Autonomous Drones for Air Pollution Tracking (ADAPT)

Motion Planning, Wind Dispersion Modeling, Data Visualization, Sensor Integration, Automation


Project Overview

Ongoing project: Project Completion Spring 2021

Over half of the world’s population has no access to official government data on air quality, despite the fact that nine out of 10 people breathe air containing high levels of pollutants. In the US alone, particulate matter 2.5 (PM 2.5) Levels cause 200,000 early deaths in the US each year. For decades, people living next to sources of pollution lacked evidence that could convince regulators and polluters that they were being harmed. We aim to create a network of autonomous UAVs with on-board PM 2.5 sensors that collect and share accurate and real time air quality data over large areas. Data will be displayed through a live, interactive web application.


Jeana Choi, Daniel Gonzalez-Diaz, Chloe Nelson, Rima Rebei, Berke Saat, Leilani Trautman

Control Architecture


Air Pollution Visualization Web App Flow Chart


Hardware for Pollution and Wind Sensing and Cellular Data Transfer
