In file ../include/sigpr/EST_sigpr_frame.h:

void sig2lpc

(const EST_FVector &sig, EST_FVector &acf,
  EST_FVector &ref, EST_FVector &lpc)

Produce the full set of linear prediction coefficients from a frame of speech waveform.


Produce the full set of linear prediction coefficients from a frame of speech waveform.

sig - : the frame of input waveform
acf - : the autocorrelation coefficients
ref - : the reflection coefficients
lpc - : the LPC coefficients The order of the lpc analysis is given as the size of the <parameter> lpc <parameter> vector - 1. The coefficients are placed in the locations 1 - size, and the energy is placed in location 0.

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This page is part of the Edinburgh Speech Tools Library documentation
Copyright University of Edinburgh 1997