In file ../include/EST_SCFG.h:

class EST_bracketed_string

This class represents a bracted string used in training of SCFGs.

Public Methods

[more] EST_bracketed_string ()
[more] EST_bracketed_string (LISP string)
[more] ~EST_bracketed_string ()
[more]void set_bracketed_string (LISP string)
[more]int length () const
[more]LISP string () const
[more]const EST_String symbol_at (int i) const
The nth symbol in the string
[more]int valid (int i, int k) const
If a bracketing from i to k is valid in string
[more]int operator != (const EST_bracketed_string &a) const
[more] (void)


This class represents a bracted string used in training of SCFGs.

An object in this class builds an index of valid bracketing of the string. Thus offering both a tree like access and direct access to the leafs of the tree. The definition of ``valid bracketing'' is any substring

that doesn't cross any brackets.
o EST_bracketed_string()

o EST_bracketed_string(LISP string)

o ~EST_bracketed_string()

ovoid set_bracketed_string(LISP string)

oint length() const

oLISP string() const

oconst EST_String symbol_at(int i) const
The nth symbol in the string

oint valid(int i, int k) const
If a bracketing from i to k is valid in string

oint operator !=(const EST_bracketed_string &a) const

o (void)

This class has no child classes.
ostream& operator << (ostream &s, const EST_bracketed_string &a)

Alphabetic index HTML hierarchy of classes or Java

This page is part of the Edinburgh Speech Tools Library documentation
Copyright University of Edinburgh 1997