In file ../include/sigpr/EST_sigpr_frame.h:

void make_mel_triangular_filter

(const float this_mel_centre,
  const float this_mel_low,
  const float this_mel_high,
  const float Hz_per_fft_coeff,
  const int half_fft_order,
  int &fft_index_start,
  EST_FVector &filter)

Make a triangular Mel scale filter.


Make a triangular Mel scale filter. The filter is centred at this_mel_centre and extends from this_mel_low to this_mel_high. half_fft_order is the length of a power/energy spectrum covering 0Hz to half the sampling frequency with a resolution of Hz_per_fft_coeff.

The routine returns a vector of weights to be applied to the energy/power spectrum starting at element fft_index_start. The number of points (FFT coefficients) covered by the filter is given by the length of the returned vector filter.

See Also:

Alphabetic index HTML hierarchy of classes or Java

This page is part of the Edinburgh Speech Tools Library documentation
Copyright University of Edinburgh 1997