In file ../include/EST_Pathname.h:

class EST_Pathname

Class representing pathnames.


Inherited from EST_String:

Public Fields

ostatic const char* version
ostatic const EST_String Empty

Split a string into parts.

[more]int max

Public Methods

oint length(void) const
oint space(void) const
oconst char* str(void) const
ochar* updatable_str(void)
ostatic EST_String FromChar(const char c)
ostatic EST_String Number(int i, int base=10)
ostatic EST_String Number(long i, int base=10)
ostatic EST_String Number(double d)
ostatic EST_String Number(float f)
oint Int(bool &ok) const
olong Long(bool &ok) const
ofloat Float(bool &ok) const
odouble Double(bool &ok) const


[more]EST_String before(int pos, int len=0) const
Part before position
[more]EST_String before(const char* s, int pos=0) const
Part before first matching substring after pos
[more]EST_String before(const EST_String &s, int pos=0) const
Part before first matching substring after pos
[more]EST_String before(EST_Regex &e, int pos=0) const
Part before first match of regexp after pos


[more]EST_String at(int from, int len=0) const
Return part at position
[more]EST_String at(const char* s, int pos=0) const
Return part where substring found (not useful, included for completeness)
[more]EST_String at(const EST_String &s, int pos=0) const
Return part where substring found (not useful, included for completeness)
[more]EST_String at(EST_Regex &e, int pos=0) const
Return part matching regexp


[more]EST_String after(int pos, int len=1) const
Part after pos+len
[more]EST_String after(const char* s, int pos=0) const
Part after substring
[more]EST_String after(const EST_String &s, int pos=0) const
Part after substring
[more]EST_String after(EST_Regex &e, int pos=0) const
Part after match of regular expression

Search for something

[more]int search(const char* s, int len, int &mlen, int pos=0) const
Find a substring
[more]int search(const EST_String s, int &mlen, int pos=0) const
Find a substring
[more]int search(EST_Regex &re, int &mlen, int pos=0, int* starts=NULL, int* ends=NULL) const
Find a match of the regular expression

Get position of something

[more]int index(const char* s, int pos=0) const
Position of substring (starting at pos)
[more]int index(const EST_String &s, int pos=0) const
Position of substring (starting at pos)
[more]int index(EST_Regex &ex, int pos=0) const
Position of match of regexp (starting at pos)

Does string contain something?

[more]int contains(const char* s, int pos=-1) const
Does it contain this substring?
[more]int contains(const EST_String &s, int pos=-1) const
Does it contain this substring?
[more]int contains(const char c, int pos=-1) const
Does it contain this character?
[more]int contains(EST_Regex &ex, int pos=-1) const
Does it contain a match for this regular expression?

Does string exactly match?

[more]int matches(const char* e, int pos=0) const
Exatly match this string?
[more]int matches(const EST_String &e, int pos=0) const
Exatly match this string?
[more]int matches(EST_Regex &e, int pos=0, int* starts=NULL, int* ends=NULL) const
Exactly matches this regular expression, can return ends of sub-expressions

Global replacement

[more]int gsub(const char* os, const EST_String &s)
Substitute one string for another
[more]int gsub(const char* os, const char* s)
Substitute one string for another
[more]int gsub(const EST_String &os, const EST_String &s)
Substitute one string for another
[more]int gsub(const EST_String &os, const char* s)
Substitute one string for another
[more]int gsub(EST_Regex &ex, const EST_String &s)
Substitute string for matches of regular expression
[more]int gsub(EST_Regex &ex, const char* s)
Substitute string for matches of regular expression
[more]int gsub(EST_Regex &ex, int bracket_num)
Substitute string for matches of regular expression
[more]int subst(EST_String source, int (&starts)[EST_Regex_max_subexpressions], int (&ends)[EST_Regex_max_subexpressions])
Substitute the result of a match into a string

Frequency counts

[more]int freq(const char* s) const
Number of occurances of substring
[more]int freq(const EST_String &s) const
Number of occurances of substring
[more]int freq(EST_Regex &s) const
Number of matches of regular expression


[more]EST_String quote(const char quotec) const
Return the string in quotes with internal quotes protected
[more]EST_String quote_if_needed(const char quotec) const
Return in quotes if there is something to protect (eg.
[more]EST_String unquote(const char quotec) const
Remove quotes and unprotect internal quotes
[more]EST_String unquote_if_needed(const char quotec) const
Remove quotes if any


[more]const char operator () (int i) const
Function style access to constant strings
[more]char& operator [] (int i)
Array style access to writable strings
[more] operator const char*() const
Cast to const char * by simply giving access to pointer
[more] operator char*()
Cast to char *, may involve copying
[more] Add to end of string.

[more]EST_String& operator += (const char* b)
Add C string to end of EST_String
[more]EST_String& operator += (const EST_String b)
Add EST_String to end of EST_String

[more] Asignment

[more]EST_String& operator = (const char* str)
Assign C string to EST_String
[more]EST_String& operator = (const char c)
Assign single character to EST_String
[more]EST_String& operator = (const EST_String &s)
Assign EST_String to EST_String

[more] Concatenation
[more] relational operators

[more]return b
[more] return(a==b)
[more]return compare(a, b)

String comparison.

[more]return compare(b, a)
[more] Case folded comparison.

[more]const EST_String& table return fcompare(a, b, (const unsigned char* )(const char* )table)

ostatic EST_String cat(const EST_String s1, const EST_String s2 = Empty, const EST_String s3 = Empty, const EST_String s4 = Empty, const EST_String s5 = Empty, const EST_String s6 = Empty, const EST_String s7 = Empty, const EST_String s8 = Empty, const EST_String s9 = Empty )


otypedef int EST_string_size


Class representing pathnames. Makes common filename manipulations available as methods. Different implementations are provided for different systems.

This class has no child classes.
EST_Pathname operator + (const EST_Pathname p, const EST_Pathname addition)
EST_Pathname operator + (const char *p, const EST_Pathname addition)

Alphabetic index HTML hierarchy of classes or Java

This page is part of the Edinburgh Speech Tools Library documentation
Copyright University of Edinburgh 1997