In file ../include/EST_THash.h:
template<class K, class V> class EST_THash |
An open hash table.
Pair Iteration
| |||||||||||||||||
Key Iteration
EST_THash (int size, unsigned int (*hash_function)(const K &key, unsigned int size)= NULL) Create a table with the given number of buckets. | |
EST_THash (const EST_THash<K, V> &from) Create a copy | |
~EST_THash (void) Destroy the table | |
void | clear (void) Empty the table |
unsigned int | num_entries (void) const Return the total number of entries in the table |
int | present (const K &key) const Does the key have an entry? |
V& | val (const K &key, int &found) const Return the value associated with the key. |
V& | val (const K &key) const Return the value associated with the key |
void | copy (const EST_THash<K, V> &from) Copy all entries |
void | map (void (*func)(K&, V&)) Apply <parameter>func</parameter> to each entry in the table |
int | add_item (const K &key, const V &value, int no_search = 0) Add an entry to the table |
int | remove_item (const K &rkey, int quiet = 0) Remove an entry from the table |
EST_THash<K,V> & | operator = (const EST_THash<K, V> &from) Assignment is a copy operation |
void | dump (ostream &stream, int all=0) Print the table to <parameter>stream</parameter> in a human readable format |
An open hash table. The number of buckets should be set to allow enough space that there are relatively few entries per bucket on average.
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Copyright University of Edinburgh 1997