In file ../include/ling_class/EST_Item_Content.h:

class EST_Item_Content

A class for containing individual linguistic features and references to relations.

Public Fields

[more]EST_Features f
General features for this item

Public Methods

[more] Constructor Functions

[more] EST_Item_Content ()
Default constructor
[more] EST_Item_Content (const EST_Item_Content &content)
Copy constructor
[more] ~EST_Item_Content ()

[more]const EST_String name () const
return the name of the item, eg.
[more]void set_name (const EST_String &s)
set name


A class for containing individual linguistic features and references to relations.

This class contents the potentially shared part of an EST_Item. It contaisn a list of features allowing string names to be related to string, floats, ints and arbitrary objects. It also contains a reference list to the EST_Items indexed by the relation names.

This class should not normally be accessed by anyone other than the EST_Item.

o Constructor Functions

o EST_Item_Content()
Default constructor

o EST_Item_Content(const EST_Item_Content &content)
Copy constructor

o ~EST_Item_Content()

oEST_Features f
General features for this item

oconst EST_String name() const
return the name of the item, eg. the name of the phone or the text of the word

ovoid set_name(const EST_String &s)
set name

o Relation related member functions

This class has no child classes.
ostream& operator << (ostream &s, const EST_Item_Content &a)
class EST_Item

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This page is part of the Edinburgh Speech Tools Library documentation
Copyright University of Edinburgh 1997