In file ../include/EST_FMatrix.h:

class EST_FVector

A vector class for floating point numbers.


Public Methods

[more] EST_FVector (int n)
Size constructor
[more] EST_FVector (const EST_FVector &a)
Copy constructor
[more] EST_FVector ()
Default constructor
[more]EST_FVector& operator*= (const EST_FVector &s)
elementwise multiply
[more]EST_FVector& operator+= (const EST_FVector &s)
elementwise add
[more]EST_FVector& operator*= (const float f)
elementwise multiply by scalar
[more]EST_FVector& operator/= (const float f)
elementwise divide by scalar
[more]EST_write_status save (const EST_String &filename, const EST_String &type)
save vector to file <tt> filename</tt>
[more]EST_read_status load (const EST_String &filename)
load vector from file <tt> filename</tt>
[more]EST_read_status est_load (const EST_String &filename)
Load from file in est format (binary/ascii defined in file itself)

Inherited from EST_TSimpleVector:

Public Methods

ovoid resize(int n, int set=1)
oEST_TSimpleVector& operator=(const EST_TSimpleVector<T> &s)
ovoid zero(void)
ovoid empty(void)

Inherited from EST_TVector:

Public Fields

oT* p_memory
ounsigned int p_num_columns
ounsigned int p_offset
ostatic const T* def_val
ostatic T* error_return

Public Methods

oINLINE unsigned int vcell_pos(unsigned int c, unsigned int cs) const
oINLINE const T& fast_a_v(int c) const
ovoid set_values(const T* data, int step, int start_c, int num_c)
ovoid copy(const EST_TVector<T> &a)
ovoid copy_data(const EST_TVector<T> &a)
ovoid just_resize(int new_cols, T** old_vals)
ovoid default_vals()
oconst T* memory() const


[more]int num_columns() const
number of items in vector
[more]int length() const
number of items in vector
[more]int n() const
number of items in vector
[more]INLINE const T& a_no_check(int n) const
read-only const access operator: without bounds checking
[more]INLINE T& a_no_check(int n)
read/write non-const access operator: without bounds checking
[more]INLINE const T& a_no_check_1(int n) const
read-only const access operator: without bounds checking
[more]INLINE T& a_no_check_1(int n)
read/write non-const access operator: without bounds checking
[more]const T& a_check(int n) const
read-only const access operator: with bounds checking
[more]T& a_check(int n)
read/write non-const access operator: with bounds checking
[more]const T& operator () (int n) const
read-only const access operator: return reference to nth member
[more]T& operator [] (int n)
read/write non const access operator: return reference to nth member

ovoid fill(const T &v)
oint operator == (const EST_TVector &v) const
oint operator != (const EST_TVector &v) const
ovoid copy_section(T* dest, int offset=0, int num=-1) const
ovoid sub_vector(EST_TVector<T> &sv, int start_c=0, int len=-1)
ovoid integrity() const


A vector class for floating point numbers. EST_FVector x should be used instead of float *x wherever possible.
o EST_FVector(int n)
Size constructor

o EST_FVector(const EST_FVector &a)
Copy constructor

o EST_FVector()
Default constructor

oEST_FVector& operator*=(const EST_FVector &s)
elementwise multiply

oEST_FVector& operator+=(const EST_FVector &s)
elementwise add

oEST_FVector& operator*=(const float f)
elementwise multiply by scalar

oEST_FVector& operator/=(const float f)
elementwise divide by scalar

oEST_write_status save(const EST_String &filename, const EST_String &type)
save vector to file <tt> filename</tt>

oEST_read_status load(const EST_String &filename)
load vector from file <tt> filename</tt>

oEST_read_status est_load(const EST_String &filename)
Load from file in est format (binary/ascii defined in file itself)

This class has no child classes.

Alphabetic index HTML hierarchy of classes or Java

This page is part of the Edinburgh Speech Tools Library documentation
Copyright University of Edinburgh 1997