+=(const EST_DMatrix &a)
Add elements of 2 same sized matrices

oEST_DMatrix& operator-=(const EST_DMatrix &a)
Subtract elements of 2 same sized matrices

oEST_DMatrix& operator*=(const double f)
elementwise multiply by scalar

oEST_DMatrix& operator/=(const double f)
elementwise divide by scalar

This class has no child classes.
EST_DMatrix operator*(const EST_DMatrix &a, const double x)
EST_DVector operator*(const EST_DMatrix &a, const EST_DVector &v)
EST_DVector operator*(const EST_DVector &v,const EST_DMatrix &a)
EST_DMatrix operator*(const EST_DMatrix &a, const EST_DMatrix &b)

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This page is part of the Edinburgh Speech Tools Library documentation
Copyright University of Edinburgh 1997