In file ../include/EST_TDeque.h:

template<class T> class EST_TDeque

Double ended queue.

Public Fields

[more]static const T* Filler
Used to fill empty spaces when possible

Public Methods

[more]void clear (void)
Empty it out
[more]bool is_empty (void) const
Is there anything to get?
[more]ostream& print (ostream &s) const
print picture of state.


Double ended queue.

ostatic const T* Filler
Used to fill empty spaces when possible

ovoid clear(void)
Empty it out

obool is_empty(void) const
Is there anything to get?

oostream& print(ostream &s) const
print picture of state. Mostly useful for debugging.

o stack
An interface looking like a stack.

o inverse stack
The other end as a stack.

o queue
An interface looking like a queue.

o perl
For people who think in perl

This class has no child classes.
ostream& operator << (ostream &st, const EST_TDeque< T > &deq)
Richard Caley <>

Alphabetic index HTML hierarchy of classes or Java

This page is part of the Edinburgh Speech Tools Library documentation
Copyright University of Edinburgh 1997