SIPB Icon Contest

We have redesigned our home page and we need new icons. The icons that appear on top level page currently, are temporary. We ask you to provide us with new icons.

Contest Description: Short Form

What you do: Provide us with 6 icons, to replace the 6 that appear below. They must be 50x50 GIFs, less than 2.5 kilobytes each, and must be given to us for unlimited, credited use. The deadline for entries is December 1st, 1997.

What you get: Fame. On our help page, we will credit you, and include a link, if so desired. You may of course let it be publicly known that you created the icons on

Rules: Icons may be submitted to by sending us a URL to a page that lets us view all of the icons you are submitting. will judge the icons by our own arbitrary criteria and select a winner. See also the detailed rules.

Contest Description: Detailed Form

What you do

The minimum submission is replacements for the below five icons. All must be 50x50 GIFs no larger than 2.5 kilobytes. You may also include in your submission a substitute banner to replace the one currently at the top of the home page. If you do so, it must incorporate some form of the text "MIT SIPB Web Server". Other text may be included, including but not limited to "" and "Student Information Processing Board". The banner must be designed to be placed next to the fuzzball or must incorporate the fuzzball in the banner itself. Additionally, a second set of larger (greater than 50x50, but smaller than 250x150) versions of the icons may be submitted for use at the top of the pages pointed to by each icon.

What you get

We will credit your icons on our help page and include a link, if you so desire. gets in excess of 300,000 hits daily, so your work and credit will be widely seen. We are not offering any other prize.


In order to submit a set of icons, send mail to with subject line "Icon Contest" containing a URL at which we can view all of the icons you have prepared. If you do not have any way of putting up such a web page, we unfortunately cannot accomodate your submission.

Additionally, you must grant a free, unlimited license to use your icons.

Multiple entries from individuals are welcome.

We particularly encourage MIT students, faculty, staff, alumni and affiliates to enter.

Judging will be performed by the MIT SIPB Webmasters.

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