In file ../include/EST_IMatrix.h:

class EST_IMatrix

A matrix class for integers.


Public Methods

[more] EST_IMatrix (int m, int n)
size constructor
[more] EST_IMatrix (EST_IMatrix &a)
copy constructor
[more] EST_IMatrix (EST_IMatrix &a, int b)
CHECK - what does this do???
[more] EST_IMatrix ()
default constructor


A matrix class for integers. EST_IMatrix x should be used instead of int **x wherever possible.
o EST_IMatrix(int m, int n)
size constructor

o EST_IMatrix(EST_IMatrix &a)
copy constructor

o EST_IMatrix(EST_IMatrix &a, int b)
CHECK - what does this do???

o EST_IMatrix()
default constructor

This class has no child classes.

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This page is part of the Edinburgh Speech Tools Library documentation
Copyright University of Edinburgh 1997