Local Content
Most of these documents aren't maintained by the MIT SIPB Webmasters. Comments about them
should be sent to the documents' maintainer, since we may not be able to do
anything about their content. Let us know if you have stuff that you'd
like added.
- There's the SIPB itself.
- SIPB documents, for learning about
everything from AFS, to Linux, to Zephyr, to SIPB itself.
- Bryn and Bamf's wedding
photo album. Why? "It's fun. It's unique ... It's the only place on
the web you can see Marc Horowitz and Jeremy Brown in tuxedos."
- If you're a member of the MIT community, you should read André
DeHon's security
assessment for the MIT Card.
- If you administer a Unix system at MIT (even if it's a PC that
only occasionally runs a Unix system such as Linux or NetBSD) you
should read some new information about
security so that your system isn't compromised by intruders.
- The MIT FL&L
Foreign News and Magazines Page contains over 300 links to news sources
in 8 foreign languages.
- The MIT Hack
Gallery. Your favorite hacks are here, from the CP Car on the Dome, to
the Cathedral of Our Lady of the All-Night Tool.
- A collection of writings
and resources on women in computer science and engineering, women on
the Net, women's studies, etc.
- LSC has movie schedules and other
information online.
- A listing of parties and other upcoming
local social events.
- MIT is currently helping to establish a
Boston Area gigaPoP.
As of October 1997, Internet traffic from MIT to
Harvard is using part of the
new facility.
- The MIT Media Lab
- Test your ability with a Java Poker game at the
MIT Media Lab.
- The Media
Lab's postcards server. No, it has nothing to do with the SIPB server,
and yes, it's been around a while, but it's still cool.
- Lurker
is an interactive web game/movie written here at the MIT Media Lab.
- Useful info for Cambridge
- This is an interactive cinematic experience that highlights MIT student actors and the Boston
underground club and music scene.
- Companies started by MIT people. The
list is too short, so if you are MIT-community and own a company, submit
the URL!
- A Java based Solitaire
- Test your ability with a Java Poker game at the
MIT Media Lab.
- Lurker
is an interactive web game/movie written here at the MIT Media Lab.
- XEvil, a blood-n-guts game for
UNIX boxes, is available here. Hey, the more UNIX games in the world, the
- Hey, rei's good old html
Choose-Your-Own-Adventure-like game "The CyberMUD". Give it a shot
sometime. It's well over a year old. It must be a classic!
- Matthew Gray and various SIPB members present: Madlibs!
- Playbill On-Line's Theatre
Central page, originally developed by
Andrew Q. Kraft.
"Anything and everything that you could ever imagine in
the world of theatre on the Web is here," says enthusiastic creator.
- The
Tech Classics Archive. Hey, classics can be fun (like when you're
punting your 8.05 problem set). Everything from the Iliad to Herodotus'
- Some people want to make science fun... These people want to make
science silly.
- Edupage, a column on
information technology provided by a consortium of leading colleges and